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1、简单回答题的要领与实战 载自 双博士网站一简答题的解题步骤特别提示:做简答题切不要画蛇添足。第一步 通篇略读。所谓通篇略读是指迅速扫视全文,舍弃无关细节,全力捕捉文章大意的阅读方法。 在略读时以下面几点为目标:1) 大致了解文章涉及内容,文章是关于哪一方面,什么内容。2) 发现文章的中心思想和作者的基本观点态度。3) 对文章结构脉络有基本印象,知道大致观点、例证及具体分析的位置。略读的目标决定了略读只需将注意力放在文章的主题句、关键词这些部分,其余部分如:具体的论述、细节、数字等,则可以跳过不读。因此,略读速度是一般阅读速度的两倍,也就是说,象简答题部分所选短文用2分半钟左右的时间就应通篇略读

2、一遍。第二步 照题查阅。所谓照题查阅是指根据问题去寻找答案。通常照题查阅是在通篇略读之后,如果时间有限也可直接进行这一步。照题查阅时应注意以下几点:1 充分理解问题,一定准确理解所问的内容,确定需要在文章中查找的对象。2 根据通篇略读的印象,回到文章相应部分寻找答案。3 在文章相关部分,应仔细阅读前后的句子。4 对照问题,确定答案的基本内容。第三步 简练作答。在基本确定了每道题的回答内容之后,就要用简练、准确的英语表达出来。在归纳、组织答案时要注意以下几点: 1答案要与提问的方式保持一致。如用who提问就要以某种/个人来回答,而不能以陈述型句子来回答。否则,答非所问,会扣分或不得分。2 要避免

3、语言错误。组织答案时,尽量避免语言错误,如:时态、主谓一致、句子结构和拼写等。尽量使用自己有把握的词、短语和句型。3 要善于利用原文的关键词句。在寻找和组织答案时,可以引用表达答案关键内容的原文,但切忌整句照搬,要适当改动,否则会被扣分。4 注意字数。简答题要求用10个以内的词准确表述答案,词数超出,会被扣分。 5 注意卷面。答案书写要规范、认真,首字母要大写。标点符号的使用要规范。第四步 仔细核对。答案写完之后,时间允许的情况下,应仔细检查核对,避免失误。此时应检查这几方面:1再次审题,确认回答符合问题要求,避免答非所问。2清除语法、语言错误。语言错误有拼写错误、标点不当、大小写等。常见的语

4、法错误有时态与原文不符、主谓不一致、词汇用法不当等。3保证字数没有超出要求。二、简答题实战 (单击此处打开答案和注解)在对简答题的作了充分的了解之后,现在让我们来做几套试题,以熟悉这种题的解题方法和答题的要点。同做阅读理解题一样,我们的第一步还是要通读一下全文,搞清楚文章的体裁、话题、主题和基本结构。然后是针对问题寻找线索。在此基础之上,再来寻找或归纳出答案。1999年1月考题Wouldbe language teachers everywhere have one thing in common: they all want some recognition of their profess

5、ional status and skills, and a job. The former requirement is obviously important on a personal level, but it is vital if you are to have any chance of finding work.Ten years ago, the situation was very different. In virtually every developing country, and in many developed countries as well, being

6、a native English speaker was enough to get you employed as an English teacher.Now employers will only look at teachers who have the knowledge, the skills and attitudes to teach English effectively. The result of this has been to raise non-native English teachers to the same status as their native co

7、unter-parts(相对应的人)- something they have always deserved but seldom enjoyed. Non-natives are happy- linguistic discrimination(语言上的歧视)is a thing of the past.An ongoing research project, funded by the University of Cambridge, asked a sample of teachers, educators and employers in more than 40 countries

8、 whether they regarded the native /non-native speakers distinction as being at all important. “No” was the answer. As long as candidates can teach and had the required level of English, it didnt matter who they were and where they came from. Thus, a new form of discrimination- this time justified be

9、cause it singled out the unqualified- liberated the linguistically oppressed(受压迫的). But the Cambridge did more than just that: it confirmed that the needs of native and non-native teachers were extremely similar.1. The selection of English teachers used to be mainly based on _.2.What did non-native

10、English teachers deserve but seldom enjoy?3. What kind of people can now find a job as an English teacher?4. What is the result of the “new form of discrimination”(Line 5, Para.4)?5. The phrase “the linguistically oppressed”(Line 6, Para. 4) refers to those who were_. 1999年6月Directions: In this part

11、, there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. (15 minutes)For many women choosing whether to work or not to work outside their home is a luxury: they must work to

12、 survive. Others face a hard decision. Perhaps the easiest choice has to do with economics. One husband said, Marge and I decided after careful consideration that for her to go back to work at this moment was an extravagance(奢侈) we couldnt afford. With two preschool children, it soon became clear in

13、 their figuring that with babysitters(临时照看小孩 的),transportation, and increased taxes, rather than having more money, they might actually end up with less.Economic factors are usually the first to be considered, but they are not the most important. The most important aspects of the decision have to do

14、 with the emotional needs of each member of the family. It is in this area that husbands and wives find themselves having to face many confusing and conflicting feelings.There are many women who find that homemaking is boring or who feel imprisoned(被囚人) if they have to stay home with a young child o

15、r several children. On the other hand, there are women who think that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction.From my own experience, I would like to suggest that sometimes the decision to go back to work is made in too much haste. There are few decisions that I now regret more. I wasnt matur

16、e enough to see how much I could have gained at home. I regret my impatience to get on with my career. I wish I had allowed myself the luxury of watching the world through my little girls eves.Questions: (注意:答题尽量简短,超过10个词要扣分。每条横线限写一个英语单词,标点符号不占格。)S1. Which word in the first two paragraphs best explains why many women have to work?S2. Why d



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