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1、UNIT ELEVEN Insurance,Words & Expressions,complaint n. 抱怨 breakage n. 破损险 glazed wall tiles 釉面瓷砖 clarify v. 澄清 underwriter 承保人,保险公司 recall v. 回忆,记起 concurrence n. 结合 mediators n. 调停人,中间人,Words & Expressions,coverage n. 承保险别 liability v. 责任,义务 stranding a. 搁浅 expire v. 期满,终止,失效 wording n. 措词 explosio

2、n n. 爆炸 collision n. 碰撞 vice n. 缺点,Words & Expressions,deterioration n. 变质(变坏) premium n. 保险费 layman n. 外行 cover v. 包括 fragility n. 脆弱,易碎 leakage n. 渗漏险 basic policy forms 基本保险单(指印刷的保单文字) inclusion n. 包括,Words & Expressions,detrimental a. 有害的,不利的 blunder n. 大错 to file a complaint 指出异议(申诉) results fr

3、om maritime accident 海上事故造成的结果 to refuse to admit liability 拒绝承担责任 to be merely acting as mediators 在此事上仅仅作为中间调停人 in this matter within the scope of coverage 在承保险别范围内,Useful Phrases and Examples,1. to file 提出 He has filed an application for admittance to Beijing University. A complaint was filed wit

4、h the manufacturers about insufficient packing. 2. to the satisfaction of 以满足 The result of the meeting has turned out to the satisfaction of all the participants.,Useful Phrases and Examples,3. scope 范围 The import of lathes falls within the business scope of the China National Machinery Import and

5、Export Corporation. China offers opportunities for investment giving wide scope to all the patriotic Chinese overseas. 4. to care for 愿意,关怀 Would you care for a ride in my car?,Useful Phrases and Examples,5. due to 由于 The breakage of the porcelain wares is due to improper packing. His failure in the

6、 examination is entirely due to his lack of perseverance. 6. confine to. 限制,限于范围内 I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject.,Answer Key-translation,1) 按到岸价成交,我们一般保水渍险,其他特别险别如偷窃提货不着险、漏险、破损险、淡水险、油渍险可以根据要求另外保。 2) 我们只保水渍险,包括仓对仓条款有效期十五天。 3) 我们仅按发票金额的110%投保到目的港。 4) 我们的货物以到岸价发票金额110%保水渍险、偷窃险和

7、兵险。如需投保其他险,额外保险费由买方负担。,Answer Key-translation,5) 我们的价格是以成本加运费为报价基础。所以保险由你方自行投保。 6) 保险只保平安险和兵险。如需另外加保,额外保险费由买方负担。 7) 保险是按到岸价发票金额110%投保仓库至仓库水渍险、偷窃提货不着险和兵险,如果投保险别和金额超过所规定限度,额外保险费由买方负担,而且应该相应地包括在有关信用证内。,Answer Key-translation,Smith: Mr. Guo, I hope I can have an opportunity to discuss some of the insura

8、nce questions with you, if you dont mind. Guo: No. not a bit. If you are free, let us talk shop now. S: Its very nice of you. First about cargo insurance.,Answer Key-translation,G: Cargo insurance is a major item of our business. We attach great importance to transportation insurance on Chinas impor

9、ts and exports. Insurance protection is available for different means of transportation such as marine, land, aviation as well as by post. Insurance clauses are drawn up to cater for different kinds of commodities such as general cargo, refrigerated cargo, oil in bulk, live animals and poultry, and

10、other goods. S: I see. Your insurance coverage is quite comprehensive. How do you fix the premium rates?,Answer Key-translation,G: The premium rates are fixed on the basis of the past statistical loss figures. In principle, the rates vary with different interests insured, and with different destinat

11、ions and routes and carrying periods of insurance. S: What about the international insurance market? Are your rates in line with it? G: Oh, yes. We always take into consideration the rate in the international market. This is an important factor which we can hardly ignore. S: Do you handle open cover

12、? What I mean is if the insured party wished to make a long-term arrangement with the insurance company, say, for a year.,Answer Key-translation,G: Of course, we do. That saves a large amount of labor and material, and lessens the insured partys burden. S: Right. Besides, the insured party gets more

13、 favorable rates. Well, in case of loss or damage, the insured party can receive payment locally in our city, I presume. G: The Peoples Insurance Company of China at present maintains about three hundred cargo surveying and claim settling agents in more than 90 countries and regions to conduct on th

14、e-spot surveys. There is one agent in your city. Out of these agents a very large number are authorized to effect settlement locally.,Answer Key-translation,S: Tell me the procedure that a consignee should follow, when damage to the goods occurs at destination. G: The consignee should apply immediat

15、ely for survey to the surveying agent or the claim settling agent. In case our company does not have a surveying agent-or claim settling agent at the destination, a local competent surveyor may be applied to for survey. S: I suppose an ordinary surveyor will do. Of course, he must be competent to pe

16、rform the job.,Answer Key-translation,G: The consignee should obtain from the carrier or Port Authorities a Certificate of Loss or Damage and/or Shortland (Short Weight) Memo, so that he can lodge a claim against the carrier or the party concerned, as the case may be. S: If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim, then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement. G: Dont worry about that. When you lodge a claim against the carrier, you may present the


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