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1、出国旅游申请书范文目录第一篇:出国旅游签证申请书第二篇:出国旅游第三篇:出国旅游第四篇:出国申请书范文第五篇:出国旅游单位证明正文第一篇:出国旅游签证申请书申请人姓名(中文)(英文)出生年月日:年月日出生地:省/市居民身份证号码: 性别:男女现住所:中华人民共和国省/市住宅电话号码:移动电话:工作单位(学校):电话号码: 职位:紧急联络人(中国国内亲属等)姓名:与申请人的关系:住址:电话号码:护照签发地点:护照号码:护照签发日期:年月日有效期至:年月日犯罪记录无有 报名旅行社:报名日期:年月日参团费用:人民币预定出发日:年月日预定归国日:年月日 访问地点: 一同报名参团者(亲属、朋友、同事等)

2、:所持外币:日元日元美元美元出境纪录:无有年月停留日国名:在日亲属:无有在日亲属姓名:关系: 职业:住宅电话号码:工作单位(学校): 本人声明以上内容均为事实,并清楚地认识到本人的入境资格、居留期限将在本人到达日本时均由日本移民官员决定。本人清楚地认识到持有签证者在到达日本港口请求入境时,如被发现是属于禁止入境者时,则无权进入日本。申请年月日:年月日申请人签名第二篇:出国旅游出国旅游这个学期我评上了“三好学生”,所以外公外婆奖励我,带我到新加坡、马来西亚旅游。XX年1月16日,我们出发了!我们刚从飞机上下来,就看见了新加坡和中国没有什么不一样,但是新加坡比中国干净得多。等我们出了机场后,就看到


4、都是“no,no,no!”,所以我们不知道那些游戏怎么玩。好在还碰到了一个华人,她告诉我们原来是买套票。然后我们就不玩了,因为那里有过山车我不敢玩。我们就上到了第四层楼,那里是玩游戏机的地方,我们又准备来玩游戏机,我们以为它和中国的一样也是买游戏币玩的,但是它却不是这样的,它是十三块马币买一个游戏卡,然后再在游戏机上读一下卡就可以玩了。我在这里尽情地玩,高兴极了!自从我到了新加坡、马来西亚之后,就觉得英语是那么的重要,我以后一定要学好英语,以后去哪里都不怕!第三篇:出国旅游出国旅游? 预定机票1、hi, i would like to purchase a one way ticket to

5、brussels, please. 你好,我想买一张去brussels的票。2、would you find any other available flight to tokyo? 请你找其他有空位的班机去东京好吗?3、hello. i want to reconfirm our flight to london.你好,我要确认我去伦敦的班机。4、we are taking ib 385 (请帮助宣传好范文 网:)to london tomorrow at 1 p.m 我们是坐ib 385号明天下午1点钟飞往伦敦的航班。5、good afternoon miss.are there plan

6、e tickets to san francisco on the day after tomorrow?下午好,小姐.后天是否有去旧金山的飞机票?6、ill need a coach open return. whats the fare?我要一个普通舱位费用是多少?7、what time will the flight put me there?飞机到达终点是什么时候?8、ok ill take three. whats the flight number?好!我要三张.飞机的航班号是多少?9、the flight number is 301 at gate two.在2号登机口的301航

7、班。? .签证1、hello,heres my passport.你好,这是我的护照.。2、whats the expiration date on your passport?您护照的有效期是到什么时候?3、do you have anything do declare?你有什么东西要申报的吗?4、how long will you be staying in the uk?您打算在英国停留多久?5、ill be here for about a year.大概一年.6、wed like a table with a view of garden.我们想要面对花园的位子。7、what is

8、the purpose of your stay?请问您停留的目的是?8、have you ever gone abroad before?你以前出过国吗?9、yes, ive been to tailand, egypt, and japan.出过,我去过泰国,埃及和日本.10、have you ever been denied a visa before?你有过被拒签的记录吗? .酒店1、id like to book a room.我想要订一个房间。2、what kind of room would you like, maam? we got single rooms, double

9、rooms, standard rooms, suites and deluxe suites您需要什么样的房间,女士?我们有单人间,双人间,标准间,套间和豪华套间。3、whats the rate for a standard room?标准间的价格是多少?4、id like a standard room.我想订一个标准间。5、how long do you plan to stay?您计划住几天?6、would you like to pay for the room in cash or with a credit card? 付房租你想付现金还是刷卡?7、please fill ou

10、t this registration card. here is your key. you can park your car in front of our room.check-out time is noon.请填这张登记卡。这是你们的钥匙。你们可以把车停在我们房间的前面。付账离开的时间是中午。8、hi. im calling from room 209. i couldnt find the tv guide. can you send me one, please?您好。我是209室的。我找不到收视指南了。能给我送一份吗?9、this is barbara in room 209

11、.id like to order breakfast,please.我是209房间的barbara,我想要订份早餐。10、what would you like to order?您想要吃些什么呢?11、two slices of whole wheat bread and one cup of coffe.两片全麦面包和一杯咖啡。12、can you send more blankets up? these blankets we use are too thin.能给我们多送一些毛毯上来吗?我们用的毛毯太薄了。13、 my husband and i would like a wake-

12、up call tomorrow morning.我先生和我想要明天早上的起床服务。14、will you keep our bags until 6 p.m.?请你替我们保管行李到六点好吗??参观景点1、excuse me. in this museum, you are not supposed to take pictures. 对不起,在美术馆内您不能拍照。2、oh, i see. then can i buy slides and picture postcards somewhere? 啊,我知道,请问我在哪里能买到风景名信片呢?3、you can buy them at a so

13、uvenir shop near the exit.您可以在出口附近的纪念品店买到。4、did you like the tour of universal studios?环球影城好玩吗?5、i want to book a tour with adventure sports.我想预定一个带有冒险运动的旅游。6、im thinking something exciting but safer.我想来些刺激但是安全的活动。7、do you have any information about the city sights?关于市区观光有没有信息可以提供?8、whats the best w

14、ay to get downtown?去商业中心怎么走最好?9、take the subway. its $1.50 per ride. you can buy a metro card at the station. 坐地铁,单程是1.5美元,你可以在地铁站买到地铁卡。10、what are the best places to visit here please.请问这里最好的参观游览处是哪里?第四篇:出国申请书范文出国申请书范文due to the prehensiveness of chinas “reform and open” policies, economics plays a

15、n increasingly important role in the development of its global position. though more and more panies built, management of panies cannot catch up with the development of the panies. management is a burgeoning field in china, so i hope i can acquire more modern knowledge on management in england.the roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. my father was among the first of chinas new breed of modern entrepreneurs. as a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his busines


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