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1、,Unit15 Intercultural Business Communication,Situational Practice,Build up a dialogue with your partner based on the following situations. You are at a bank and talk to the bank clerk about opening a bank account. You tell him/her what account youd like to open and ask for necessary information abou

2、t how to apply for it. You are at a bank and talk to the bank clerk about applying for a credit card. You ask him/her how to apply for it, how to use it correctly and the difference between a credit card and a debit card.,Task 1 Recognizing Cultural Differences,Work in pairs. Think about your own co

3、untry or home city. Describe some of the features of its visible culture, e.g. food, clothes, entertainment, festival and language, etc. And then think about the invisible culture of your country or home city. Discuss the questions with your partner. What kinds of attitudes and values do people view

4、 as important? What would a tourist notice most readily about your visible culture? Exchange ideas with another pair and make a list of the differences.,Background: Acknowledging and accommodating cultural differences without expecting others to give up their identity is an important step toward com

5、municating effectively. “It is not enough to treat people the way you want to be treated. But you have to treat people the way they want to be treated.” Do you agree with this quotation? How do you understand it?,Task 2 Bridging Cultural Differences,Work in pairs. Discuss the issue with your partner

6、. You will have 810 minutes for the discussion. If you dont agree, you are encouraged to argue or bring up new points. Describe your own experiences and support your argument with examples. Listen carefully and note down the key points on what your partner has said. Keep the conversation going and p

7、repare a report on the discussion. After the discussion, you will share the ideas as a class.,Task 3 What Values Do We Live by?,The whole class stand up and move around the classroom. Interview as many students as possible and find out their opinions on cross-cultural differences. Talk to them and a

8、sk them to compare the average Chinese to the average American. Design a questionnaire based on the following aspects:,In what way we differ? What are the trouble you have encountered when communicating with Americans? Are we becoming more alike? Why (not)? Nowadays, the major concerns of most Ameri

9、cans are immigration, politics, crime, drug use, and unemployment, etc. What do you think are most Chinese peoples major concerns?,How can knowledge of these values explain many things about Americans? And which list more nearly represents the Chinese values? What typical values do Chinese live by?

10、Do you agree with the above categorization? In what way do you think it can be modified?,Ask them to relate to their real-life experience and give examples when necessary. Write down the information gathered during the interview or immediately after the interview. Prepare a report to summarize your

11、findings. First talk about what the interviewees said. Then make comparisons between the different cultures. Think about the similarities or differences that prove. Discuss why there exist such differences or similarities and how to bridge the differences. Do not make judgments about one point of vi

12、ew being “better” than others.,Task 4 An Information Speech,Background: You have been assigned to host a group of American university students who are preparing to live and study on your campus for the next five months. Theyve studied some Chinese and can speak the language a little. Help them bette

13、r fit into the culture on your campus. You may consider the following aspects: How does Chinese food differ most radically from western food? How do Chinese ways of eating and drinking differ from western ones? Which aspects are most likely to cause surprise or misunderstanding?,Work in groups of 45

14、. Each group selects one spokesman who will speak to this group of university students from the United States. Try to prepare them for the cross-cultural differences. The whole group work together and make a list of the important formal and informal cultural rules for effective communication. Give e

15、xamples and explain how things are different. Develop a coherent speech with an introduction, a body and a conclusion. In the speech, next to each item, note one problem that might occur if the American students dont consider that rule when communicating. When one student is giving the speech, other

16、s play the role of foreigners. During the question-and-answer period, you may raise questions and exchange opinions with the speaker and those from the same group. After the speech, all the listeners will make a list of the things that are worth remembering.,Task 5 Intercultural Experiences,Do you have the experience of living or studying abroad? If yes, please retell your intercultural experiences through answering the questions. If no, please interview a student or a friend who has


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