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1、湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 旅游实务英语电子课件,旅游专业英语 中国特别行政区,精品课程,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Special Administrative Region in China,1.Situational Dialogue: Touring Macao 2. A Guide Speech: A Brief Introduction to Hong Kong Tourism 3. Supplementary Reading: Macao 4. Culture:Dragon 5. Consolidation,.,每逢佳节倍思亲,On fe

2、stive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones far away.,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Introducation Translation,特别行政区是指根据宪法规定,在中华人民共和国行政区域范围内设立的行政区区域;在这行政区域内,公民享有特殊法律地位,实行资本主义制度和资本主义生活方式。特别行政区主要用于以和平方式解决中国历史遗留下来的香港问题、澳门问题和台湾问题。特别行政区的建立构成了中国单一制的一大特色,是马克思主义国家学说在中国具体情况下的创造性运用。特别行政区的设立,有助于维持香港与澳门的繁荣和稳定。设

3、立特别行政区在1982年宪法中有特别规定。它被设想为最终统一台湾等岛屿的模式。特别行政区不应该与经济特区混淆,经济特区是在特殊的经济规律下的应用,目的是促进贸易和投资领域的发展。,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Special Administrative Region in China Discussion,1. Why did Chinese people establish special administrative region? Special administrative region of China is used for solving problems left ov

4、er by history in China including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The establishment of special administrative region is helpful for Hong Kong and Macao to maintain the prosperity and stability. It was also envisioned as the model for the eventual reunification with Taiwan and other islands. 2. What diff

5、erences are there between special administrative region and special economic zones? Citizens in Special administrative regions enjoy special legal status, the capitalist system and its way of life are carried out within the local administrative region. Special administrative regions should not be co

6、nfused with special economic zones, which are the application of special economic laws to promote the development of trade and investments.,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Main Scenic Spots in Macao,澳门地图,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,An Introduction to Hong Kong Tourism Some Questions,1.Why did people call this seaport “Hong

7、 Kong”? Hong Kong means “fragrant seaport”. it is said that In the Ming Dynasty people in Dongguan, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. produced a kind of perfume that was on sale in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. At that time, most perfume merchants started off from Hong Kong, so people called this seaport “H

8、ong Kong” meaning “fragrant port”. 2.When was “the Sino-British Nanjing Treaty” signed? In 1842, China resumed the sovereignty over Hong Kong at zero hour, July 1, 1997. 3.When did China resume the sovereignty over Hong Kong? At zero hour, July 1, 1997. 4.Why did people call the island Kowloon? Kowl

9、oon, lying opposite Hong Kong Island, has nine mountains. The mountains rise and fall just like nine flying dragons, hence named Kowloon. 5.What is Hong Kong reputed as? Hong Kong is reputed as an international financial, trading, shipping, tourism and free port.,Understanding and discussion,湖南生物机电职

10、业技术学院 向晓制作,Hongkong Island,Kongkong Island and nearby small islands occupying 79.45 square kilometers were ceded to Britain according to “the Sino-British Nanjing Treaty” signed in 1842. China resumed the sovereignty over Hong Kong at zero hour, July 1, 1997. Hongkong Island is small in the west and

11、 large in the east. The land slopes down from north to south. The highest point of the island is Taiping Mountain with an elevation of 554 meters above sea level. Along the north shore, there is a narrow strip of low land, with busy streets including Sheung Wan, Central, Wanchai and North Point. Hon

12、gkong Island faces Kowloon Peninsula, and between them is Victoria Harbor.,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Victoria Harbor,Victoria harbor, with its winding coastline, occupies 6 000 ha.and can berth 150 large ships at the same time. At its narrowest point it is only 1.2 kilometers wide and at its widest 9.6 kilo

13、meters. Large oceangoing ships can enter and exit the seaport freely. The harbor has three entrances and within it has 3 bays and 2 havens. Kowloon provides a natural barrier allowing Victoria Harbor to be unruffled and ice-free all year round. Victoria Harbor, with such favorable conditions, is a w

14、orld-famous deep water port. Victoria Harbor is an important hub of sea transportation in the far East. Hongkong is the only entire pot and the gateway for shipping between south China and Europe, America, Japan, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Kowloon,Kowloo

15、n, lying opposite Hongkong Island, has nine mountains. The mountains rise and fall just like nine flying dragons, hence named Kowloon. The transportation between Hongkong Island and Kowloon depended on the ferry in the past, but now a submarine channel and subway have opened. New Territories, former

16、ly North Kowloon, is north of Boundary Street and south of the Shenzhen River. It occupies 740.6 square kilometers, making up 70 percent of the total area of Hongkong. Hongkongs 7 new towns, main factories, the main part of the Kowloon-guangzhou Railway, four passages connecting with the mainland, a container terminal and Hongkong University are all here. Sixty percent of Hongkongs people are living here.,湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作,Macao,1. What are the two special administrative regions of


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