英语:unit 6 natural disasters复习学案(译林牛津八年级上)

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1、初三英语组复习学案(8A Unit6)词组或短语:序号ChineseEnglish1自然灾害natural disasters2全身湿透be/get all wet3将拖干净(代词放中间)mopup4将冲走(代词放中间)washaway5输掉比赛lose the game6好几千人(成千上万的人)thousands of people7猛烈地撞到上crash into8引起一场大的火灾start/cause a big fire9惊恐地(处于恐惧之中)in fear10地下的炸弹bombs below/under the ground11从.上掉下来/摔下来源:GKSTK.Com来源:学优fa

2、ll off = fall (down) from =drop fromGKSTK来源:GKSTK.Com倒下、掉下fall down跌倒、绊倒fall over倒下come down = fall12朝四面八方跑去run in all directions=run in every direction13跑出./跑进.run out of / run into14尽某人最大努力做某事try ones best to do sth.15镇定下来、平静下来calm down16最后finally = at last = in the end17结束be over = end18被困住be tra

3、pped19自言自语say to oneself20片刻的恐惧a moment of fear21(大声)求救shout/call/scream for help22到处everywhere = here and there23没有任何吃的东西have nothing to eat24兴奋的叫声excited shouts25急匆匆地去干某事be in a (great) hurry to do sth.26降一点点drop a little降到零下5度drop to -527大约7度(be) around 728变得更坏become/get worse29找借口make excuses /

4、make an excuse30叫某人(不要)做某事tell/ask sb. (not) to do sth.建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事warn sb. (not) to do sth.命令某人(不要)做某事order sb. (not) to do sth.31把.搬走(代词放中间)move away32精神紧张be nervous33经历地震后而存活下来survive the earthquake34听起来像sound like.35天气预报weather forecast36锁门lock the door37跑下楼r

5、un down the stairs38将(电器)打开/关闭turn on/off将(电器音量)调高/调低turn up/down39走出教室walk out of the classroom 40一个接一个one by one = one after another41一个事故报告an accident report42打电话给110热线call the 110 hotline43到达时间the time of arrival44(严重)受伤(系表结构)be (badly/seriously) hurt45着火catch fire = be on fire46警方(集体名词)the poli

6、ce 47在风中in the wind48除了做某事外不能做任何事do nothing but do sth. (前面do不以是别的动词,后面do可以是任何动词,但必须是原形)49朝.外看/朝.里看look out of. / look into50继续做(同一件)事continue to do sth. = continue doing sth. =go on doing sth. = go on with sth.51用.将.盖起来coverwith.被.覆盖起来.be covered with 语法讲解:一过去进行时的基本含义:表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作以及过去某一段时间内持续进行的

7、动作,常与表示过去的具体时间,如:at that time,at this time yesterday,at 9.00 last night , at that moment 等连用。过 去 进 行 时:(Past continuous tense) be (was/were) + verb-ing二过去进行时的句式(1)基本结构:was/were + v-ing(2)否定式: was/were not + v-ing (was not = wasnt / were not = werent)(3)疑问句:将 was/were 调到主语前三过去进行时的基本用法:1.表示在过去某个时间点正在发

8、生的动作.常与at ten last night, at this time yesterday, at that time/moment,when I came in等连用.2.表示在过去某段时间之内持续不断发生的动作.常与last night, this morning, fromto(from7 to 10 this morning)连用.3.有时为了句子表达 的需要,我们可以用复合句来表达过去进行时.如 昨晚当我到家的时候,妈妈和爸爸正在看电视. My parents were watching TV when I arrived home last night. 刚才当老师走进教室的

9、时候,学生们正在读书. Students were reading when the teacher came in just now.在这些句子中,when引导的句子表过去的某一个具体的时间,when从句用一般过去时,而它的主句用过去进行时. 但是若强调某个动作正在进行中时,又发生了别的动作,用when从句. when从句必用过去进行时,主句用一般过去时.(表示在when从句正进行期间又发生了主句的动作)此时, when=while,表时间段.如 当学生们正在读书时,老师走进了教室. 昨晚当爸爸和妈妈正在看电视时,我到家了. When/while we were having supper,

10、 the light went out. When/While he was riding a bike, he fell off and hurt his leg. 若主,从句两个延续动作同时进行,用while,则主句与从句都用进行时, 此时,while译为“而” “一边,一边”,如: He was reading the newspaper while I was studying.四过去进行时与一般过去时的区别 1.)过去进行时着重描述当时正在进行的动作,它的特点是:未完成,强调过程; 一般过去时表示一个业已完成的动作,表示动作发生过,而且已经结束了,强调结果。 2.)过去进行时侧重表示

11、动作的延续; 一般过去时表示过去某时发生过某事,侧重说明事实。 He was writing all night last night. (生动的描写,他一直写)He wrote something last night (说明他写了的事实)注:下列几类动词通常不用于进行时。 表示状态的动词be; 感官动词:feel,hear,look,smell,taste等; 表示思维或心理状态的动词:believe, forget,consider(认为),know,remember,hope,wish,want 等; 表示所属关系的动词: belong,have,own,hold(容纳)等。本单元巩固

12、练习:一. 根据句意,首字母或中文提示写出单词.1. During the Spring Festival, a heavy _(暴风雪) hit many areas across southern China.2. My uncle is a _(消防员) and my aunt works in a factory.3. Its raining _(大), please dont go out.4. The _(气温) will be lower tomorrow.5. After a m_ of fear, the young man went on driving his car.6

13、. Look, the students are _(clear sth. with a mop) the floor.7. Timmy was t_ in a dark place when the earthquake stopped.8. On r_ days most people dont like to go outside.9. The old man is n_ 70 years old, but he looks strong.10. The woman couldnt _(平静).11. My mother _(make) cakes at 9:00 last night.

14、12. The sun _(shine) when we got to the top of the mountain.二. 单项选择.( ) 1.You cant have this football back _ you promise not to kick it at my cat again, the old man said angrily. A. because B. since C. when D. until( )2. I wont leave my office until my work _. A. finish B. will finish C. are finished D. is finished( )3. _ the students went to the Natural



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