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1、书面表达常见问题解答,河南省淮阳一高外语组,2009.10.12,1.字数凑不够怎么办? 对于开放式作文,从内容上下工夫。比如:多写几个要点,多举几个例子,此处不再赘述。 对于控制性作文,可以适当增加细节。以2009年全国I卷为例,在表达第一个要点“外出购物需要留便条”时,有两种版本:,1I will go shopping and leave this note to you. 2I am going shopping with my friends this afternoon but you happen to be out, so I have to leave this note t

2、o you. 显然,句1只述梗概,显得单薄;而句2则运用细节,内容充实;尤其是连词的使用,使得行文连贯,很好地表达出了该要点。,第三个要点“Tracy留言要求尽快回电”也有两种表达方法: 3She asked you to call her back as soon as possible. 4She said that she would appreciate it if you could call her back as soon as possible.,不难看出,4句运用细节,形象鲜明。其谦恭之态,急切之情,跃然纸上,呼之欲出,令人难忘。,2.我的文章干巴巴的怎么办? 中学生书面表达

3、,往往边看要点边逐条翻译,势必单调枯燥,味同嚼蜡。这就需要我们做些“添枝加叶、添油加醋”的工作。比如:在记叙文中,表达要点的同时时我们可以谈谈感受;议论文、说明文中,表达要点时顺便谈谈其作用、意义、原因等。我们再来看全国I卷,还是第三个要点:“Tracy来电留言,咖啡屋见面取消”。试比较:,5Tracy called and said the meeting at Boltol Coffee was put off. 6Tracy called while you were out, saying that she couldnt make it for the appoinment at B

4、olton Coffee, as she had something important to attend to.,2009年北京卷看图写话,描写植树过程。下面两句中的划线部分信息,属于作者的“无中生有”: 7Seeing the lines of trees, we had a sense of achievement.(2009北京卷) 8 In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and laughing all the way. (2009北京卷),显然,有了这些句子,文章显得有血有肉,血肉丰

5、满。说白了,只要在写作中把非限制性定语从句、-ing分词作状语、插入语等语法项目恰当地学以致用,我们的文章就不会枯燥乏味,毫无生机。,3.我的文章逻辑性不强怎么办? 有些试卷所给要点琐碎,体现不出逻辑性。这就需要我们归纳、整理、筛选,看看它们到底是因果关系、并列关系、还是递进关系?然后,先面后点,先总后分,并用适当的连词把诸要点有机地连接起来。,以2009年江苏卷为例:先写鼠标的优点,再写鼠标的缺点。不难判断这属于转折或让步关系: 9Convenient as it is(让步关系), the mouse can also have some negative effects in our d

6、aily life.(2009江苏卷),再看全国II卷第4个要点:介绍北京改建后的前门大街特色:步行街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等。我们经过分析发现:“特色”是总括;“步行街”却有“当当车”是转折;茶馆、剧院,店铺是并列。,10The street has many features. For example(举例), it is a pedestrain street, but (转折)there are trolley cars to take you to shops, as well as (并列)many theatres and teahouses, where (补充说明)you ca

7、n taste a truly Chinese way of life.(2009全国卷II),全国II卷第3个要点:交通方式,公共汽车17、69、59等路,地铁2号线。无疑这应该是并列关系,可以用and,too或also表达:,11Located south of Tiananmen Square, it is convenient to get there by busBuses No. 17, 59, and 69 run through it. You can also have the alternative of (并列)taking Subway Line 2 to get th

8、ere. (2009全国卷II),12As the street is located south of Tiananmen Square, you can arrive there by Buses No. 17, 59, and 69, to name just a few(举例). Subway Line 2 has a stop there, too(并列). (2009全国卷II),说到并列关系,对于中国人来说,最头疼的莫过于对一堆数字的表达了。我们往往是堆砌数字,记流水账。其实,罗列事物不一定非得使用并列句;相反,在简单句中使用with结构是个不错的选择。请看全国II卷第1个要点:

9、长800余米、600多年历史、300余家商铺。,13As a famous street with a history of over 600 years, it stretches itself to a length of over 800 metres, with more than 300 shops lining it. 下面介绍给大家一些常用的逻辑关系纽带:,表示顺序: firstly, second, then, next, finally, last but not least 递进关系: in addition, moreover, besides, above all, f

10、urther, furthermore, whats more,对比关系: whereas, in contrast, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand 转折关系:However, nevertheless, still 选择关系:or, alternatively 因果关系:consequently, accordingly, as a result, thus, therefore,表示举例:For example, for instance,takefor example. 表示解释:That is to say, in other w

11、ords, namely, to put it simply 表示总结:In conclusion, in a word, in brief, in short,4.我的文章累赘拉杂怎么办? 中学生文章拉杂主要表现在:无原则地使用主从复合句;无原则地使用并列复合句。本来一个词就可以就可以表达的内容,有些同学偏偏用一个从句。,如He speaks English like a person whose mother tongue is English。其实He speaks English like a native speaker足矣,简洁明了。我们来看看2009年重庆卷的第一个要点自我介绍的

12、两种版本:,14I am Li Hua. I am a student from Xin Hua Middle School. I am a person who often visits your website.(2009重庆卷) 15I am Li Hua, a student from Xin Hua Middle School and also a loyal netizen to your website.,显然,句15较前一个句子简洁有力。“简洁乃写作之灵魂(Brevity is the soul of writing)”。在做书面表达时,一定要牢记短语优越于从句,简单句优越于复

13、合句,尽可能做到长短句结合。,此外,使用替代和省略也是避免累赘拉杂的一个重要方法。如全国I卷可以用She has already told Susan about this change.表达“已告知Susan咖啡屋见面取消”;江苏卷可以用it或the device代替mouse。,在就某一举措写发表看法时,下面这些词可以化繁为简,以一当十:the move(此举); this measure(该措施); the practice(这种做法;此风);this idea(这种观点).,5.如何写好文章的开头? 英语的思维习惯是:先重要后次要。所以,开头最好开门见山,直抒胸臆。 以高考中常考的书信

14、体为例,我们就可以这样开头: 信件开头示例一:,Dear Tom, I am now back in China sound and safe. In this letter I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you for your kind assistance in my English learning when I was in New York.,Additionally, your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and tr

15、ansformed my first American trip into a unforgettable memory.(2009年山东卷),信件开头示例二: Dear Bob, Im so glad to learn that youre coming in September. Ive found a place for you.(2003年全国卷),信件开头示例三: Dear Andy, I am glad to learn that you are coming to China and will stay at my home.(2004全国卷II),信件开头示例四: Dear P

16、aul, I am so glad that you are planning to take a summer course in China.(2005年全国卷),信件开头示例五: Dear Steve, Im so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese,信件开头示例六: Dear Nick, Im glad to hear that youre coming to Sichuan in August,回信开头示例一: Dear Mr Smith, I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school.(1999全国卷),回信开头示例二: Dear Mr. Green, I am very excited to learn that we are going to start a magazine together. It is indeed a



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