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1、(这是一篇关于“英语水平与英语学习时间长短关系”的报告及调查问卷,“学习时间长短”主要指每天接触英语自主学习的时间长度。)Mini-Study 1I. Members: Xiao Ming, Xiao Li, Xiao HongII. Purpose: To investigate the relationship between English level & time length of contacting with English, and to quest the normal way of English contact in the undergraduates.III. Inv

2、estigation Method: A. InstrumentQuestionnaireB. InformantsThe undergraduates of Tianjin UniversityC. Procedurea) Assignment.b) Design the questions according to the purpose of the survey.c) Write down the questions in two language version.d) Determine the subjects.e) Distribute the questionnaire.f)

3、Recover the questionnaire.g) Count the data and make an analysis.h) Draw into a conclusion.IV. Analysis:We have investigated 30 undergraduate.1. Our objects for investigation are those people who are 24 years old at present.2. 60% of interviewed students start to know English from 12 to 15 years old

4、 that is they study in the middle school. 40% of interviewed students know English when they study in the primary school, namely the period from 6 to 12 years old.3. 97% interviewed students study English when they study in the middle school.4. 20% of interviewed students have past PRETCO B but 80%

5、have past PRETCO A, 50% of whom have past CET 4, having past CET6 also account for the same percent-50%. However only 30% have past TEM 4, perhaps who major in English.5. Most students learn English by means of watching the English movies and listening to English songs. 30% learn English through the

6、 English newspapers and magazines. Only 10% learn English in the light of the English websites.6. 46% will spend 1-2 hours on contacting with English, 35% subjects answer is 2-3 hours.7. 70% students do well in reading and writing, the rest are good at speech English.8. 80% of interviewed students t

7、hink that the time to learn English is inconsistent with the gotten result. But 20% believe the studying time have a heft relationship with the result.9. They think that the more you read and practice, you will get a great progress in the short time.V. Conclusions:In accordance with our investigatio

8、n, we can fundamentally draw a conclusion that there is an inevitable relation between peoples English level and the time length they spend on contacting with English.From the first three questions, we could learn that our generation has a similarity on the time that we first get in touch with Engli

9、sh. It is almost simultaneous with the formal school education. However, we still represent totally different English level. Some of the subjects have passed the TEM 4 even he/she is not an English major students. On the contrary, there are a few of us only passed the PRETCO B in a comparatively low

10、 score. Why does this phenomenon come into existence?To answer the above question, the results towards our following questions may have some reference value. Most of our interviewees like adopting watching English TV series or movies and listening to English music as their main methods of being expo

11、sed to English and the average time consumption is about 1-2 hours a week. And there is a considerable interesting outcome showing that the ones who spend more than 4 hours a week on contacting with English represent an obvious higher level in their passed-exam. At the same time, the more ways they

12、choose, the higher tendency of their English level is shown.Moreover, 其中,更多选择阅读英文书刊或浏览英文网站的被调查者,读写水平更高;而观看英文电视剧和听英文歌曲较多的,口语水平高的更多一些。第八题的调查结果显示,大部分同学都认为英语水平与平日接触英语的时长没有必然联系。Nevertheless,unfortunately,根据我们科学系统的调查demonstrate that 英语水平的高低还是与接触英语的时长有一定关系的。接触英语的时间越长,方式越广,水平会越高,and vice versa.VI. Your dist

13、ribution:A. Question design* & * B. Questionnaire distribution*C. Data Count*D. Data Analysis*E. Conclusion*F. Others*Attachment:QuestionnaireChinese Version:1. 你的年龄是?(周岁) 2. 你最早何时开始接触英语?(可以询问父母)A. 0-3岁 B. 4-5岁 C. 6-12岁(小学) D. 12-15岁(初中) E. 15-18岁(高中) F. 18岁以后3. 你何时开始正式学习英语?A. 0-3岁 B. 4-5岁 C. 6-12岁(

14、小学) D. 12-15岁(初中) E. 15-18岁(高中) F. 18岁以后4. 你通过了何种权威英语水平测试?(选择所通过的最高级别测试)A. 高等学校英语应用能力B级 B.高等学校英语应用能力A级 C.大学英语四级 D.大学英语六级 E.专业英语四级 F.专业英语八级 G.剑桥商务英语初级 H.剑桥商务英语中级 I.剑桥商务英语高级5. 除了学校的课程,你平日接触英语主要通过何种方式?(多选)A.英语电视剧或电影 B.英文歌曲 C.英文报纸或杂志 D.英文书籍 E.英语电视节目 F.英文网站6. 通过上题中所选的主要方式,你每周平均接触英语几个小时?A.不到一个小时 B.一到两个小时内

15、 C.两到三个小时内 D.三到四个小时内 E.四个小时以上7. 你在哪方面更擅长?A. 读写 B.口语8. 你认为英语水平与接触英语的时长之间有必然联系吗?A.有 B.没有9. 你认为如何能够在较短时间内有效提高英语水平?(开放性问题)English Version:1. Your Age? 2. When did you begin to be exposed to English? (You can get this information by asking your parents.)A. 0-3 B. 4-5 C. 6-12 (elementary school) D. 12-15 (junior middle school) E. 15-18 (senior high) F. After 183. When did you start to take your English courses?A. 0-3 B. 4-5 C. 6-12 (elementary school) D. 12-15 (junior middle school) E. 15-18 (senior high) F. After 184. What authoritative exam of



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