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1、大学动漫英语(下册),unit 1 Art &Design 艺术设计,Unit 1 Contents,Task 1: Listening,Li Hua is at Shanghai Pudong International Airport to meet a business associate with her company. Listen to the dialogue and fill in each blank with No More Than Three Words.,Explain the usage of words and expressions.,Shanghai Pud

2、ong International Airport 上海浦东国际机场 meet Sb at the airport 在机场接某人 a business associate 业务伙伴 meet a business associate with her company接她公司的业务伙伴 句子练习: 今天下午我要去首都国际机场接我公司的业务伙伴。 I will meet a business associate with my company at Capital Internatioanl Airport this afternoon.,返回,1. household: a. 家庭的,家喻户晓的

3、 a ,household name/word a name/word that is extremely well known 家喻户晓的名字/单词: The business she founded made her into a household name. 她创立的一番事业使她成为家喻户晓的人物。 Microsoft is a household name. 微软是一个家喻户晓的品牌。 2.associate suieit n. 同伴,伙伴,合伙人 vt. 联合,联想 She associated happiness with having money. 她把幸福和有钱联想到一起。,

4、Words study,seewith ones own eyes: 亲眼目睹 enjoy your stay here: 在此过得愉快 help sb. with sth.: 帮某人做某事 the Household Appliance Corporation:日用品公司 Task 1: Answers To meet: Mr. Bill Williams from New York Luggage: a suitcase To pick up: the guest in a limo Greeters name: Miss Li Hua from the Household Applian

5、ce Corporation,Phrases study,Li Hua: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Williams from New York? 李华: 请问您是纽约来的威廉斯先生吗? Mr. Williams: Yes, Im Bill Williams. 威廉斯:对,我是比尔威廉斯。 Li Hua: My name is Li Hua. Im from the Household Appliance Corporation. How do you do, Mr. Williams? 李华: 我叫李华。我是日用品公司的。您好,威廉斯先生。 Mr. William

6、s: How do you do, Miss Li? 威廉斯:你好,李小姐。 Li Hua: Welcome to Shanghai. 李华: 欢迎您到上海来。,Task 1 :Audio script,Mr. Williams: Ive heard a lot about this beautiful city and now I can see it with my own eyes. 威廉斯:有关这座美丽的城市,我已经听了很多了。我现在可以亲眼目睹她的风采了 Li Hua: I hope youll enjoy your stay here. 李华: 希望您在这里过得愉快。 Mr. Wi

7、lliams: Im sure I will. 威廉斯:肯定会的。 Li Hua: Is this all your luggage? 李华: 所有行李都在这儿吗? Mr. Williams: Yes, my things are all in the suitcase. 威廉斯:对,所有行李都在手提箱里。 Li Hua: Let me help with your suitcase, Mr. Williams. 李华: 威廉斯先生,让我来帮您拿行李吧。 Mr. Williams: No, dont bother. I can manage. Thank you all the same. 威

8、廉斯:不,不用麻烦。我自己能拿。谢谢你。 Li Hua: Well, we have a limo over there. This way, please. 李华: 我们的车等在那里。请往这边走。,1.我明天要去上海浦东国际机场接我们公司的业务伙伴。 I will go to Shanghai Pudong International Airport to meet a business associate with my company. 2.关于这位世界著名的艺术家,我已经听说过很多了。 Ive heard a lot about this famous artist of the wo

9、rld. 3.我希望我能有机会亲眼目睹这位家喻户晓的艺术家。 I hope I could see the household artist with my own eyes.,Translation,4.总经理,让我来帮您拿行李吧。 Let me help with your suitcase,general manager. 5.请问您是纽约来的佳华日用品公司的戴尔先生吗? Excuse me, but are you Mr. Dell from Jiahua Household Appliance Corporation in New York?,返回,Task 2: Exchangin

10、g Information,1.)majormeid n. 主修 adj. 主要的,vi. 主修 My major is French. 我的主修科目是法语。 The play was a major success. 这出戏大获成功。 We have encountered major problems. 我们已遇到重大的问题。,Words study,返回,2.)dormitory dmit()ri (pl. -ies)(大学或学院的)学生宿舍 Most of the students of this college live in dormitories. 这所学院的多数学生住集体宿舍。

11、 3)department : be sbs department (spoken) be sth that sb is responsible for or knows a lot about 是某人的职责范围或知识范围: Dont ask me about itthats Helens department, not mine. 这事别问我,那是海伦的职责范围,不归我管。 Complaints are dealt with in a different department. 投诉由另一个部门处理。,4)Exhibition.eksibin n. 展示,展览 Visitors to the

12、 exhibition came in an endless stream. 参观展览会的人络绎不绝。 Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? 你参观过毕加索的画展吗? 5).attracttrkt v. 吸引,有吸引力 The government is trying to attract more investment into the shipbuilding industry. 政府正在试图吸引更多资金投资到造船业方面来。,According to the dialogue,answer the following questions:,1.What

13、 are Helen and Daniel talking about? Helen and Danielare are talking about their department and majors in the dormitory. 2.Which department is the biggest one in their school? Design Department is the biggest one in their school. 3.Which department is Helen in? Helen is in Design Department. 4.which

14、 major does Daniel like best ? Daniel likes Cartoon& Animation best 5.What is Helens favorite major? Helens favorite major is Exhibition Engineering.,Sentence patterns:,1.全球范围内你最喜欢哪个城市?我最喜欢纽约。 In the world, which city do you like best? I like New York best. 2.在北京市共有多少所大学?在海南共有多少个旅游景点? How many unive

15、rsities are there in Beijing? How many scenic spots are there in Hainan? 3.我们学校哪个系最大? which department is the biggest in your school?,Translate the following passage into English.,2009年我被东方美术学院录取了,非常幸运和丹尼在同一系-设计系。设计系是我们学校最大的一个系。 I was admitted to Eastern Academy of Fine Arts in 2009. I am so lucky t

16、o be in the same department with Daniel -the Design Department which is the the biggest one in our school. 有八个专业:展示工程,计算机美工, 摄影传播,室内设计,建筑漫游动画,视觉传达设计及卡通动画和影视多媒体。我最喜欢建筑漫游动画,它非常吸引我。 There are eight majors, including Exhibition Engineering, Computer Graphics, photography Communication, Indoor Design, Architectural Walk-through Animation, Visual Communication Design andCartoon & Animation, Multimedia Animation, I like Architectu


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