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1、元旦文艺汇演特别节目串词(英语版)元旦文艺汇演特别节目串词本科班:1.大合唱 (you raise me up)2.舞蹈:umbrella & singing the rain3.吉他弹唱:take me home,country roadibem-j-1元旦节目表1.班级大合唱:(heal the world)322.独唱:(新贵妃醉酒) 水博3.唱:(单车) 徐景峰ibem-j-2 元旦节目表1.班级大合唱(we are the world) 表演者 全班共40 人2.独唱(最初的梦想) 表演者 谢瑾3.hip-hop 表演者 刘亚东4.长笛独奏( )表演者 姚敬辉5.吉他弹唱(21 gu

2、ns)表演者 杨扬6.话剧(劫持人质) 7人ibem-j-3 元旦节目表1.大合唱:(santa claus is ing to town)2.独唱:(a little love)张伊)3.独唱:(you are the sunshine of my life)4.肚皮舞:ibem-j-4 元旦节目表1.大合唱:(cry on my shoulder)2.姚明轩独唱: (iridescent)3.中文话剧:现代版荆柯刺秦王老师的节目:蔡苗老师:小提琴独奏 (梁祝)七位英语老师合唱 auld lang syne节目单主持人:李银 吴梦云 马斐 谢谨 姚明轩 陈晨一.四个主持人出场 开场白二.场外

3、主持人带动全场的同学,说明今天在场的同学都有机会获奖三.舞蹈:umbrella & singing the rain选送单位:ibem-s-1 表演者:程会选,曾佳佳等甲:有一种舞蹈,他绅士优雅;有一种舞蹈,在雨中起舞,他让众多少男少女所青睐there is a kind of dance, it embodies the elegance of the gentlemen and is very popular among old and young , men and women.乙:有一种舞蹈,他热情奔放;舞伴在漫步轻转间,舞动出了青春的华美there is a kind of danc

4、e, it bines both passion and beauty甲:请欣赏舞蹈umbrella & singing the rainlets enjoy umbrella & singing the rain乙:掌声有请!lets warmly wele*.四.大合唱: heal the world选送单位:ibem-j-1 表演者:全班甲:请欣赏由ibem-j-1带来的大合唱heal the worldhere es the chorus of heal the world by ibem-j-1. please enjoy it.乙:掌声欢迎!lets warmly wele the

5、m!五.英语串烧表演者:张伊 姚明轩 龚德康iridescenta little loveyou are the sunshine of my life甲.我们用歌声寄托对青春的盛情厚意,我们用乐声承诺对梦想的信念永恒we express our vision for the youth by the songs and we strengthen our faith for the dream by the music.乙.今夜,我们引吭高歌,尽情绽放青春的色彩!请欣赏由(xx xx xx)带来的歌曲tonight, let us belt out songs and bloom out t

6、he color of youth. now, please enjoy the song by *六.七位英语老师合唱 auld lang syne甲.有那么一群人,默默的奉献着there are a group of people who dedicate themselves without any plaint.乙.有那么一群人,历尽辛苦,不图回报there are a group of people who devote themselves to the work.甲.“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡烛成灰泪始干”是他们一生的追求,just as an old saying goes: the

7、 silk-worms of spring will weave until they die, and every night the candles will weep their wicks away. this is exactly the true reflection of them.乙.而桃李满天下则是他们丰富的硕果having pupils everywhere is the best reward for them.合.下面有请我们可爱的园丁们let us warmly wele our beloved teachers.七.长笛独奏:my heart will go on选

8、送单位:ibem-j-2 表演者: 姚敬辉感谢各位老师的精彩表演,听完了歌声,听琴声,听完了琴声,听笛声thank you for their excellent show.下面请欣赏婉转悠扬的笛声,有请*带来笛子独奏now, let us enjoy the beautiful flute solo by *第一次场外游戏甲:好玩的互动游戏过后呢,让我们坐下来继续欣赏节目!we just had the game, now, let us continue to enjoy our show.乙:没错今晚我们可是为大家准备了很多异彩纷呈的节目thats right, tonight our

9、show is so colorful.八.肚皮舞:选送单位:ibem-j-3 表演者:有这样一个国家充满了神秘的风情,深远的文化,人们从一张朦胧的面纱中便可以看见它那无穷的魅力没错,它就是印度今晚,在这个激情四溢的时刻,在这里几位美丽的姑娘将舞动她们窈窕的身姿,为我们带来一段魅惑的肚皮舞!让我们用掌声和呐喊声欢迎她们精彩的表演!there is such a mysterious county that has profound culture. we can glimpse its infinite charm through its hazy veil. yes, it is india

10、. tonight, at this moment, our beautiful girls will bring us the belly dance. let us give them the applause.九.大合唱:you raise me up选送单位:ibem-s-1 表演者:全班甲:请欣赏由ibem-s-1带来的大合唱you raise me uplets enjoy the chorus you raise me up by ibem-s-1乙:掌声欢迎!lets wele them.第二次场外游戏十.hip-hop选送单位:ibem-j-2 表演者 :刘亚东甲.有一种舞蹈

11、,他很随意there is a kind of dance that is causal乙.有一种舞蹈,他很有活力there is a kind of dance that is energetic甲.有一种舞蹈,他有着无穷的吸引力there is a kind of dance that is so attractive.乙,有一种舞蹈,充满着青春的气息there is a kind of dance that is full of youthful spirit下面请欣赏刘亚东带来的街舞let us enjoy the hiphop dance by liuya dong.十一.中文话剧:

12、 现代版荆柯刺秦王选送单位:ibem-j-4 表演者:欣赏完这富有激情的舞蹈后 接下来让我们欣赏话剧after this passionate dance , lets continue to enjoy the drama by *十二. 吉他弹唱21 guns选送单位:ibem-j-2 表演者: 杨扬甲.反对战争,热爱和平,against the war , love peace乙.当你看到家园被毁,亲人颠沛流离,请放下你的武器,把它抛向天空when you see your home is destroyed and your relatives have been made homel

13、ess, please drop down your weapon and throw it into the sky.甲.体会生命的短暂,生命中有更多的东西值得你去珍惜与保护life is so short, there are a lot of things for you to cherish and protect.乙.请欣赏,由杨扬带来的吉他弹唱21 gunslets enjoy the guitar performance by 21 guns.十三大合唱:cry on my shoulder选送单位:ibem-j-4 表演者:全班甲:请欣赏由ibem-j-4带来的大合唱cry o

14、n my shoulderlets enjoy the chorus by ibem-j-4 cry on my shoulder乙:掌声欢迎!lets wele them.第三次场外游戏十四吉他弹唱:take me home,country road选送单位:ibem-s-1 表演者:董震,黄鹏等乙:唉,xx,你会弹吉他吗?hey, *, can you play guitar?甲:这你就问对人了,我可是传说中的吉他王子啊(夸张做弹吉他状)you got the right person ,i am the so-called guitar prince!乙:你这怎么像是得了羊癫疯,看你身子给得瑟的让你瞧瞧真正的高手吧e on ! dont show off, lets see who is the real guitar master.甲:有请徐晗等人带来的吉他弹唱lets wele the guitar performance by xu han and *十五话剧:劫持人质选送单位:ibem-j-2 表演者 :十六 中文串烧与我常在 徐景峰最初的梦想 谢谨新


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