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1、Community-based Natural Resources Management and Nature Conservation in Jisha Village, NW Yunnan,生态旅游,恢复社区生机及赋权的手段还是引发资源管理冲突的缘由? Eco-tourism, a means to revitalize local communities or provoke resources conflicts?,滇西北吉沙村项目个案研究 A Case Study in Jisha Tibetan Village, Northwest Yunnan,中国西南山地的特殊性,生物多样性保

2、护 上游生态环境保护的重要性 民族文化的多样性和人地关系的复杂性 当地生计与扶贫的挑战 区域经济发展的压力 大众旅游的负面影响,旅游开发的正负局面 Eco-tourism: a double-edged sword,西部大开发的政策支持Greater Western Development Strategy 民族文化多样性和绿色经济政策;Ethnic and cultural diversity and greening regions economy; 文化和生物多样性遗产Uniqueness of natural, cultural and biological heritage; 政府增

3、加农民收入的政策;Government major task: increase farmers income and quality of life;,旅游开发的代价有多大?谁的代价?At what costs and whose costs? 大众旅游和民族旅游的消极因素Mass tourism/ethnic tourism; 环境的代价Environmental concerns; 政府内部自己要增收与投资者一道与农民争抢利益;Government has competing agenda/interests with farmers or among themselves;,North

4、west Yunnan,Jisha Village,66,000 km2 or 17% of Yunnan, 3 million, 7% of the total,12 ethnic indigenous groups,社区的意愿和要求; 特殊的地理位置-密集的高山湿地(吉沙村在千湖山保护与发展中的重要位置) ; 吉沙林场和天然林禁伐的影响; - 独特的人地关系和民族文化神山圣湖的信仰 绝好的个案关注对资源政治与管理,社会资本和社会公共物品的研究 区域旅游业发展的相关政策研究与倡导;,在吉沙开展项目的原因: Reasons to select Jisha village,吉沙村生态旅游设计的概

5、念 Characteristics of Ecotourism Design in Jisha Village,可持续性(环境,旅游市场)Sustainability 当地参与和能力建设 Participation and Capacity Building of Local Communities 利益分享机制 和当地生计的补充Benefit-sharing and complimentary to local livelihood 当地文化的传承,再创造和发展 Documentation, interpretation of local culture 人与自然的互动和人对自然的体验 ex

6、perience with nature 外来旅游者与目的地的互动和双向交流 Interaction and dialogue between outsiders and local villagers 生态旅游是传统生计的补充而不是替代 ecotourism should only be complementing, not substituting traditional livelihood,神山圣湖;Sacred mountains and lakes 多样性的生态系统和丰富的自然资源;Diverse eco-systems and natural resources,项目目的 Pro

7、ject Goal: 项目目希望探索和建立以社区为基础的自然保护与管理模式,增强当地藏民的文化认同感,建立政府与村民之间的利益共享机制。 项目的实施可以最终提高村民经营和管理吉沙生态旅游项目的能力,并通过项目改善和补充当地的生计,加强当地人对当地集体资源的主人翁意识,为自然资源的合理开发及生物多样性保护作出社区的贡献。 To explore the relationship between local resource governance , local livelihood improvement and nature conservation. Jisha villagers will

8、have the capacity to manage the eco-tourism project and ultimately will improve their livelihood, raise the awareness of their cultural identity and their stewardship in resource management and conservation.,吉沙项目设计, Jisha Project Design,项目的目标和活动 Objectives and Activities,资源调查和解释Resources studies and

9、 interpretation - natural and cultural ( Resources mapping;) - Agro-pastoral systems; - Alpine wetland studies; - Visual documentation and interpretation of indigenous knowledge and practices;,2. Establishment of Jisha Village Committee 监督和管理村级资源保护和利用; 监督和管理吉沙村生态旅游项目的实施; 负责协调和处理与外界的关系。,Objectives an

10、d Activities continued,4. 修建吉沙藏式招待所Construction of Jisha guesthouse and eco-lodge 5. 当地管理人员的能力培训可以经营和管理生态旅游项目; Capacity building and operating of ecotourism project in Jisha;,Objectives and Activities continued,3. 生态旅游商业计划的设计与实施,Business and management plan and designing of ecotourism program;,预期的项目

11、产出/expected Outcomes,l 改善当地的生计水平,总结政府与社区在旅游业发展中的利益共享机制 ; 总结生态文化旅游的具体操作过程。 Documentation of eco-cultural tourism process;benefiting-sharing mechanism among village, local government and outside tourism operators; l 通过多媒体和出版物多渠道多方法整理、记录吉沙的个案,宣传和倡导生态文化旅游方面的好的做法和相关的政策研究结果。制定关注贫困和社区权利的生态文化旅游业发展纲要; Multim

12、edia and publication on pilot case, best practices in ecotourism industry; Guidelines for pro-poor eco-cultural tourism. Policy dialogue and advice for eco-cultural tourism in Yunnan. 关注和分析发展农村社区组织在自然资源管理方面的权利问题,在乡村民主和资源政治上提出政策建议;Identify critical issues in rural resource governance and make specifi

13、c policies/legal recommendations.,吉沙项目中七类主要的利益相关者 Seven Major Power Players,县、州政府County/Prefecture Government 乡政府Township Government 外部的地产投资公司Outside Real Estate Business Company 村民、村民集体经济组织Villagers (group/s) CBIK及其他民间组织 (other conservation NGOs) 旅游操作者Tourism Operators 媒体Media,吉沙资源管理、生态旅游的设计和实施过程中的

14、反思,CBIK生态旅游项目的实施与管理 是一个渐进的过程,吉沙项目中遇到的问题 Issues encountered:,打折扣的分权过程及乡村民主的忧虑;The incomplete decentralization; Poor performance of village democracy; 社会资本的危机;Social capital crisis; 国家法制体系的遥不可及和纸上谈兵;Limited access to and ineffective state legal system, and 强势的,指令经济色彩的县级大众旅游模式Top-down command-driven ma

15、ss tourism policy; 资源产权的冲突Property conflicts (Sacred landscape Vs national forest),Central Government Provincial Government (Autonomous Region) Prefecture Government County Government,Central Government Provincial Government (Autonomous Region) Prefecture Government County Government,Central Governm

16、ent Provincial Government (Autonomous Region) Prefecture Government County Government,Organic Law - Boundary of Rural Democracy in China,Central Government Provincial Government (Autonomous Region) Prefecture Government County Government Township Government,Accountable to whom,upward or downward?,Appointed and delegated,Institution Organic 社会组织机构,吉沙社区生态旅游操作中的关键问题 Critical points of concerns in Community-based ecotourism facilitation,社区的共识与合作Communitys consensus and solidarit



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