英语:预备课程unit 1 hello教学实录(牛津英语七年级)

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英语:预备课程unit 1 hello教学实录(牛津英语七年级)  _第1页
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英语:预备课程unit 1 hello教学实录(牛津英语七年级)  _第2页
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英语:预备课程unit 1 hello教学实录(牛津英语七年级)  _第5页
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《英语:预备课程unit 1 hello教学实录(牛津英语七年级) 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语:预备课程unit 1 hello教学实录(牛津英语七年级) (5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、牛津英语预备教程Unit 1 Reading ,the alphabet and task 教学实录 Teaching Aims and demands:1. Aims of the knowledgeTo make the students use the new words and useful expressionsTo make the students learn how to greet peopleTo learn the alphabet from letter Aa to letter Nn2. Aims of the abilitiesTo develop the stud

2、ents abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing To train the students abilities of communication and greeting people3. Aims of the emotionTo enable the students to be polite and friendly and love life To arouse the students interests of EnglishKey points:1. the training of the useful word

3、s and expressions2. To make the students learn how to greet peopleDifficult points:1.To enable the students to communicate and greet people 2.the pronunciation of the word “ Mrs”Teaching Aids: Tape recorder, some pictures and the alphabet cardsTeaching procedure:Step 1 Warm up1. Listen to a song T:

4、Now lets listen to an English song “good morning”. If you can ,please sing it with the tape.Ss: (listening to the song)T: Do you like this song?SS: Yes.T: If you want to sing in English, you should learn English carefully from now on. I think all of you can .2. Revisiona. free talkAfter listening, l

5、ets have a dialogue to revise what we have learnt yesterday.T: Hello! Im Miss Tan. Whats your name?S: Hello! My name is Wu Tao.T: Good morning! Li Ping.S: Good morning! Miss Tan.T: How are you? Xiao Min.S: Im fine, thank you.T: You are Lily, right?S: Yes, I am. (No, Im Lucy)b. Make a dialogue in pai

6、rs T: Now practise these dialogues in pairs,and then Ill ask some groups to act them out. Ss:(work in pairs) T: Time is up. Who would like to volunteer? Ss: (some pairs act the dialogues out)Step 2 Presentation( show three pictures)T: Everyone, look this way. Here are three pictures. There is a man

7、,a young lady and a woman. Their names are Jim Green, Joe Smith and Helen Brown. Do you know how we can greet them? For example: you can say “ Mr Green”, “ Miss Smith ” and “ Mrs Brown” . Write: Mr 先生 Miss 小姐 on the blackboard Mrs 夫人T: Please look at the blackboard. Read these words after me. Pay at

8、tention to the pronunciation, especially the word “Mrs”.Ss :( repeat this a few times with rows and individuals.)T: (Show more pictures) Lets greet more people.Ss: (greeting using Mr, Miss and Mrs )T: All of you did a wonderful job. Now lets look at a dialogue. It shows how Millie greets people.Step

9、3 Reading T: Open your books to Page 10. Read the dialogue after the tape by yourselves. Then youll answer my question. (Broadcast the tape)Ss: (reading after the tape)T: (after listening).Please answer my question: When does the dialogue happen? Is it in the morning or in the afternoon?S: It is in

10、the morning.T: OK. Very good. Sit down. Please read this dialogue together.Ss: (reading)T: Next I want you to read in groups. Ill divide the class into three groups.The first group acts as Mrs Wang. The second group acts as Mrs Li. The others acts as Millie.Ss: (read in groups)T: Please get into gro

11、ups of three. Practise it.Ss: (practising and acting the dialogue out) Step 4 Practise T: Im very pleased with what you have done. Then greet your classmates with your own names and act them out. Ss: (greeting their classmates)Step 5 TaskT: Now its time for “Guessing Game”. Its the game on Page 11.

12、First , lets read it together to be familiar with the game.Ss: (Reading together)T: Ill make an example. (Let one student stand in the front of the classroom. His back is opposite the others. Then I let one student stand. The student in the front guesses who he /she is using the sentence: You are xx

13、, right?) Ss: (playing the game)T: So much for the game. Im pleased to see that everyone takes part in the game. Now, lets move on to the next activity.Step6 Learning the letters1. listen to a song “ABC”T: English words are made of letters , we need to learn letters before we can spell words. First

14、,lets listen to a song “ABC”.Ss: (listening)2. read the lettersT:(show the students the alphabet cards from A to N) Can you read these letters? (ask the students to read the letters in turns) Ss: (reading the letters)T: Well done! Ill give you some English words that made of these 14 letters. Can yo

15、u read the letters?Ss: (reading the letters)3. write the lettersT: After reading, you should learn to write these letters. I write on the blackboard and you can write on the exercise book.Ss:(practise writing the letters after the teacher)T: I think all of you need to practise writing more times. I give you two minutes to practise.Ss: (practise by themselves)T: While you are writing, I find some writing mistakes, lets correct them.(praise the students who writes well)4.Presentation and practiseT: (show the student


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