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1、冀教版七年级英语下册Lesson40 Move your body导学案科目English课题Lesson40 Move your body课型New lesson主备人 党学芳审核人授课人党学芳授课时间第 周编号教学 目 标1指导学生理解本课重点单词,短语。 2.介绍英语诗歌的特点。重点:单词,短语的用法难点: with的用法,了解英语诗歌的特点。一 课前预习1. 预习单词,课文,小组完成各自的学习任务。2. 收集Some sayings about friendship。3. 预习自测。根据汉语完成句子。1)你站在那一边?Whose _are you on?2).Eating too mu

2、ch meat will make us_(增加体重,发胖)。3).Many people like to watch TV all day. They are_(沙发土豆).4). 我的确感觉很幸运通过考试。 I feel really _ to pass the exam.5).When you _ (担心)the exam,you can talk to your partner.6).他过去常常吃垃圾食品,但是现在他不再吃了。He _(过去常常)a lot of junk food , but now he_eat_.7).Tell them finish their homework

3、 on time and surf the internet_(不再)8)你可以做一个电视迷,看一整天的电视。 You can_and _ all day二“I”的疑惑 (学生自主预习反映的典型问题) 教学流程Step1 Class opening情景导课 1.问候。 2.简单对话,导入新课 【PPT】Step 2 Self-learning 自主学习Listen(P105, part 1) Step3 Co-operative studying合作学习各小组梳理各组的学习内容,准备展示。Step4 Exhibition and exchange展示交流 个组同学到台前展示各组学习任务,并由中

4、心发言人在前黑板展演探究结果。(其他小组补充,并点评,老师点拨。)探究一1.used to的意思是“过去经常”,to是不定式符号,其后接动词原形。Eg.He used to_ (live) in Paris.他过去一直住在巴黎。(1)used to的否定句通常为didnt use to do sth.Eg.She_have long hair.她过去不常是长发。(2)含有used to的句子变为一般疑问句时,可用“助动词Did+主语+use to dosth. ?”结构。Eg._you _ the piano?你过去经常弹钢琴吗?Yes, I_. /No, _.(3)含有used to的特殊疑

5、问句的结构为“疑问词+助动词did+主语+use to do.?”Eg.What_ you_do?你过去经常干什么?I used to_( collect) stamps.我过去经常收集邮票。拓展:be used to doing sth:习惯做某事探究二. He watches too much TV and plays too many computer games . (1)too much修饰不可数名词前,表示太多。如:I drank too much wine last night.我昨天晚上喝酒太多。(2)作为短语起名词作用。后面可加of短语,也可单独使用。如:You have g

6、iven me too much.你给我的太多了。(3)放在句末修饰动词。如:He talked too much.他讲得太多了。(4)不能直接修饰形容词或副词(因为much不能这样用)。如,不能说:This one is too much big. much too修饰形容词或副词的原级”,用来加强语气。如:This one is much too big.这个大得太多了。You are going much too fast.你走得实在太快了。(2)too many修饰名词复数。We have too many questions to ask him.探究三And he is putti

7、ng on weight .put weight on意为_ 反意短语为_ 意为_ weight为不可数名词。Eg:Whats your weight?探究四.Tim is not active any more.not any more =no more与瞬时动词连用,表程度不再增加,次数不再重复. no longer与延续性动词或表示状态的词连用,表示时间上的“不再”持续,(过去曾经.,现在不.)。 The baby no more cried.或The boy cried no more.=The boy didnt cried any more.(表哭的程度不再增加) He no lo

8、nger works/lives here.He doesnt livework here(表示过去在这里工作住,现在不在这里工作住).探究五But now Ben worries about Tim .=But now Ben is worried about Tim.worry about 意为 _,相当于_.worry为_词,worried 为_词。探究六 But I feel really lucky.luck意为_,为_词;其形容词为_,副词为_。Step5 Guiding and promoting(能力提升) PPTStep6课堂检测。I 用单词的正确形式填空。1.Mary,yo

9、uusedto_(be)short,butnowyouaretall.2.Mymotherusedto_(tell)usstorieswhenwewerechildren.3.I pass the English exam_(luck).4. His parents are always_(worry) him when he _(not come)back.5. He has fun_(write) a poem in the sun.II单选。1.Hecanthearyoubecausethereis_noisehere.AverymuchBtoomuchCmuchtooDsomany2.

10、Today,_treesarestillbeingcutdownsomewhereintheworldAmuchtooBtoomuchCmanytooDtoomany3.Theseshoesaremuchtoo_formeAbigBbiggerCbiggestDthebiggestStep7课堂小结 备注A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。 A good friend is my nearest relation. 良友如近亲。 A life without a friend is a life without a sun 人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳。 All are not friends that speak us fair 说我们好话的未必都是朋友。作业设计板书设计教学反思



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