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1、SAT词汇典型题解析1、2016年5月北美卷语法第20题Eventually, Tweed and his gang were 20 persecuted for a number of charges, including fraud and larceny, and many of them were sent to jail.A) NO CHANGEB) persecuted onC) persecuted withD) prosecuted on本题目中,不仅考查介词persecute sb. for(因为迫害)、persecute sb. with(拿纠缠)、persecute on

2、(没有这种用法),prosecute sb. for/on(因为控告),还考查形近词persecute / prosecute。不过本题只靠单词的意思就很好选出正确答案D。这些单词的考查点都是固定用法,属于OG里面的要求考查的effective language use,只能靠平时的积累记单词。2、2016年5月北美卷语法第2题These models have expanded researchers knowledge of ancient species and 2 swear to advance the field of paleontology in the years to co

3、me.A) NO CHANGEB) subscribeC) vowD) promiseswear , vow, promise 都可以用来指人发誓,但是只有promise才可以用事情做主语。subscribe to(同意),也是只能用用人作主语,并且这个词组中的to是介词,所以答案只能选D。3、2016年5月亚洲卷语法第24题While the pressures of an aging population, insurance reforms, and health epidemics have increased demand for care, the supply of physic

4、ians is not expected to 24 keep pace.A) NO CHANGEB) maintain the tempo.C) get in line.D) move along.在本题中,get in line (排队),move along(取得进展;走开),根据上下文很容易排除。maintain the tempo和keep pace,看起来字面意思很像,但是maintain the tempo的意思是“保持节奏(不变)”,而keep pace 的意思是“跟上节奏”,更多使用keep pace with sth。根据上下文的意思答案选A。7、2016年3月北美卷语法第

5、41题A more legitimate concern pertains to personal health, some studies show a relationship between wind turbine noise and 41 averse health effects caused by annoyance and sleep deprivation in up to 20 percent of residents living close to wind farms.A) NO CHANGE.B) adverse.C) adverted.D) adversarial本

6、题目中,空格部分需要填形容词性质的词,除了C) adverted是不及物动词,不用作被动语态;其他三个词,语法上都合适,只是意思不同。averse(反对的,不乐意的)、adverse(不利的,相反的)、adversarial(敌手的,敌对的),根据上下文的意思,答案选B。这类题型就是考查学生单词的拼写能力,所以要经常性地总结平时容易混淆的词。4、2016年5月亚洲卷阅读第2题As used in line 16, “kicks” most nearly meansA) thrills.B) complaints.C) jolts.D) interests.本题考查的单词“kick”很简单,但是

7、选项里估计有很多同学不认识 thrill(战栗,激动) 和 jolt(颠簸,摇晃;震惊),这已经是做题的第一道障碍,答案选项有不认识的词;再看该词所在的完整的句子:He did not demur even when asked to fix watches, though that enterprise did spectacularly badly, and in fact earned him more kicks than kudos, for no watch he took apart ever kept time again.我们发现 demur (反对;抗辩)是生词,kick

8、对应的后面的单词 kudos(来自希腊语,赞扬,荣誉) 也不认识,这是第二道障碍。如果词汇量足够大,认识 kudos,那么答案就很容易选了。但是如果能够读懂文章,通过上下文知道主人公“他”对于修表这项事业做的并不成功,因为for后面有解释他拆开过的表再也走不准了,那么就知道这个事业给他带来的是别人的抱怨。这样也能选出正确答案 B。5、2016年5月亚洲卷阅读第49题As used in line 69, “betting on” most nearly meansA) dabbling in.B) gambling with.C) switching from.D) optimistic ab

9、out.单看这道题目,bet on 的本义是“以打赌”;dabble in 本义是“玩水”,引申义是“涉足,涉猎”;gamble with 是“以赌博”,引申义“以冒险”;switch的本义是“开关” switch from引申为“从转换”;optimistic about 的意思是“对很乐观”。从字面意思上,最接近的选项是B gamble,但是实际上该题目的上下文意思完全和赌博没有任何关系。这是阅读第5篇,讲晶体硅发电的一篇科普文章。原文的句子:Even longer-term, Green is betting on silicon, aiming to take advantage of

10、 the huge reductions in cost already seen with the technology.因为这句话的前面一段讲的是他们一个实验性的生产线,晶体硅发电量提高了,文中给了一些数据,接下来就是这句话,所以“从长期来看, Green很看好晶体硅”,所以答案应该选 D。6、2016年5月亚洲卷语法第21题Burland 21 advocated using soil extraction: removing small amounts of soil from under the towers north side, opposite its tilt, to ena

11、ble gravity to straighten the tower.A) NO CHANGEB) advocated to useC) advocated the using ofD) advocating to use本题目中,D 选项advocating不能做谓语; C如果加the后面最好用名词use,而不用using;所以答案就在A、B之间选择了。根据固定搭配,本题选A。一般哪些词跟doing,哪些词跟to do,基本上没有规律。但是跟doing的单词相对来说少一些,所以需要大家看到跟doing的动词,就要专门记下来。SAT考前高频词汇总汇1. diversediverse /dav

12、s/ADJ If a group of things is diverse, it is made up of a wide variety ofthings. 各种各样的例:The building houses a wideand diverse variety of antiques.这栋楼里摆放着大量各式各样的古董。2. deviseddevise /dvaz/ ( devising, devised, devises )V-T If you devise a plan,system, or machine, you have the idea for it and design it

13、. 构思; 设计例:We deviseda scheme to help him.我们想出了一个计划来帮助他。3. ignominyignominy /nmn/N-UNCOUNT Ignominy is shame or public disgrace. 耻辱; 公开羞辱 正式oft N of n/-ing例:.the ignominy of being fired.被开除的羞辱。4. acolyteacolyte /klat/ (acolytes )N-COUNT An acolyte is afollower or assistant of an important person. 追随者

14、 正式例:To his acolytes, he is known simply as the Boss.对于他的助手来说,他就只是“老板”。5. compassioncompassion /kmpn/N-UNCOUNT Compassion is a feeling of pity, sympathy, and understanding for someone who is suffering. 同情例:Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians.老年人需要医生的时间和同情心。6. ruthlessruthle

15、ss /ruls/ CET6+ TEM4ADJ If you say that someoneis ruthless, you mean that you disapprove of them because they are very harsh or cruel, and will do anything that is necessary to achieve what they want. 残酷的 表不满例:The president was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internalpolitical dissent.这位总统对任何内部政治分歧的苗头都毫不留情。7. ubiquitousubiquitous /jubkwts/ TEM8ADJ If



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