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1、2003级新视野1级英语试题New Horizon College English TestBand One2003 12Paper OnePart I Listening Comprehension: (20%)Section ADirections: You hear five sentences in this section. Each will be read only once. After hearing one statement, you should read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Decide which one i

2、s closest in meaning to the statement youve just heard. 1. A. James missed the bus this morning.B. Jamess alarm clock didnt go off this morning.C. James forgot he had classes this morning.D. James didnt wake up on time this morning.2. A. You must finish this section of the test within fifteen minute

3、s.B. It took fifteen minutes to finish this section of the test.C. There is fifty minutes left for this section of the test.D. You have finished this section of the test in fifty minutes.3. A. I feel very well now.B. I felt better before.C. I have never felt well.D. I have always felt well.4. A. The

4、 speakers salary is 250.B. The speakers salary is 750.C. The speakers salary is 500.D. The speakers salary is 125.5. A. My best friend is my roommate.B. My roommate is very nice, but he is not my best friend.C. My roommate is not very nice, but my best friend is.D. If my roommate were nicer he would

5、 be my best fiend.Section B.Directions: In this section, youll hear a short passage. The passage will be read twice. At the end of the passage, youll hear five questions, Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.6. A. Yuri Gagarin. B. John Glenn. C. Yuri Gagarin and John Glenn. D

6、. The passage doesnt say.7. A. By spaceship. B. By aircraft. C. By space shuttle. D. By rocket.8. A. In 1960. B. In 1963. C. In 1961. D. In 1962. 9. A. Three times. B. Five times. C. Four times. D. Once.10. A. The first men who landed on the moon. B. The first men who went up space. C. The first who

7、 thought of going up by rocket. D. The first who invented the rocket.Section C. (请将答案写在答题纸上)Directions: There is a passage with ten blanks in this section. Youll hear the passage read twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.Is there a dark side to the computer revolut

8、ion? Do computers do harm to our (1) _ or our society?It certainly doesnt seem that way on the surface. You dont (2) _ your home computer to turn its game gun on you. And how can machine be (3)_?The truth of the matter, however, is that any new technology, computer (4)_, has a dark side.Computers wi

9、ll change the way the (5)_ works. But the computer revolution will also bring (6)_ with it.Many jobs, for example, will be taken over by robots and computer-controlled machinery. Since many of these jobs are tiresome and even (7)_, that seems like a step in the right direction. But its a big (8) _ t

10、o the people whose jobs are threatened.Quite a different problem, but one that is (9) _ growing trouble, is that computers may make people feel uncomfortable in life. This problem was(10) _ discussed by many people.Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: Read the following passages carefully

11、and do the multiple-choice questions. Passage AA boy between the ages of 6 and 14 still admires his mother and has plenty to learn from her.But his interests are changing - he is becoming more interested in what men have to offer. A boy knows he is turning into a man. He has to learn from a man to c

12、omplete his development.The fathers job is to step in over time. If there is no father around, then the child depends more on finding other men - at school, for example. Yet men are leaving teaching, especially in primary schools. This is a problem.They insisted, too, that they needed lots of extra

13、support. Throughout primary school years and into high school, boys should spend a lot of time with their fathers and mothers, getting their help, learning how to do things and enjoying their company.With regard to feelings, at this stage the father is more important. The boy is ready to learn from

14、his father and listens to what he has to say. Often he will take more notice of his father. Its enough to drive a mother wild!Now is a good time for a father to do little things: playing in the yard on summer evenings, going for walks, telling stories about life, telling him about his own youth, wor

15、king on hobbies or sports together for the enjoyment of doing it. This is the time when good memories are laid down that will be healthy to your son, and you, for years to come.Although every boy is different, its common for boys at this age to get a little argumentative (好争论的), restless and moody(闹情绪). Its not that they are turning bad - just that they are bein


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