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1、代 词,I we,Me us,My our,Mine ours,yours,you,your,you,She he it they,Her him it them,Her his its their,Hers his its theirs,人称代词使用时应注意,1 分清its和its : its 它的。 例如: The clock has its face. its=it is 例如:Its a toy clock.,2. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,名词是单数,名词性物主代词为单数,反之为复数。 例如: His brother is a soldier. Mine is a dr

2、iver and hers is an engineer. I left my clothes on the chair. Where _his?,人称代词使用时应注意,3. A friend of his /mine=one of his /my friends; the watch of hers 变幻表达方式,4. 冠词不能和形容词性物主代词一起用例如:a my cat(wrong),反身代词:A、能写出 B、注意搭配 例如:,Say to oneself enjoy oneself By oneself For oneself Help oneself Teach oneself,Li

3、ly saw her in the mirror. Lily saw herself in the mirror.,It 的用法,1、用以指前文提到的物,有时也可指不知性别的婴儿或不确指性别的人 例如:,Where is your book? It is over there.,The baby is crying. It may be hungry,Who is knocking at the door? It must be Li Lei.,2. It 也可用来表示天气、时间、距离等,It is rainy today. It will turn out fine tomorrow,Wha

4、t is the time? It is nine.,It is ten minutes walk from here,3、作形式主语或形式宾语,没有意义,It takes me ten minutes to walk from there. I found it very hard to learn grammar.,It /that /one 用以指前文提到过的单数名词 them/those/ones用以指前文提到过的复数名词,思考,1.The bag is in the middle of the road. Lets move _away. 2. If you need an eras

5、er, I can lend you _. 3. My radio is broken. I will buy a new _. 4. I have a new coat and some old _. 5. The story of my father is more interesting than _of mine. 6. The weather here is warmer than _in Beijing. 7. The temperature in the daytime is half of _at night. 8.The exercises in this paper are

6、 much easier than _ in the mid-term paper.,结论,1、that, those 后常跟介词短语(that/those +介词短语)前文是不可数名词时只能用that 替代 2、one/ones 前常有形容词、冠词、数量词、等修饰。 3、it 指前文提到的那个名词,句子改错,Miss Li helps me with English. Make me improve a lot. Mr. Zhang teaches I Maths. Me school life is very busy. I thank for you. My school is big,

7、 so I think you like. My school has many rooms, are very large. They is friendly. My classmates go my home. Do you think?,She makes,me,My,Thank,it,and they,are,to,so,不定代词 some, any的用法:some用于肯定句中,而any则用于否定句和疑问句中。 所以something/body,someone也用于肯定句中,而anything/body、anyone则用于否定和疑问句中。 注意:在Would you like some

8、 coffee?(要来点咖啡吗?)这样的肯定疑问句中,说话人认为对方的答案会是肯定的,或期望得到肯定回答时,用some而不用any。,My brother doesnt need _help. If you have got _questions, please put up your hands. Would you like to have_bananas? Yes, Id like to. There isnt _water here.could you get _for me?, a little /little; a few/few Few,a few用来代替和修饰可数名词,litt

9、le,a little用来代替和修饰不可数名词;a few和a little 着重肯定意思,相当于汉语“有几个”,“有一点儿”;few和little 着重否定意思,相当于汉语 “没有几个”,“没有多少”,Though it was late last night. I could still see _persons in the street. People are all getting together at a big dinner with their families at the new years eve, so you could see _persons walking i

10、n the street. Can you speak German? Yes, but only _. The lake is far away. _people like to go fishing there. There is _rain this summer. The trees are going to die., other/ another 必背: Each other, (两者) 互相 one , the other一个,(两个中)另一个 one ,another,一个,(三者或以上)另一个 one after another, 一个接一个 from one to anot

11、her, 从一个到另一个 the other day 不久前的某一天(用于过去时), other/ another 必背:,Another 另一个,泛指众多中的一个,another+单数名词,“再,又”:Another+数词+名词复数;相当于:数词+more+名词复数 another two days,1、some/any/many+other+名词复数 2. others (= other+复数名词)其他的人或物 some.others一些 另一些(不确定人数的另一些) 3.the others (= the other+复数名词)其他的人或物 some.others一些 另一些(不确定人数

12、的另一些),1. Jimmy is taller than _ _ boy in his class. 2. This cap is too small. Could you show me _? 3. Jimmy and Carter are back in the classroom now. where are _? 4. On Sundays some students are watching TV, _are going to the clubs. 5.There are only two books left. But I dont like this one. Will you

13、 show me _?,不定代词,Both, all Neither, none,no one Each, every, either,any,一、Both (两者)都 all ( 三者或以上)都,1、 All the (my) students are very bright. All of the (my) students are very bright.(all of them) The (my)students are all very bright. All are here. (all = all people) All has gone well.(all = everythi

14、ng),2、Both of my parents work in the childrens hospital. (both of them) Both my parents work in the childrens hospital. My parents both work in the childrens hospital.,3. Phrases: all day, all year, not at all, bothand,重点 提示,1、both 表两者都,all 表三者都 2、Both+可数名词复数;all+可数名词复数或不可数名词 3、both, all +of + 人称代词宾

15、格;of 不能省 4、all both 作副词时,位置在主动词后,行为动词前,Exercises: all or both I have two computers and _ cost me more than ten thousand Yuan. There are trees and flowers on _ banks of the river. There are two windows in the room. They _face south. _of the twins are good at English. Youd better use _your eyes and yo

16、ur mind when you are reciting the text. _roads lead to the camp. So you can take any one of them. _the food in the shop has gone bad. He likes _the subjects in the school.,二、neither, none, no one,neither (两者) 都不 none =not any(三者或以上)都不, =not one 没有一个 none of none 既可指人又可指物 no one 没一个人 no one只指人 ,不加of,二、neither (两者)


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