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1、Chapter 9,MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES,9-1,3 -,2,Management Functions,- Planning - defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities (Ch6789) - Organizing arranging and structuring work to accomplish the organizations goals (determ

2、ining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are made) 组织设计、权力配置 (Ch10)、人员配备 (Ch12)、沟通(Ch11) - Leading motivating, leading, and any other actions involved in dealing with people (Ch14151617) - Controlling - monitoring a

3、ctivities to ensure that they are accomplished as planned (Ch1819),9-2,1. What Is Motivation? P452 2. Early Theories Of Motivation P453 3. Contemporary Theories of Motivation P456 4. From Theory To Practice P476,Outline,9-3,Teaching Objectives,1. Define motivation. 2. Describe the five levels in Mas

4、lows hierarchy and how Maslows hierarchy can be used in motivational efforts. 3. Discuss how Theory X and Theory Y managers approach motivation. 4. Describe Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory. 5. Describe the three needs McClelland proposed as being present in work settings. 6. Explain how goal-set

5、ting and reinforcement theories explain employee motivation. 7. Design motivating jobs. 8. Discuss the motivation implications of equity theory. 9. Explain the three key linkages in expectancy theory and their role in motivation.,9-4,Focal and Difficult Points,1. Early motivation theories 2. Equity

6、theory 3. Expectancy theory 4. From theory to practice,9-5,Lead-in Case,友谊卡片公司对员工的激励 1986年迪娜爱尔文创立了友谊卡片公司,利用自己的商品设计专长制造和销售贺卡。现有12名员工,人年均利润超过10万美元。 1993年3月,迪娜决定让员工共享公司的成功。她宣布,在即将到来的6、7、8三个月,公司每星期五也成为休息日。这样,所有员工将有三天的周末时间,仍能得到与五天工作日一样的工资。 在实行三天周末制一个月后,一位她最信赖的员工向她坦白,他宁愿得到加薪而不是额外的休息时间,他说,另外有几位员工与他的想法相同。,9

7、-6,迪娜十分惊讶。她的大多数员工不到30岁,而年均收入3.5万美元,比本镇从事相似工作的员工收入高20%。对她自己来说,如果年收入已达到3.5万美元,在钱和休闲之间进行选择的话,她将毫不犹豫地选择后者,她以为她的员工也是如此。 迪娜十分开明,她召集所有员工开会,问他们:“你们是希望得到夏季的三天周末呢,还是希望得到4000美元的奖金?谁赞成继续四天工作制?”6只手举了起来。“谁愿意得到奖金?”另外6只手举了起来。 这件事使迪娜明白了该如何激励和奖励她的员工。,9-7,3 -,8,话 题,1迪娜的激励措施为什么遭到了部 分员工的抵制? (请结合有关激励理论) 2成功的管理者应该如何激励她的 员

8、工呢?,9-8,1. What Is Motivation?,Motivation Is the process by which a persons efforts are energized, directed, and sustained towards attaining a goal. Motivation works best when individual needs are compatible with organizational goals. 所谓激励,是指管理者运用各种管理手段,刺激被管理者的需要,激发其动机,使其朝向组织所期望的目标前进的心理过程。 激励在管理中的作用

9、:核心作用是调动人的积极性。,9-9,2. Early Theories Of Motivation,9-10,Maslows Hierarchy of Needs MacGregors Theories X and Y Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory,2. Early Theories Of Motivation (cont.),2.1 Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory 需要层次论是美国心理学家亚伯拉罕.马斯洛1943年提出来的。 Needs were categorized as five levels of lower- to h

10、igher-order needs. Individuals must satisfy lower-order needs before they can satisfy higher order needs. Satisfied needs will no longer motivate. Motivating a person depends on knowing at what level that person is on the hierarchy. Hierarchy of needs Lower-order (external): physiological, safety Hi

11、gher-order (internal): social, esteem, self-actualization,9-11,Maslows Hierarchy of Needs,9-12,2. Early Theories Of Motivation (cont.),9-13,2.2 McGregors Theory X and Theory Y Theory X - assumes that workers have little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely con

12、trolled assumed that lower-order needs dominated Theory Y - assumes that workers can exercise self-direction, accept and actually seek out responsibility, and consider work to be a natural activity assumed that higher-order needs dominated motivation is maximized by participative decision making, in

13、teresting jobs, and good group relations,2. Early Theories Of Motivation (cont.),2.3 Herzbergs Two-Factor Theory 双因素论是美国心理学家赫茨伯格于20世纪50年代提出来的。 Job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are created by different factors. Hygiene factors: extrinsic (environmental) factors that create job dissatisfaction

14、. 保健因素:这属于和工作环境或条件相关的因素。当人们得到这些方面满足时,只是消除了不满,却不会调动人们的工作积极性。 Motivators: intrinsic (psychological) factors that create job satisfaction. 激励因素:这属于和工作本身相关的因素,包括:工作成就感、工作挑战性、工作中得到的认可与赞美、工作的发展前途、个人成才与晋升的机会等。当人们得到这些方面的满足时,会对工作产生浓厚的兴趣,产生很大的工作积极性。,9-14,Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory,9-15,Contrasting Vi

15、ews of Satisfaction-Dissatisfaction,9-16,The opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but rather no satisfaction.,3 -,17,双因素理论的应用,n 保健因素和激励因素对员工行为有明显不同的影响,组织要善于区分管理实践中存在的两类要素,激励工作也应该相应分为两个不同的步骤和阶段。 n 首先保证保健因素达到适当水平以消除不满;然后创造让员工取得成功的机会激励其更高的追求。 n 组织注意改善工作环境满足员工保健性需要,对于稳定人心、保持员工士气有一定作用。 n 在不同的

16、国家、地区,不同的时间、阶段和不同的组织,乃至每个人,最敏感的激励因素是各不相同的,应灵活的加以确定。,9-17,3. Contemporary Theories of Motivation,Three-Needs Theory Goal-Setting Theory Reinforcement Theory Designing Motivating Jobs Equity Theory Expectancy Theory,9-18,3.Contemporary Theories Of Motivation (cont.),9-19,3.1 Three-Needs Theory McClelland There are three major acquired needs that are major motives in work. Need for achievement (nAch) The driv


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