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1、中国文化通览最终成绩 (10% 出勤 + 10% 课堂表现 + 80% 期末)Presentation:Chinese culture comparative culture (foreign culture) 一、 授课内容1.主题: 第一章:古代中国概况 The basic national conditions of ancient China a) 地理环境和经济结构The geographical surroundings and the economic structure of the Chinese cultureb) 中国文化的历史发展The historical devel

2、opment of the Chinese culture c) 中国人的传统世界观、价值观和思维模式The traditional worldview, values and mode of thinking of the Chinese people d) 以儒、道两家为基干的古代思想文化The ancient Chinese thought 第二章:Chinese Historical tales, myths, fables and legends a) 历史故事Chinese historical tales b) 神话Myths c) 寓言Fables d)民间传说 Folklor

3、es 第三章:中国文化名人 Eminent personnel in the history of the Chinese culture a) 古代文化名人Eminent personnel in the ancient times b)近现代文化名人Eminent personnel in the modern times 第四章:中国名篇名著 famous Chinese literary works a) 中国文化名著Masterpieces b)中国文化名篇Well-known literary pieces第5章 :中国文化瑰宝 Gems of the Chinese Cultur

4、e a)四书五经The Four Books and The Five Classics b)京剧与地方戏曲 Beijing Opera and local operas c)中国书画 Chinese painting and calligraphy d)生活中的文化符号 Cultural tokens in daily life 第六章:中国民间艺术与竞技 Folk arts and sports a)民间工艺 Folk handicraft b)民间游艺 Folk performance and Entertainment c)民间竞技 Folk sports 第7章 :中国风土人情 Ch

5、inese folk cultures a) 饮食文化The dietetic culture b) 酒文化The wine culture c) 茶文化The tea culture d) 姓氏文化The name culture e) 节日文化The festival culture第8章 :中国地理文化 Chinese geographical culture a) 古城古迹Ancient cities and historical sites b) 景点景观Famous scenic spots c) 名山Famous Mountains d)河流湖泊 Famous rivers an

6、d lakes 第9章 :中国建筑与园林 Chinese architecture and gardening a) 传统建筑风格Ancient architectural styles b)著名传统建筑 Famous ancient constructions c) 园林及其特色Chinese gardening Translate the following expressions:1. 四大发明 2. 儒家文化 3. 青藏高原(平原 盆地 群岛 半岛) 4. 亚热带 温带 5. 降水量 6.义勇军进行曲 7. 兵马俑 8. 四大古典名著 9. 四大菜系 10. 麻将 1. The com

7、pass, gunpowder, the art of paper-making and the movable type printing 2.Confucianism 3. Archipelagoes peninsulas 4. Subtropical temperate zones 5 Precipitation 6.March of the Volunteers 7. The terra cotta armies and horses8. 西游记Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West 三国演义The Romance of the Thre

8、e Kingdoms 红楼梦A Dream in Red Mansions (The Story of the Stone) 水浒传 Heroes of the Marshes; Water Margins 9. Four major groups of Chinese Cuisine (homework) 10. Mahjong中国文化通览Chapter One The Basic National Conditions of Ancient China (第一章 古代中国概况)Chapter Two Chinese Historical Tales , Myths, Fables and

9、Legends (第二章 中国历史故事、神话、寓言与民间传说)Chapter Three Eminent Personnel in the History of Chinese Culture ( 第三章 中国文化名人)Chapter Four Famous Chinese Literary Works.(第四章 中国名言名篇)Chapter Five Gems of Chinese Culture.(第五章 中国文化瑰宝)Chapter Six Folk Arts and Sports .(第六章 中国民间艺术与竞技)Chapter Seven Chinese Folk Cultures.(

10、第七章 中国风土人情)Chapter Eight Chinese Geographical Culture.(第八章 中国地理文化)Chapter Nine Chinese Architecture and Gardening (第九章 中国建筑与园林)第一章:a) 地理环境和经济结构The geographical surroundings and the economic structure of the Chinese cultureb) 中国文化的历史发展The historical development of the Chinese culture c) 中国人的传统世界观、价值观

11、和思维模式The traditional worldview, values and mode of thinking of the Chinese people d) 以儒、道两家为基干的古代思想文化The ancient Chinese thoughtSection 1 The Geographical Surroundings and the Economic Structure of the Chinese CultureThe Chinese culture can be defined as a cultural system rich in distinct national s

12、tyle which took shape within the terrain of China. The culture includes the spiritual culture and behavioral culture as well as their materialized presentations. It is these cultural forms that typify the fundamental features of the Chinese culture. It belongs to the historical category, having unde

13、rgone 5 000-year development before it turns into todays splendid sight, both extensive and profound. To some extent the Chinese culture indicates the Chinese tradition. Meanwhile it can be relegated to the national category. After a long process of relatively independent development followed by the

14、 collision and exchange afterwards between China and foreign countries, the Chinese culture assumed unique characteristics, became an outstanding member in the brilliant global family of national cultures, and grew to be a main representative of Oriental national cultures.For anyone to understand the basic national conditions of ancient China, the Chinese culture is a must, and vice versa. The basic national conditions in China owed its formation to the development of the Chinese culture in the specific historical background



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