person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究

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person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究_第1页
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person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究_第2页
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person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究_第3页
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person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究_第4页
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person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究_第5页
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《person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《person references in newspaper headlines 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Person References in Newspaper Headlines Under the Supervision of Professor Ding YanrenSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of ArtsEnglish DepartmentSchool of Foreign StudiesNanjing University ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe completion of this thesis cannot be realized b

2、ut for the help from a group of individuals, to whom I owe the deepest gratitude. Id like to take this opportunity to express my heart-felt thankfulness to all of them. My deepest appreciation first extends to my two supervisors, Prof. Chen Xinren and Prof. Ding Yanren. Prof. Chen led me into the fi

3、eld of Pragmatics and under his consistent help and supervision, I acquired some knowledge about the discipline. When abroad, he still contacted us closely and helped me solve problems encountered in my research. Prof. Ting took over the supervising task when Prof. Chen went abroad for study. He has

4、 provided me with very detailed instructions on the composing of my thesis paper. He even helped to check my typing and identified many typing mistakes. Without his constant help, encouragement and expert advice during the whole process when I was dragging through each stage of this thesis, this pap

5、er couldnt have been finished so quickly. His great help also finds its way in offering assistance in handling the methodological problems, providing constructive suggestions for analyzing the data and taking great pains in reading and revising this thesis meticulously. Thanks for his encouragement,

6、 advices and patience.I am also grateful for Prof. Wen Qiufang, whose strict requirements as well as insightful instructions in the thesis writing course is of great help to the methodology adopted in this thesis. I would also express my appreciation to all the professors who assisted me during my t

7、hree years of postgraduate study and the completion of this thesis, such as Prof. Heng Renquan, Prof. Yu Hongliang, Prof. Wang Lifei and Prof. Wang Wenyu. Finally, Id like to express my heart-felt thanks to my family and all others who directly or indirectly helped me to bring this thesis into being

8、.For any errors that still remain, I personally shoulder full responsibility. ABSTRACTPerson references in online English newspaper headlines When writing newspaper headlines, editors cannot avoid using expressions to refer to human or nonhuman entities. However, these referring expressions (accessi

9、bility markers) never receive due attention from researchers. The researcher in this paper explored the use of person references in headlines from online English newspapers published in USA and China. First, the researcher examined the use of person references in the homepages of Eight American news

10、papers. Then she focused on three newspapers, two tabloids and one broadsheet and examined person references from the business, sports, entertainment and news sections. Third, she examined person references from the headlines of all the sections in two Chinas English newspapers. This study produces

11、the following results:(1) American newspapers tend to use more intermediate accessibility markers than high or low ones although when appropriate, they also make headlines as short as possible by using zeros or make them rather long by using indefinite descriptions. Last names are used more often th

12、an other types of names in the headlines of online American newspapers. (2) Different sections (excluding the news section) and different newspapers use intermediate accessibility markers more often than they use low or high accessibility markers. The news section use a large number of low rather th

13、an intermediate or high accessibility markers. In addition, the business section uses the largest number of zeros; the Sports section has the largest number of last names; the entertainment section uses first names most frequently and the news section uses indefinite descriptions most frequently.(3)

14、 English newspapers in China, unlike their American counterparts, use low accessibility markers more frequently than the intermediate or high markers. Also, they use high accessibility markers very scarcely compared with American newspapers. English newspapers in China seldom use zeros and pronouns.

15、 The present study further verifies the pattern of referring in newspaper headlines with new data sources, thus contributing to the study of journalistic writing by complementing the convention-based approach to the study of journalistic writing, which is by nature prescriptive, with an approach that is both descriptive and explanatory.中文摘要 英文报纸新闻标题中的人物指称用语研究 报纸标题是报纸的一个重要组成部分,很多研究人员都对它进行了研究。但却很少有人研究标题中的指称用语,这与其重要性是不成比例的。 报纸中每个标题都离不开对人或物的指称,研究标题中的指称表达意义重大。Kronrod和Engel(2001)研究了以色列报纸标题中的指称用语,发现其中使用最多的是中可及性指称语(又称可及性标示语),其次是低可及性指称语,使用最


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