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1、Unit 6 How often do you exercise?,Section B 3a-3c,Lead in,Talk about your good habits.,I read English books every day.,I usually help with the housework.,I always exercise.,I drink milk every day.,I never stay up late.,Talk about your bad habits.,I use the Internet every day.,I often eat hamburgers.

2、,I watch TV for over two hours every day.,I hardly ever go to the dentist (看牙医).,I dont like vegetables.,Read English every day. Listen to English tapes every day. Sing English songs. Watch English programs. Try to talk in English. Read English newspapers/magazines. Write letters/diaries in English

3、Make an English pen pal.,The good habits of English study,How often do you eat vegetable? How often do you eat fruits? How often do you drink milk? How often do you eat junk food? How often do you eat meat? How often do you exercise? What sports do you play? How many hours do you sleep every night?,

4、Free talk: Talk about your habits.,New Words,1. however 副词,意为“然而,可是”,表示转折关系,可放在句首、句中、句末。 e.g. I was hungry, however, she gave me some water. 我很饿,但她却给了一些水。 My father, however, didnt drive there. 可是我父亲没有开车去那里。,2. more than,意为“多于”,相当于over; 其反义词为less than ,意为“少于” e.g. It never takes more than/over half

5、an hour to get to school. 到达学校用时从未超过半小时。 Theyll stay there for less than three days. 他们将在呆在那里不到三天。,Look at the information in the chart and complete the report.,3a,3b Complete the chart with your own information. In the last column, use expressions like always, every day, twice a week and never.,Jan

6、e is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books _. Also, she _drinks juice and she _ stays up late.,usually,every day,hardly ever,However, she has some bad habi

7、ts, too. She _ watches TV for more than two hours a day, and she _ eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she _ helps with housework and she _ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid.,always,sometimes,hardly ever,never,every day,always,Complete the chart with

8、your own information. In the last column, use expressions like always, every day, twice a week and never.,3b,every day,never,twice a week,always,often,twice a week,hardly ever,never,_ _ _ _,Write a report about your good and bad habits. Say how often you do things. Use the report in 3a as an example

9、.,3c,Writing,本文为写自己日常生活中的好习惯与坏习惯。因此,应用一般现在时态。 首先,应在将自己的好坏习惯列个清单,标明自己做这些事情的频率。 然后,依次将这些事情完整地表达出来。 最后,通读一遍自己的文章,看有没有错误的地方。,写作指导,One possible version:,Now, its your turn. Try your best.,I have lots of good habits. I exercise every day. I always read books. I eat fruit every day. I drink milk twice a we

10、ek. I never stay up late. But I have some bad habits, too. I always watch TV for two hours a day. I use the Internet twice a week. I hardly ever help with housework. I never go to the dentist.,4.Take the health quiz.,1.How often do you eat breakfast? a. Never b.A few minutes a week c. Almost every d

11、ay. 2.How often do you eat fast food? a. Never b. A few minutes a week c. Almost every day 3.How often do you eat vegetables and fruit? a. Never b. A few minutes a week c. Almost every day 4.How often do you exercise? a. A few minutes a year b. A few minutes a month c.A few minutes a week 5.How many

12、 hours do you watch TV every week? a. None b. One to four c. Five or more 6.How many hours do you usually sleep at night? a. Less than six. b. Six or seven c. Eight or more,1.a=0, b=1,c=2 2.a=2, b=1,c=0 3.a=0, b=1,c=2 4.a=0, b=1,c=2 5.a=2, b=1,c=0 6.a=0, b=1,c=2,9-12points: Youre really healthy! Goo

13、d for you- and your health! 4-8points: Youre smart about health most of the time. 0-3points: You have to learn more about healthy habits. Dont worry- you can do it!,Are you healthy?,1. The old man _(锻炼) every morning. 2. I often _ (购物) on weekends. 3. We must _ (保持 ) our classroom clean. 4. There ar

14、e some _(不同) between the two pictures.,I. Fill in the blanks.,exercises,shop,keep,differences,Exercises,5. He _ (几乎不) goes to a restaurant for dinner. 6. Katrina doesnt often _ (喝) coffee, she likes green tea. 7. My eating _(习惯) are not very good.,hardly ever,drink,habits,. 单项选择,1. I like English ve

15、ry much, so I _ listen to the tape in the morning. A. usually B. hardly ever C. never 2. Milk is good _ our _. A. to; healthy B. to; health C. for; healthy D. for; health,A,D,3. What does your father do in the evening? He usually _. A. watch TV B. exercise C. reads books 4. _ students in your class are from Beijing? Only one. A. How often B. How many C. How much,C,B,5. _ do you go skating? Every day. A. How often B. How many C. When 6. Most



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