新目标初中英语教案七年级上册unit 8《when is your birthday》

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《新目标初中英语教案七年级上册unit 8《when is your birthday》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标初中英语教案七年级上册unit 8《when is your birthday》(31页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新目标初中英语教案七年级上册Unit 8When is your birthday?Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives学完本单元后,学生应能: 1. 谈论日期;(Talk about dates.)2. 谈论自己和他人的生日;(Talk about date of birth.)3. 掌握月份的表达法;(12 months)4. 掌握序数词的表达法;(The ordinal numbers.)5. 了解名词所有格: s; (Possessive: s.)6. 谈论生日和年龄,并做生日和年龄调查;(Talk about date of birth

2、, age and make a survey)7. 谈论学校活动或事件;(Talk about the events at school.)8. 了解一些年度重要节日, 谈论自己或他人喜爱的节日;(Get to know some important festivals in a year and talk about their own or others favorite dates.)9. 谈论并制作学校活动的安排日程表,介绍自己学校的活动;(Talk about the schedule of events at your school and know how to make it

3、 & introduce it.)10. 写简短的人物介绍(自己或他人);(Write a simple introduction of yourself or others.)11. 在各项活动中,增进同学间的了解和友情,同时学会关爱父母;(Friendship, family love.)12. 学会合理安排自己时间,争做时间的主人。(Make the best use of your time.)Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(So

4、urce)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c471, 352 2a, 2b, 2c48P.56 I, II1.湖南教育出版社练习与测试:七年级上册(学生作业来源)2.湘教版,省教科院组编课程基础训练:七年级上册(课堂小测验来源)2, 4,5,1153 3a, 3b 449P.57 ,6,1144B 1,2a,2b,2c50P.58 I, II7, 855 3a, 3b, 451P.59 ,8, 9, 1056Self Check52Ps. 60-63 Unit8单元测试卷2, 3, 4, 5,125TotalAll691-1297 Very confident Quite con

5、fident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback本单元教学自评97分,表明教学目标达成度较高。整个单元教学回归教材,紧紧围绕“谈论日期”这一主题,由浅入深、由简单到复杂,由单词到句型,教学活动形式多样,教学步骤步步递进、环环相扣,从听、说、读、写等方面培养学生这一话题的表达能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生实际,学生积极投入各项学习活动,勇于表现自我。在谈论日期的同时,潜移默化的帮助学生树立了正确的时间观。在课堂内尽量提高教学效率,精讲精练,让学生能在课堂内学习和消化。就其成功原因主要在于,课前的精心准备,并结合学生的实际,充分调动学生

6、的兴趣和积极性,关注课堂生成和有效教学,因而收到了事半功倍的效果。但如何使课堂真正达到有效教学?在每单元每课时是否有一套行之有效的方法可循? 31 Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A 1a,1b,1c Teaching aims学完本课后,学生应能:1. 谈论日期;2. 掌握月份表达法3. 掌握目标语言:1) 生词和词组:when, birthday, month,January, February, March, April, May,June, July, August, September, October,November, December

7、, tenth, fourth, fifteenth, Vera, Jeff2) 重点句子:-When is your birthday?-My birthday is October tenth.Keys & puzzles月份的读音和写法。Teaching aidsCAITeaching proceduresChart值日报告谜语引入谈论月份说唱巩固句型呈现链接游戏听录音标号结对活动布置作业Step 1 Duty report (2)Step 2 Lead-in (3)T:Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you again. Now I

8、have a riddle for you!“一物说来真稀奇,身穿三百多件衣,每天给它脱一件,年底剩下一张皮.”Do you know what it is in Chinese?Ss:日历.T: How clever you are! Yes, its calendar. Here is a calendar. What can you see on it? Help Ss answer.S1: I can see some months.Let Ss read month after me.T: What can you see in each month?S2: I can see so

9、me dates. Let Ss read date after me.T: Good. Today we will learn to talk about months and dates: Unit 8 When is your birthday? Section A (1a-1c). Section A 1a Step 2 Presentation (20)I Word Study (8)1. Present the first month: January on the screen.T: The first month is January.T: First.Ss: First, f

10、irst.Let Ss repeat first after me.T: January.Ss: January, January.T: J-A-N-U-A-R-Y, January.Ss: J-A-N-U-A-R-Y, January.Let Ss repeat January after me by using rising tone and falling tone.T: February is the second month.Then learn third, fourthand March, Aprilin the same way.2. Present each month on

11、e by one .T: The first month is.S1: January. ( Help them if necessary. ) Let Ss repeat after me to make sure Ss can read months correctly.T: The second month is.S2: February.T: The twelfth month isSs: December. Let Ss repeat after me, then Ss read together.3. Lets Chant!T: Good. Now lets chant toget

12、her!(Show the chant, tell Ss how to chant first, then let Ss chant together.)F, F, February. M, M, March and May.S, S, September.O, O, October. N, N, November. D, D, December. A, A, April and August.J, J, January, June and July. In order to make Ss memorize the months.II Sentence presentation (12)1.

13、 T: My birthday is October first.When is your birthday?S1: My birthday is.S2: My birthday is.S3: My birthday is.Let Ss write down when their birthdays are!Then Check their answers.T:Very good. Now, when is your birthday?S1: My birthday is.T:Now, read after me! When is your birthday?Ss: When is your

14、birthday?T: My birthday is .Ss: My birthday is. (Pick up a group to ask, then let the whole class repeat after me.)2. Chain game: Ask and answer one by one:T: When is your birthday?S1:My birthday is. When is your birthday?S2:My birthday is. When is your birthday?S3:My birthday is. When is your birthday?.S50:My birthday is.In order to make every student be familiar with the sentence patterns. 1bStep 3 Listening practice (5)1. Listen and repeat after the tape in 1a.2. Listen and number the conversations in 1b.1) Please look at the three



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