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1、酒店管理英语听说教程,范广丽 袁立辉 主编,ISBN:978-7-5663-0385-1 2012年9月 北京第1版,Unit 4 Room Service,Part A Phonetics: Monophthongs 单元音The Back Vowels 后元音: :,Part B Listening In: Extending the Stay,Part C Speaking Out: Maintenance in the Guest Room,Part D: Further Listening,Part A Phonetics: Monophthongs 单元音The Back Vowe

2、ls 后元音: :,Page 27 Task 1 : Task 2 Task 3 : Task 4 Words Task 5 Phrases Task 6 Sentences,Unit 4,3,Part B Listening In: Extending the Stay,Page 29 New Words delay vt. 耽搁,推迟 expect to 预期,期待 relocation n. 重新安置 affordable adj. 支付得起的,Unit 4,4,Task 1 Short Conversations,1. W: Last year we had 120 students.

3、 M: But this year we have twice as many as last year. Q: How many students do they have this year? C. 240. 2. W: This white shirt is $10 and the blue one is $13. M: Look, the black one is only $7. Q: How much is the blue shirt? B. $13. 3. W: Tickets are $4 for adults and half price for children. M:

4、OK, Id like one adults and two childrens tickets, please. Q: How much will the man pay for the tickets? C. $8.,Unit 4,5,Scripts,4. W: When will the movie start? M: At 7:30, we still have 15 minutes to get there. Q: What time is it now? D. 7:15. 5. W: Can you tell me when the train will arrive? M: Ye

5、s, it should arrive at 3 p.m., but it has been delayed for l hour and 30 minutes. Q: When it the train expected to arrive now? C. At 4:30 p.m.,Unit 4,6,Scripts,Part B Listening In: Extending the Stay,Page30 Task 2 Long Conversation,Unit 4,7,Mr. Song: Is this your umbrella, Miss? Miss Shen: Oh yes, i

6、t is. Thank you. I was looking for it just now. Mr. Song: You look a bit familiar to me. I wonder if I have seen you somewhere before. Miss Shen: Have you? Mr. Song: May I ask where you live? Miss Shen: Just two blocks away, in that tall building. Mr. Song: Thats it. I live there, too. I live on the

7、 sixth floor. Miss Shen: My family moved in just two weeks ago. We live on the fourth floor. Mr. Song: Its a small world! May I know your name, Miss? Miss Shen: Im Shen Yan. Mr. Song: How do you do, Miss Shen? Im Song Gang. Miss Shen: Im glad to know you, Mr. Song. Mr. Song: Are you going to your of

8、fice now, Miss Shen? Miss Shen: No. Im going to do some shopping for the weekend. What about you? Mr. Song: Im going to the airport to meet some friends from Beijing. Miss Shen: See you later, Mr. Song. Mr. Song: Have a good day, Miss Shen. Miss Shen: You, too.,Unit 4,8,Scripts,6. How did the man an

9、d the woman get acquainted? C. The man helped the woman find her umbrella. 7. What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman? A. Neighbours. 8. Why does the man say the woman looks a bit familiar to him? C. Because the man has seen her somewhere before. 9. What was the woman doing w

10、hen the man greeted her? D. Looking for her umbrella. 10. What can you infer from the dialogue? B. The man and the woman met in the street.,Unit 4,9,Part B Listening In: Extending the Stay,Page 30 Task 3 Passage,Unit 4,10,There are various reasons why people might need to spend an extra stay in a pl

11、ace away from home. They may be business travelers or they may be undergoing corporate relocation in connection with their employment. They may be visiting someone in another town but unable to stay with that person. For whatever reason, the extending stay in hotel provides a comfortable and afforda

12、ble place to live for a short time. Ive extended my stay by one night a couple of times and each time was charged the same nightly rate I booked. This worked well for me both times because it was less than bar. Of course if the hotel quoted a higher rate I would have checked the website for options.

13、 On one other occasion the hotel was fully booked and said they could not extend my stay but offered to check other nearby hotels for me. 11. People spend an extra stay in a place 11.(F) 12.(T) 13.(T) 14.(F) 15.(T),Unit 4,11,Scripts,Part C Speaking Out: Maintenance in the Guest Room,Page 31 New Word

14、s flush vi. 冲水 clogged adj. 堵塞的 mural n. 壁画 indemnity n. 赔款 drainage n. 排水,Unit 4,12,Task 1 Sample Dialogue,Part C Speaking Out: Maintenance in the Guest Room,Page 32 Task 2 Pair Work,Unit 4,13,Part D Further Listening,Page 33 Task 1 Sentences Task 2 Dialogues Task 3 Passage,Unit 4,14,对外经济贸易大学出版社市场营销部 地址:北京市朝阳区惠新东街10号 电话:010-64492342 http:/ E-mail: ,谢谢!,



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