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1、,商务英语实训教程 (上册 ) 教师参考 Unit 5,教师用书 Unit ( 5 ) Stimulation and Innovation Pre-reading questions How do you think acquire an outstanding Manager? Firstly he or she has inherent power; Secondly regardless of what motives one has, he or she has the style to rigorous able; Thirdly he or she is not afraid t

2、o fail, and committed to the goal of achieving; Fourthly he or she must be responsible for the job.,【文本翻译】 激励创新 迈克乔治的X理论与Y理论 根据道格拉斯 迈克乔治(1996)的理论,对普通人有两套完全不同的假设,这两套假设会导致不同的管理模式。第一组假设,即X理论,内容如下: 普通人对某种工作有与生俱来的厌恶,并极力地回避该工作。 人必须在被强迫,控制,指引,甚至被惩罚的情况下才能激发出对工作需付出的足够的努力。,激励创新,人更愿意被引导,回避责任,缺乏抱负和野心,以最基本的安全需求作

3、为动力。 机构组织内部形成传统的纪律,政策,步骤及处分纪律的假设都以X理论为基础。可以取代它的另外一套假设为Y理论,内容如下: 在工作中所付出的体力和精力的消耗,如玩耍对于孩子一样自然 目标一旦确定,人会自觉地做出自我导引,自我控制。 目标的承诺是与成就相关的一项回报,激励创新,在适当的条件下,人不仅接受,并且会主动承担责任.。 在解决组织问题时,人很愿意发挥自己的想象力,智慧和创造力。 人的潜能往往只被利用了一部分。 愿意接受Y理论的管理者会公布信息,分配责任,他们会向员工解释做事的理由和原因,征集可以更好完成工作的想法和建议,并且以人们乐于接受的方式去对待他们。不用说,本书所讨论的意见和行

4、为都以Y理论为基础。,New Words 词汇教学重点: 1. adequate dikwit; dkwit 例句1:His knowledge is adequate to do this job well.他的知识足可胜任这 项工作。 例句2:The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求。 2. alternative :lt:ntiv 例句1:What is the alternative to firing half the staff?除了解雇一半的职员 外,还有什么别的选择? 例句2:Do you have an alternative

5、 solution to the problem?你有没有别的 办法来解决这个问题?,3. approach prut 例句1:He is systematic in his approach to work.他工作起来井井有 条。 例句2:Workers, above all, will know how to approach the problem correctly. 工人们最懂得怎样正确地处理这个问题。 4. assumption smpn 例句1:The project was predicated on the assumption that the economy was ex

6、panding.这一计划是以经济发展的设想为 依据的。 例句2:His assumption of office was welcomed by everyone.他的到 职为大家所欢迎。,5. coerce ku:s 例句1:The market, coerce we undertake adjustment to rasorial course of study.市场,逼迫我们对家禽业进行调整。 例句2:“The way in which the man of genius rules is by persuading an efficient minority to coerce an

7、indifferent and self-indulgent majority“ (James Fitzjames Stephen).“这个天才的管理方式是说服 高效率地少数人来强制那些冷漠的、自我放纵的多数人”。(詹 姆斯菲次詹姆斯斯蒂芬)。 6. commitment kmitmnt 例句1:Do we have a commitment for an on-site customer?我们有一个 现场客户的承诺吗? 例句2:We made a commitment to keep working together.我们承诺一起继 续工作。,7. consequent knsi.kwent

8、 例句1:Trade depression was consequent on economic crisis.经济危 机引起了贸易萧条。 例句2:This is due to its inflation and consequent unemployment.这是由 通货膨胀以及随之而来的失业造成的。 8. distinct distikt 例句1:A strike is now a distinct possibility.目前罢工确有可能发生。 例句2:Several distinct articles lumped as one.几个明显的货物品种被 混为一种。,9. discipli

9、nary disiplineri 例句1:The company will be taking disciplinary action against him.公司将 对他进行纪律惩罚。 例句2:The exercise of disciplinary power is a corrective function of the employer.执行纪律的权力乃是资方的一种纠正职能。 10. expenditure ikspendit 例句1:The clerk reckoned the expenditure last week with an abacus. 那 位职员用算盘将上周的花销计

10、算出来。 例句2:My expenditure is conditioned by my income我的支出受我的收 入限制。,11. ingenuity .indinju:iti 例句1:Each phase will put ingenuity and engineering to the ultimate test. 对所有参与设计与工程的工作人员来说,这将是莫大的考验。 例句2:His methods were all stamped with tenacity of purpose, wit originality and ingenuity.他的业绩表明他坚韧不拔有创建,足 智多

11、谋。 12. inherent inhirnt; inhirnt 例句1:There is an inherent weakness in the design.这设计本身弱点。 例句2:The manager dont find her inherent ability.经理没有发现她潜在 的才能。,13. intellectual.intlektul 例句1:Hes a kind of intellectual superman.他是智力超常的人。 例句2:We admired his intellectual providence to acquire vast stores of dr

12、y information.我们钦佩他收集大量原始资料的远见 卓识。 14. motivate mutiveit; mut.veit 例句1:Train and motivate a sale staff of eighteen.招收和培训了18个销 售人员。 例句2:Able to manage, train and motivate the team.有管理、培训及激 励团队的能力。,15. postulate pstjuleit; pst.leit 例句1:They postulate excessive increase in price.他们把物价过度增长 视为当然。 例句2:Let

13、s postulate that she is an outstanding manager.我们假定她是 一位杰出的经理。 16. primarily praimrili 例句1:He is primarily liable for his debt.他对债务负主要责任或他是主 要债务人。 例句2:What size customers does your product primarily target?该产品的 主目标客户量?,17. state steit 例句1:The state of the economy is very worrying.目前的经济状况令人 十分担忧。 例句2

14、: Please state your name, age and occupation.请说明姓名、年龄和 职业。 18. utilizeju:tilaiz 例句1:What criteria do you utilize in selecting employees?在筛选雇员 时你使用仕么标准? 例句2:Very few of our customers utilize this option.大多数顾客会选择 利用这种方式。,Phrases 1. put forth 例句1:What motivates you to put forth your best effort? 什么激发 了

15、你的动力? 例句2:What makes you put forth your greatest effort? 什么使你付 出了最大的努力? 2. associate with 例句1:I associated with him in business.我过去和他合伙经商 例句2:The small Factory benefited a lot from its association with that big company.这家小工厂与那家大公司交往获益良多。,3. needless to say 例句1:Needless to say, he kept his promise.不用

16、说,他信守 了他的诺言。 例句2:Needless to say, being so far inland raises transport costs for exporters. 毋庸置疑,这么远的距离肯定 会使出口产品的物流成本增加。,Business Terms 1. Theory X and Theory Y 激励理论 Douglas McGregor (1906 - 1964) is one of the forefathers of management theory and one of the top business thinkers of all time. He was a social psychologist who became the President of Antioch College. He later be


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