大学英语b交际用语例题精讲 附答案

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1、大学英语B交际用语例题精讲【交际能力】 考生应掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际用语。交际用语(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)答题技巧总体原则:交际用语的答案不是明显的对错问题,而是符不符合英美人士口语习惯或者说思维习惯的问题,语言的使用是否更规范,是否更有利于良好人际关系的建立和维护。因此,命题的侧重点在于中西方文化差异之处,比如说,打电话用语,购物用语。接受帮助时说“Yes, please.”拒绝帮助时说“No, thanks”,此外mind这个单词常考,因为它是正话反说,反话正说。总体来看,答题时须遵循礼貌原则、合作原则。一、礼貌原则1、就是对于别人对自己的邀请、表扬、祝贺、赞美以及感

2、谢等都要表示感谢(Thanks)。例: Thats a beautiful dress you have on!_A. Oh, thanks. I got it yesterday.B. Sorry, its too cheap.C. You can have itD. See you later.(答案选A,符合礼貌)又例:Thank you for inviting me._A. I really had a happy time.B. Oh, its too lateC. Thank you for coming D. Oh, so slowly?(答案选C,符合礼貌)又例: Pleas

3、e help yourself to the seafood_ A. No, I cant.B. Sorry, I cant help. C. Well, seafood dont suit for.D. Thanks, but I dont like the seafood.(答案选D,符合礼貌)又例: Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest. _. A. Yes, I beat the others.B. No, no I didnt do it well. C. Thank you.D. Its

4、a pleasure.(答案选C,符合礼貌)又例: Wow! This is a marvelous room! Ive never known youre so artistic. _ A. Great, I am very art-conscious.B. Dont mention it. C. Thanks for your compliments.D. Its fine.(答案选C,符合礼貌)2、对于别人的邀请,永远是先答应,即使不能赴约,也要说明不能去的理由例: Can you go to the concert with us this evening?_ A. No, I alr

5、eady have plans.B. Id love to, but Im busy tonight. C. No, I really dont like being with you.D. Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.(答案选B,符合礼貌)又例: We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? _ A. Im afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting. B. Of course not. I h

6、ave no idea. C. No, I cant. D. Thats all set.(答案选A,符合礼貌)又例: Oh, Betty, we will be having a buffet party next Saturday, and wed like you to join us. _, Susan. Whats the occasion? What time do you want me to come? A. Id love toB. No way C. By no meansD. Im afraid not(答案选A,符合礼貌)又例:Would you like to hav

7、e dinner with us this evening? .A. Ok, but I have to go to a meeting nowB. No, I cantC. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents D. I dont know(答案选C,符合礼貌)3、给别人带来不方便或者对方有请求时却不能给予帮助要说“对不起”,并要说明不能帮忙的理由或者告诉对方怎么做例:Can you turn down the radio, please? .A. Oh, I knowB. Im sorr

8、y, I didnt realize it was that loud.C. Ill keep it down next timeD. Please forgive me(答案选B,符合礼貌)又例:Could you help me with my homework, please? .A. No, no wayB. No, I couldntC. No, I cantD. Sorry I cant. I have to go to a meeting right now(答案选D,符合礼貌)又例:Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the ai

9、rport? .A. Dont ask that B. Sorry, Im a stranger hereC. No, I cant say that D. No, youre driving too fast(答案选B,符合礼貌)又例:Excuse me, sir. Where is Mr. Browns office? .A. You cant ask meB. Pardon? I have no idea C. Please dont say soD. Sorry I dont know, but you can ask the man over there(答案选D,符合礼貌和最长)二

10、、合作原则(语用学认为,合作原则是交际得以成功的一个基本前提,也就是说回答要有针对性,而不是答非所问)例:That man alone over there who is he? .A. He is a studentB. He is Doctor TookC. A driver, I supposeD. Hes drunk(此题第一说话人在向对方询问那边的那个人是谁。如果认识,回答时要说出那个人的名字,因此选B,其他选项答非所问)又例: Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? .A. Id rather

11、stay here if you dont mind B. Sorry, I dont like neitherC. Certainly, why not? D. Yes, we like these two places(此题是个选择问句,第一说话人征求对方的意见。回答时需在两则之间选择其一,因此答案选A。)一、询问信息(Asking for information)(How, When, where, who, what, how long, how often)1、- When did you move to America?- _A:Three years ago.B:About th

12、ree years.C:Next year.D:This year.答案:A知识点:英语知识运用部分大学英语B2、-How soon will your father fly to New York?-_A:At 7.00 am.B:Last week.C:In three days.D:Twice a year.答案:C知识点:英语知识运用部分大学英语B3、- What would you like to drink?- _A:Thanks a lot.B:Be quick.C:A glass of milk, please.D:Im sorry.答案:C知识点:英语知识运用部分大学英语B4

13、、How much is that meat, please?- _A:Ten oclock.B:Ten yuan a kilo.C:I like it very much.D:I dont like.答案:B知识点:英语知识运用部分大学英语B5、Where is Kate?- _A:Shes in England.B:Shes from London.C:Shes a nurse in England.D:She is English.答案:A知识点:英语知识运用部分大学英语B6、- How was your trip to London, Jane? - _A:Oh, wonderful indeed.B:I went there alone.C:The guide showed me the way.D:By plane and by bus.答案:A知识点:英语知识运用部分大学英语B7、- How often do you go dancing?- _ A:I will go dancing tomorrow.B:Yesterday.C:


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