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1、LOGO,Business terms,Background information,Introduction to the text,Word and expressions,1,2,3,4,Text A Cross Cultural Negotiation,5,Notes to the text,The word “negotiation” is from the Latin expression, “negotiatus”, past participle of negotiare which means “to carry on business”. “Negotium” means

2、literally “not leisure”. Negotiation is a dialogue intended to resolve dispurtes, to produce an agreement upon courses of action, to bargain for individual or collective advantage, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. It is the primary method of alternative dispute resolution. Negotiat

3、ion occurs in business, non-profit organizations, government branches, legal proceedings, among nations and in personal situations, such as marriage, divorce, parenting, and everyday life.,1. Background information,2. Introduction of the text,Theme of the text Text A intends to arouse the concern ov

4、er the role that culture plays in the process of negotiation. It focuses on the cross cultural negotiation and, as the understanding over an array of issues varies from culture to culture, the text compares different cultures with regard to eye contact, proper personal space, touch, time, meeting an

5、d greeting, the use of first name and negotiating styles.,本文商务语篇为说明文,介绍了跨文化谈判的重要性及了解文化差异对谈判的意义。,为说明文化差异,本文列举了很多国家或地区,这些国家或地区的文化具有代表性,能说明当代主要贸易国家或地区的文化特征,令本文更加真实、可信。,多处使用低值情态动词,例如may, can等等, 在给予读者建议时,作者使用了祈使等级较低的词组,例如:this is not appropriate to.,It is vital to.。这些低值情态动词和祈使等级较低的词组使得文章语气正式而不失委婉。此外,文中出现

6、了一些限制性副词,例如:第二段“generally”,第三段“usually”,第六段“rarely”等,这些限制性副词避免了语气过于绝对,符合当今文化多样化,多元化的特点。,文体特征分析,2. Introduction of the text,Cross Cultural Negotiation跨文化谈判(Para. 1): Cross cultural negotiation, or intercultural negotiation, refers to the negotiation between people with dissimilar cultural background

7、or from different countries. Here, culture, in a broad sense, means the total way of life of a people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques and languages that characterizes the life of the human community. As culture is so inclusive, it permeates virtually eve

8、ry aspects of human life and influences predominantly peoples behavior. In the process of negotiation, culture can have an impact on negotiators mode of thinking, negotiating strategy and style, or even the result of the negotiation. National culture is one of many factors that influence behavior at

9、 the negotiation table, albeit an important one.,3. Business terms,(1) negotiation n.,Meaning,Example,formal discussion between people who are trying to reach an agreement 谈判,磋商,协商,The issue about the price of raw materials, which is still under negotiation, has not been settled yet. 这个关于原材料价格的问题还在商

10、讨之中,尚未解决。,4. Words and expressions,(2) specialized adj.,ere,Meaning,Example,developed for one particular use or in one particular field of knowledge 专门的;专用的,Those who do the job are supposed to have specialized skills. 做这项工作的人应该具备专门的技能。,4. Words and expressions,(3) inconsequential adj.,Meaning,Examp

11、le,not important or worth considering 不重要的;微不足道的,You should focus on the main points of the lecture and ignore the inconsequential details. 你应该关注演讲的重点,忽略不重要的细节。,4. Words and expressions,(4) nave adj. 天真的;率直的,Meaning,Example,I cant believe you were so nave as to trust him. 真是难以置信你会轻易相信他。,4. Words and

12、 expressions,天真的;率直的,(5) prolong v.,Meaning,Example,to make something last longer 延长,The meeting was prolonged two hours. 会议延长了两个小时。,4. Words and expressions,(6) cloud v.,Meaning,Example,to cause something to become dull, unclear or indistinct 使某事物变得阴沉暗淡;不清晰,Her eyes clouded with tears.她泪眼朦胧。 You sh

13、ould not cloud the issue. 你不该把事情搞得复杂化。,4. Words and expressions,(7) complication n.,Meaning,Example,a thing that makes a situation more complicated or difficult 使复杂化,The bad weather added a further complication to his journey. 恶劣的天气给他的旅行增加了更多的困难。,4. Words and expressions,(8) sequentially adv.,Meanin

14、g,Example,following in order of time or place 按顺序地,The data of the research are stored sequentially on a computer. 研究数据按顺序储存在计算机里。,4. Words and expressions,(9) animate v.,Meaning,Example,to make something more lively or full of energy 使充满活力;使生气勃勃,A smile suddenly animated the girls face. 女孩嫣然一笑,立刻容光

15、焕发。,4. Words and expressions,(10) consensual adj.,Meaning,Example,which people in general agree with一致同意的,赞同的,It is increasingly difficult to work out a consensus approach. 想出一个大家一致赞成的方法越来越难。,4. Words and expressions,(11) impose v.,Meaning,Example,to force sb./sth. to have to deal with sth. that is difficult or unpleasant 迫使;把强加于:,You should not impose your values on others. 你不该勉强别人接受你的价值观。,4. Words and expressions,(12) backfire v.,ere,Meaning,Example,to produce an expected and unwanted result expecially for the people responsible for th


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