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1、 教 案2013 学年 秋 季学期课 程 名 称大学英语 综合教程二级学院(部)外国语学院系或教研室大学英语教研室任 课 教 师 职 称 授课对象2013资环学院 教育学院部分班级钦州学院二一三 年 八 月课程介绍基本信息课程性质公共必修多 媒 体是双语教学是学 分3周 学 时4上课周数16 课程简介 教学目标及总要求1 词汇:掌握教学大纲中规定,并在教材中出现的词汇;2 口语:语音语调基本正确,流畅;3 在交际中能使用基本的交际策略,进行更好地交际;4 能就熟悉的题材发表自己的观点、见解;5 能够听懂一般的英语课堂教学、一般题材的讲座、新闻;6阅读:能阅读一般题材和一般难度的英文报刊、报纸、

2、网络新闻等阅读材料;7 进行自主学习训练,进一步提高自主学习的能力,对自主学习的过程进行有效的监控,能够随着自主学习任务和阶段的需要而主动调整策略;8 进一步提高应试能力。教学重点及难点教学方法讨论式互动式启发式选用教材新世纪大学英语系列教程 综合英语,主编:秦秀白,出版社:上海外语教学出版社,2010.2。主要参考资料1新世纪大学英语系列教程 综合英语,主编:秦秀白,出版社:上海外语教学出版社,2010.2。2新世纪大学英语系列教程 综合英语教学才参考书。3新世纪大学英语系列教程 综合英语多媒体课件。4新世纪大学英语系列教程 视听说教程第三版,主编:秦秀白,出版社:上海外语教学出版社,201

3、2.4。5新世纪大学英语系列教程 视听说教学才参考书。6新世纪大学英语系列教程 视听说多媒体课件。7 相关网络资源课程考核办法本教学评估采用过程性评估和终结性评估两种相结合的评估方式。考试成绩采用期末卷面考试成绩与平时考评成绩相结合。平时考评成绩包括作业、测验、自主学习以及其它学习活动的参与情况。总成绩=平时成绩(40)+期末考试成绩(60),其中平时成绩是:口语(15%)+形成性评估(10%)+作业(15%)。注:课程性质包括公共必修课、学科必修课、专业必修课、公共选修课、学科选修课、专业选修课等。 Unit1 Learning a language 课程教案周次1课次1课时2授课题目Lea

4、rning a languagelistening and speaking教学目的和要求1 master some expressions of describing a person s appearance2 use the expressions to describe the appearance of others and themselves.3 master some everyday use English, such as got it, good for you, oh my gosh, sure, no problem.4 comments on someones ap

5、pearance, such as you look different/great/special, it looks good on you. 5 do some listening related to describe someones appearance.教学重点难点1 difficulties: describe someones appearance 2 key points: master the expressions to describe someone 教学方法及手段讨论式互动式启发式教学环节设计Step introduction to the expressions

6、 and practice:Step 1 Pick up some students who have the prominent appearance featuresand ask the whole class students to answer the optional questions, such asIs her/his hair long/straight or short/curly? And write these words on theBb. Finally, write down their classification.present the expression

7、s to describe someones appearance features (height, age, build, eye color, hair color and hairstyle, )Step2 The students should describe their peers and others guess who it is.Step Do listening comprehension:Step1 Section A: Activity 2, 3, 4 P5-7.Step2 Section B: Part 2 P15-18 .课外作业.Unit1 Learning a

8、 language 课程教案周次1课次2,3课时4授课题目Learning a languagereading and writing 教学目的和要求After learning the text, the students are able to:1 pronounce the vocabulary and recognize them while reappearing in other reading materials. 2 tell the main idea of the text.3 tell some details about the text.4 hold a right

9、attitude to English learning.教学重点及难点1 difficulties: the vocabulary in the text2 key points: the right ways for successfully leaning a languange 教学方法及手段讨论式互动式启发式教学环节设计Step Warm upStep1 ask the students how long they have learnt English, and ask them to: Imagine you are talking with a beginner in Engl

10、ish. Give him some tips on the best ways tolearn English fast. group workStep Lead-inStep1 Show some pictures of advertisement and ask the students if they think they arereliable.whole class workStep Reading Step1 First-reading:What is the writers response to such advertisement?individual workStep 2

11、 Second reading: General reading 1 Ask the students to read the text and to find what are the authors solutions?individual work2 Ask the Ss to read again and match the Para divisions and main ideas together. individual work A good method that suits all students does not existB The behaviorist approa

12、ch C Two false attitudes toward English learningD The role of fellow studentsE Advertisements often give the false impressionF The role of interest1-E 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-F 6-D 3 Discussion: Do you agree or disagree? What are the possible attitudes of the author towards them?group workA One may learn to s

13、peak English fluently in three months with proper methods.B The only way to learn a language is to spend a great deal of time in the country where it is spoken.C One can teach himself English at home with textbooks and dictionaries.D No one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unles

14、s he is interested in it.Step Third-reading: detail reading 1 True or false identification: 1 in order to attract the potential learners, advertisement usually exaggerate the fast pace and great ease of learning English.2 To be read the original works by great writer can be a motivation for people to learn the language of those great writers.3 People dont believe what advertisement say about language learning at all.4 Each individual teachers may have his or her unique way of teaching a languag


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