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1、汉英笔译基础教程,Basics of Chinese to English Translation,第十三章 词语误译,Contents,13.1 日常词汇,我不怕冷。 Im not afraid of coldness. I dont mind the cold weather. 分析:所谓“不怕冷”指的是“不在乎天气冷,可以承受冷天气”,而不是对“冷”这种现象的害怕。 他不怕吃苦。 He doesnt fear hardships. He can bear hardships.,13.1 日常词汇,我知道那座小镇,但从未去过。 I know the small town but Ive n

2、ever been there. I know of the small town but Ive never been there. 分析:对于一个从未去过的地方,英语要用know of或know about,因为这里的“知道”实际上只是“听说过”,或是通过别的间接方式了解到。 没人听过这所大学的名字。 Nobody have heard the college. Nobody have ever heard of the college.,日常词汇误译的主要原因有二: 其一是对原文不求甚解,想当然地按照字面意义硬译过来; 其二是对目的语对应词汇的意义和用法不了解而造成语言使用错误。,13.

3、1.1 对原文不求甚解,过度饮酒会损害你的身体。 Over-drinking may injure your body. Over-drinking may injure your health. 分析:所谓“损害身体”指的是“身体的健康状况受到损害”,而不是“使身体的某个部位受伤”。 李先生上月生了一个男孩。 Mr. Li bore a son last month. Mr. Li gave birth to a son last month. Mr. Li begot a baby boy last month. 分析:男人是不可能生孩子的。这里所谓的“生”是指通过生殖过程,将一个孩子带到

4、了这个世界。,13.1.2 对目的语词汇的不甚了解,我唯一的资本就是勤奋。 My only capital is diligence. My only means to success is diligence. 分析:原文的“资本”是借喻,实际指“可以依靠并取得成功的手段”。而英语的 capital 指 money used to produce more wealth or for starting a business,并没有中文那样的引申意思。所以,这里的“资本”不能与 capital 画等号。,13.1.2 对目的语词汇的不甚了解,大家都怀疑汤姆是个间谍。 Everyone doub

5、ts that Tom is a spy. Everyone suspects that Tom is a spy. 分析:doubt 作“怀疑”讲,是“不相信”的意思;而 suspect 作“怀疑”讲,是指“对有所察觉”。第一句译文犯了两个错误:首先,doubt 不能接 that 从句,只有not doubt that 和 doubt if/whether;其次,它所表达的意思是“大家对汤姆是间谍这件事表示怀疑”,即“大家不相信汤姆是间谍”,与原文的意思恰好相反。,13.1.3 词典活用,我觉得读书好比串门儿 “隐身”的串门儿。 A. I feel that reading a book i

6、s quite similar to making a visit to others - a kind of body-hidden visit. B. To me, reading is very much like calling at someones home - an inward visit which can save us the trouble of making an appointment. C.I find reading is like dropping around as if we be invisible. D. I would compare reading

7、 to visiting friends - in the spiritual rather than physical sense.,13.2 专业词汇(政治词汇),“”的英译是“Taiwan Independence”、“Taiwan Secession”、还是“Taiwan Separatism”? 比较平行文本 Independence:美国历史上宣告北美十三州独立于英皇独裁统治的独立宣言(Declaration of Independence),即用“independence”传达其独立、分离于英皇统治的主张。第二次世界大战后,殖民地国家掀起的反殖民主义运动潮,向宗主国发起的争取民族

8、独立的运动,在英语中都被称为“independence movements”。,13.2 专业词汇(政治词汇),“”的英译是“Taiwan Independence”、“Taiwan Secession”、还是“Taiwan Separatism”? 比较平行文本 Secession:美国南北战争时期,南方十三州前后签署加入了闻名一时的“The Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States”(1861),即十三州脱离联邦法案,这项法案采用“secession”一词传达十三州与美利坚合众国在政治和法律上的脱离、分离的意思。现在的美国社会对“s

9、ecession”不仅理解为“分离”,还认为它含有叛国之意。另外,加拿大最高法院在其1998年就魁北克单方面独立行为的合法性问题的意见中,描述魁北克单方面宣告独立行为采用了“secession”一词。,13.2 专业词汇(政治词汇),“”的英译是“Taiwan Independence”、“Taiwan Secession”、还是“Taiwan Separatism”? 比较平行文本 Separatism:对美国历史上实行的种族隔离政策有这样的评价:“separate, but equal”(“虽分离,但平等”)表述中虽然没有用“segregate”,但其中不言自明,所指的是美国白人和非洲裔美

10、国人当时所处的种族隔离状态。,13.2 专业词汇(科技术语),充电指示条开始滚动。 Battery symbol is consistently rolling. 按方向键滚动选项条。 Press the direction keys and let the choosing item roll. 查阅国外品牌手机用户手册,我们能找到以下这些句子:“Charging indicator starts scrolling (充电标志开始滚动)”,“Scroll right to open the file (向右滚动打开文件夹)”,“To make a call from Contacts, s

11、elect Contacts and scroll to the desired name(要从联系人中拨打电话,请选择联系人,然后滚动至所需姓名)”等。,13.2.3专有名词回译,我公司生产的玉器曾在纽约索斯比公司拍卖出了好价钱。 The jade products produced by our factory have been auctioned for good price by New York Sotheby Corporation. 如果你查阅一下纽约的企业名录,肯定找不到这家公司,能找到的只有Sothebys Holdings Inc.。因此“纽约索斯比公司”应当译作Soth

12、ebys Holdings Inc. of (in) New York或者New York-based Sothebys或者the Sothebys of (in) New York。,13.3 文化词汇,文化词汇的主要翻译方法: 音译, 直译, 意译, 套用, 加注 省略。,我是正在这一夜回到我的故乡鲁镇的。虽说故乡,然而已没有家,所以只得暂寓在鲁四老爷的宅子里。他是我的本家,比我长一辈,应该称之曰“四叔”,是一个讲理学的老监生。他比先前并没有什么大改变,单是老了些,但也还末留胡子,一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了”,说我“胖了”之后即大骂其新党。但我知道,这并非借题在骂我:因为他所骂的还是

13、康有为。但是,谈话是总不投机的了,于是不多久,我便一个人剩在书房里。,It was on such a night that I returned to Luchen, my native place. Although I call it my native place, I had had no home there for some time, so I had to put up temporarily with a certain Mr. Lu, the fourth son of his family. He is a member of our clan, and belongs

14、 to the generation before mine, so I ought to call him “Fourth Uncle.” An old student of the imperial college who went in for Neo-Confucianism, I found him very little changed in any way, simply slightly older, but without any moustache as yet. When we met, after exchanging a few polite remarks he s

15、aid I was fatter, and after saying that immediately started a violent attack on the revolutionaries. I knew this was not meant personally, because the object of the attack was still Kang Yu-wei. Nevertheless, conversation proved difficult, so that in a short time I found myself alone in the study.,O

16、n one such night I returned to Luzhen, my home town. I call it my hometown, but as I put up at the house of a Fourth Uncle since he belongs to the generation before mine in our clan. A former Imperial Academy licentiate who believes in Neo-Confucianism, he seemed very little changed, just slightly older, but without any beard as yet. Having exchanged some polite remarks upon meeting he observed that I was fatter


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