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1、Unit9 Marketing Strategies,Part One Warm-up,How many marketing strategies do you know? Discuss this question with your partners in groups.,Key to the Question in Warm-up,(1)Product extension(产品延伸策略) (2)Product adaptation (产品适应策略) (3)Product invention (产品创新策略) For more details, read the passage of Pa

2、rt Four Business Knowledge of this unit on the textbook.,Part Two Situational Dialogues Dialogue 1,joint venture 合资企业,I would also receive joint venture offers or requests in the email. 在电子邮件里,我也会收到一些联合企业的提供和要求。 The joint venture is not up and running, because China lacks laws covering wealth manage

3、ment. 由于中国缺少针对财富管理的法律,这方面的合资企业尚未启动。,tariff trif n. 关税,tariff barriers 关税壁垒 tariff system 关税制度 tariff cartel 关税同盟 tariff rate 关税税率,Part Two Situational Dialogues Dialogue 2,appearance n. 外观,appearance quality 外观质量 personal appearance 个人形象,仪表 elegant appearance 美观大方 The car is not bad in appearance. 这

4、辆小车外表看起来还不赖。,property prpti n. 性能,mechanical property 机械性能 real property 不动产 intellectual property 知识产权 property right 产权 He settled his property on his friend. 他把财产赠给了他的朋友。,Part Two Situational Dialogues Dialogue 3,feasible fizib()l adj. 可行的,We all think this proposal feasible. 大家认为这个建议是可行的。 This i

5、s because it is not always feasible to consolidate enterprise data into a data mart or warehouse. 这是因为,将企业数据合并到专用数据栈或数据仓库之内并不总是可行。,Part Three Classroom Activities,Activity 1,Marketing strategy plays an important role in the development of an enterprise. If your company has produced a new product and

6、 needs a marketing plan to promote the sale of products. What can you do? Discuss this topic with your partners and then make a dialogue to show what and how you have discussed.,Sample dialogue (part 1),A: So, do you have a marketing plan for our new product? B: Yes, I do. After weeks of marketing r

7、esearch, I think we are in good shape. One of our main strengths is the fine quality of our new product, so there must be a good market opportunity for the novelty of our product. Since our company already has a good image, I dont see many weaknesses. A: I assume we dont need to worry about creating

8、 a need, with the selling season almost here. B: Right. As for the marketing mix, we might as well alter the package of our product. The main promotion will be through advertising next month, using a “pull“ strategy, of course. We havent finalized our ads yet, so III have to let you know.,Sample dia

9、logue (part 2),A: As for ads, have you got any new ideas? B: Yes. The market is going to go up of course during the selling season. Therefore, I think we should put more emphasis on ads in the low season. A: It sounds good! We can do some comparative advertising. Our product is definitely better tha

10、n the competitions. B: Yes. We may also use a variety of media for full coverage. First of all, well have some outdoor ads using billboards near the entrances to big cities. At the same time, well do 15-second radio commercials 3 times a day in selected cities with large populations. Finally, well h

11、ave 30-second spots on television once a day for 3 weeks. A: Sounds like an ideal approach.,Activity 2,If you are a salesman of electric bicycles, now you need to recommend your latest electric bicycle to a customer. Do you know how to persuade him to purchase your products? Exchange your opinions w

12、ith your partners about the questions and then make a dialogue to show what and how you have discussed.,Sample dialogue (part 1),A: Good afternoon, Mr. Green. B: Good afternoon, Mr. Wang. A: Im very glad to have the opportunity to recommend to you our latest electric bicycle of this year. B: What ab

13、out the functions? A: It combines the strong points of motorcycles and bicycles. It runs faster than the bicycle, powered either physically or electrically. And it doesnt burn gas and discharges no pollutants. B: Sounds great. Have you looked into the sales? A: Such products will gain in popularity

14、because of their fine quality and competitive prices. They will be well marketable in your area.,Sample dialogue (part 2),B: Good. But it looks so stout in some parts. Wont it be too heavy? A: No, it wont. We have bikes for gents and ladies of different sizes and various colors. The largest size has

15、 a net weight of around 17.5 kilos, and the smallest size about 16 kilos only, even lighter than an average bicycle. B: Thats impressive.,Activity 3,You are the sales manager of Children Toy Company, and you would like to recommend your products to Mr. Leo, a regular customer. You need to let him kn

16、ow the model and the price. Try your best to make a dialogue in pairs.,Sample dialogue (part 1),A: Good morning. Mr. Leo, my name is Chen Xiao and I come here to see whether you have interest in our new toys. B: Yes, Im very interested in toys for children. A: Right. Here is a brochure for some new models. Please have a look. B: OK. Could you tell me something about them? A: Certainly. The toys on these pages are machine toys, electronic toys and intellectual to


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