新目标初中英语八年级下册教案unit 10《it’s a nice day, isn’t it》

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《新目标初中英语八年级下册教案unit 10《it’s a nice day, isn’t it》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语八年级下册教案unit 10《it’s a nice day, isn’t it》(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新目标初中英语八年级下册教案Unit 10Its a nice day, isnt itPlan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 学会如何成功开始一个闲聊的话题。(start a small talk conversation successfully)2 懂得反意疑问句的概念,学会在闲聊话题中使用反义疑问句。(Its a nice day, isnt it?)3 使用What do you think of ?句型来询问他人对人或对事情的看法。4 使用反意疑问句询问他人的爱好(You love ball games, d

2、ont you?)5 在附加问句中正确使用be动词和组动词。6 积累并使用动词词组(look through, wait in line, look like, be friendly to)。7 了解形式主语的用法。(It isnt easy being the new kid at school)8 了解动名词的用法。(Thank you for inviting me. I enjoyed meeting.)9 简短地写感谢信。(a thank-you note)10 从生活的细节中学习感恩。并能够大方得体地向别人表达感谢之情。Period arrangement PeriodConte

3、nts & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c76 1, 2, 552 2a, 2b, 2c77 湖南教育出版社2009年出版的新课标课程基础训练3, 5 43 3a, 3b 4a, 4b78 4,554B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c79 2,5, 645 3a, 3b, 3c, 480 7,8,956Self Check81 6, 105TotalAll1-1195 Very confident Quite confident Confide

4、nt Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback本单元教学自评95分,教学目标达成。整个单元教学围绕“如何成功跟别人开始闲聊”这一主题设计了若干场景让学生充分展示自我想象力和创造力,把生活融入课堂,让学生切实感受到他们所学习的是一种很实用的语言交际工具。因为设计较合理,学生的参与程度较高。因为本单元有教学生写感谢信的环节,在认真研读了教材之后,决定在写作之前加入情感目标的呈现,目的是让学生体会到在生活细节之中对他人感恩的重要性。在课堂补充的学写感谢信的环节中,让学生学会发自内心地向他人真诚的表达感谢之情。学生在创作过程中觉得很自然,老师通过阅读学生写给老师

5、的感谢信也找到了职业幸福感。这是老师在课前仔细思考如何达成本课的教学目标,并分析了语言来自生活的特点,然后在课堂中正确地给予学生引导的结果。在本课知识点教学过程中发现学生语言模仿生成的能力有欠缺,在以后的教学过程中应该通过反复的操练来帮助学生理解,然后掌握并熟练使用语言点。学生所写的感谢信的内容一些很有创意,很有思想,但表达中因为母语干扰出现的错误太多。在以后的教学中如何不留痕迹地帮助学生纠正这种负迁移还有待探讨研究解决。22 Period 1 Section A 1a,1b,1c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1 学会如何开始闲聊。2 掌握目标语言:1) 词组:look l

6、ike, small talk, forget2) 重点句子: Its a nice day, isnt it? It looks like rain, doesnt it?3 运用反义疑问句4 制作一个调查表,调查同学们有可能还会在什么时候哪些地方进行small talk。 Teaching procedures教师设置场景,让学生讨论在这些场合中国人有可能如何开始闲聊话题。 引入外国人如何开始闲聊话题以及闲聊话题的内容完成1a听力练习学生结对活动,在老师提供的场景中编写自己的闲聊对话学生小组活动,调查同学可能什么时候还会在哪些地方开始闲聊话题。Step 1 Leading-in (5) T

7、:Good morning, boys and girls! To the whole class. Please look at the screen, do you know where it is? 此处链接课件Ss: T: Yes, its a bus stop. This is Xiaoming and this is Xiaoli . They dont know each other, but they meet at the bus stop. The bus hasnt come yet. So they decide to say hello to each other a

8、nd have a small talk conversation. Can you guess what they will talk about? You can speak in Chinese.S1: S2: S3:S4:T: Yes, when we are waiting in line, we can have a chat with a person who we dont know. Its called small talk. (Write down “small talk” on the Bb ) T: We just knew what Chinese will tal

9、k about in small talk. To the whole class. Can you tell me what English people or American people will talk about when they start a small talk conversation? Will they talk about any personal things? Have a guess and you can tell me in Chinese.S5:S6:S7:S8:T: Thank you so much. Youve done a good job.

10、T: In this period well learn how to start small talk with English people or American people. Section A 1a Step 2 Presentation (10)1 Play a video about small talk. 此处链接课件First, lets watch a video and meet an English teacher. He will tell us something about small talk. Please watch carefully and later

11、 you have to tell me the differences of small talk between American people and English people.Play a video. 2 Talk about small talk.T: Do you know the differences between American people and English people when they are having a small talk conversation?Ss: T: Yes, the topics are different. English p

12、eople like to talk about weather while American people like to talk about family.T: Another question for you. Do you know where we can have small talk except in a bus stop? Now open your books, and turn to P. 76. Look at 1a. You can find the answers. Please write down your answers. The class write d

13、own the places they find in the picture. .Then, get some students to tell classmates the answers.3 Pattern drill in “Its a nice day, isnt it?”Show some pictures of weather. 此处链接课件T: Now Lets have a try to start a small talk conversation just like English people. We can use the sentence “Its a day, i

14、snt it?” (write down the sentence on the Bb)Ask students to practice the sentence. Students can have a competition when they are making sentences.1bStep 3 Listening practice (2) 此处链接课件1 Listen and number the pictures above in the order.1) Please look at the picture again. Listen carefully and number

15、 the pictures in the order. 2) Play the recording. 3) Lets check the answers. 答案 Picture a :Conversation 2 Picture b: no match Picture c: Conversation 3 Picture d: Conversation 1录音原文Conversation 1Girl1:He is really good, isnt he?Girl2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts.Girl1: Do you have his new CD?



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