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1、Module 5 A lesson in a lab,When you heat a metal, it expands. expand v. 增加,扩展,使 . 膨胀 Metals expand when they are heated. Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years.,When you heat a metal, it contracts. contract v. (使)收缩;和订合同 n. 契约,合同 If you ice the metal, it will contract. We contracted with

2、 a shoe factory for 4,000 pairs of shoes. He made a two-year contract of employment with the firm.,归纳拓展 make a contract with 与签合同 sign a contract 签署合同 carry out a contract 履行合同 cancel a contract 取消合同 break a contract 违反合同 by / on contract 按照合同;依约,活学活用 You should read the _ carefully before you sign

3、it. A. contrast B. contact C. contract D. conflict 解析: 考查名词词形和词义的辨析。contract合同;contrast对照,对比;contact联系,接触; conflict冲突。,C,It is hard to think of a world without metals.很难想像一个没有金属的世界。 句式分析: 本句中it为形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to think of .,构成It is / was + adj. + to do sth.的结构。 Its difficult to finish the task in su

4、ch a short period of time. 在这么短的时间内完成任务很困难。,归纳拓展 (1) It is + adj.+for sb. to do sth.(该句式中,作表语的形容词只能说明不定式的行为性质和特点,不能说明不定式的执行者。常见的这类形容词有:easy, important, difficult, hard, possible, impossible, necessary等。) Its important for us to master a foreign language. 对我们来说掌握一门外语非常重要。,(2) It is + adj. + of sb. to

5、 do sth. (该句式中,作表语的形容词表达不定式的逻辑主语的品行、性格或性质。常见的这类形容词有:kind, nice, good, honest, careful, careless, clever, wise, stupid, foolish, rude, polite, impolite等。) Its careless of you to make so many mistakes in this exam. 在这次考试中你出了这么多错真是太粗心了。,活学活用 We all think _ is not necessary for you to have told her abou

6、t the bad news. A. there B. it C. that D. this 解析: 考查句式It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth.的结构。,B, and iron is used in electrical equipment. electrical adj. 电的,与电有关的 There is a fault in the electrical system. Now electrical appliances have entered into ordinary families.,electric表示“电力的,以电为动力的”,而electri

7、cal表示“与电有关的,电气科学的”。 The boy is playing an electric train. Now every room has an electric light. Our classroom are now equipped with electric fans. My brother studies electrical engineering.,equipment n. 设备,装备,器材 I tried to fix the equipment but I failed. We should make a better use of the existing e

8、quipment.,Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water? react vi. 起反应,起作用 How did they react to your suggestion? She reacted to the insult by turning her back on him.,归纳拓展 react的含义及用法: (1) 作出反应,回应(与to连用); (2) 反对,反抗,反动(与against连用); (3) (指物质)起化学反应(与with连用); (4) 对某事物有影响,对某事物产生

9、变化 (与介词on连用)。,活学活用 The football player reacted _ the judges decision by withdrawing from the match. A. on B. to C. against D. by 解析 表示“人对作出反应”用to。,B,Here is a table with the metals that react most at the top, and the metals that react least at the bottom. 这儿有一个图表,那些反应最强烈的金属在上部,反应最不强烈的在下部。,句式分析 这是一个倒

10、装句,正常语序是:A table with.is here.在学习的过程中我们要注意: (1) 在there, here引导的句子中,谓语动词是be, exist等表示状态的不及物动词时,句子要全部倒装。 (2) 在there, here, now, then, thus等开头的句子里,谓语动词是come, go, follow等且主语是名词时,句子要全部倒装。,(3)在here, there引导的句子中,当主语是代词时,不倒装,且此类句子不用进行时。 Here comes the bus. Lets hurry! Here he comes! There stands a tall pine

11、 tree at the top of the hill. Heres the knife; it was under these dishes.,刀子在这儿呢,就在这堆盘子地下。,ordinary adj. 普通的,正常的,一般的 At that time they could not produce ordinary garments, not to speak of high-grade ones. Our ordinary workday is eight hours.,common, ordinary, commonplace, general, usual, popular, un

12、iversal这些形容词均含有“普通的,普遍的”之意。 common: 多用于指物,侧重很常见,不稀奇。 ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般。 commonplace: 强调缺少新意。,general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。 usual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。 popular: 指适应大众爱好、需要,为大家所公认或接受。 universal: 与general同义,但语气较强,侧重对每个人或事物都适用,根本没有例外。,活学活用 Letter boxes are much more _ in th

13、e UK than in the US, where most people have a mailbox instead. A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. usual,A,解析 本题考查同义词辨析。common指为许多人或事物所共同具备因而常见;ordinary指由于与一般事物的性质或标准相同,因而显得平常,无奇特之处,反义词为special; usual指在某一地方或某一时间内所常见的,往往指常用的东西,或经常发生的事情,反义词为unusual;normal同usual和regular,意为“正常的,正规的,标准的”。句意为:Letter boxes在

14、英国比在美国更常见,在美国大多数人都有一个mailbox。,conclusion n. 结论 The result of your report is an erroneous conclusion. The conclusion of the movie was anticlimactic.,reach / draw / arrive at a conclusion 得出结论,归纳拓展 conclusion作“结束,结尾”讲时常用单数,用作“结论”讲时为可数名词,用作“协议,缔结”讲时为不可数名词。 come to / arrive at / reach / draw a conclusio

15、n 得出结论 bring.to a conclusion 使结束 in conclusion 最后,conclude v. 结束;断定;订立 conclude with 以而结束 conclude sth. from sth. 从某事中得出某个结论 conclude sth. (with) sb.与某人达成(协定),David _ from the analysis of the traffic accident that it had been caused by human error. A. announced B. acknowledged C. concluded D. consid

16、ered 解析: 句意为:“David从交通事故分析中推断出,这次交通事故是人为错误导致的。”,C,You add some oil to the water because his keeps air out of it. keep . out of 防止进入;不让靠近 Weve always tried to keep out of local politics.,keep (sb.) away (from sth.) 使(某人)离开(某物) keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep back 阻止,抑制;留(扣)下;忍住(眼泪); 隐瞒 keep sth. in mind 记住(某事物) keep in touch with 与保持联系 keep (on) doing sth. 继续做某事 keep off 远离,避开,让开 keep up 保持,维持 keep up



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