小学英语nit1 my school单元教案

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《小学英语nit1 my school单元教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《小学英语nit1 my school单元教案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第 一 单元教学计划单元主题: Unit1 My school单元教学目标知识与能力目标句型:1. 能听、说、认读句型:Its on the second floor.Is this the teachers office?No,it isnt.The teachers office is next to the library.Is that the computer room?No,it isnt.Do you have a library?Yes,we do.2. 能够在情景中运用句型Where is the ?Its on the first/second floor.询问方位并能回答

2、。3. 能够在情景中运用句型Is this the /that?Yes,it is ./No,it isnt.询问近处或远处的事物并回答。4. 能够在情景中运用句型Do you have a ?询问对方是否拥有某事物。5.能够按照意群朗读短文、理解短文内容并完成句子仿写活动。词汇:1. 能够听、说、认读单词或词组:library,teachers office,computer room,music room,art room,playground,first floor,second floor.2. 能够正确使用上述单词描述教室里的物品、设施。3. 能够正确利用上述单词或词组描述学校教室、

3、场馆及其大致位置。语音1. 能够掌握er的发音规则,即在单词中发短音/ /2. 能够读出符合er发音规则的单词;并能根据发音拼写出符合er发音规则的单词。情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标1. 了解英语中简单的问候语和告别语。2. 在生活中能主动提问,并对别人的询问能热情回答。3. 了解学校教室、场馆的名称及位置,感受到学校的漂亮与温馨,从而激发对学校的热爱。4. 了解校园日常行为规范,知道在什么场所做什么事情。单元教学内容分析本单元重点学习描述学校教室设施及场馆的词汇与句型。其中难点在于询问Is this the ?Is that the ?Where is the ?以及回答Its on t

4、he first/second floor.学生在上课的过程中,需要一份学校的全景图,才能对所学内容有所理解。因此教师在教学之前,可以从主情景图入手,便于学生有一个全面的印象。另外,本单元A部分的Lets spell中字母组合er在单词中的发音和B部分的Read and write中开始句子的书写在教学中要予以特别关注。让学生掌握发音规律并培养良好的书写习惯,为今后的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。单元教学内容及课时安排教学内容 课时Part A Lets learn Lets do Part B Lets sing 1Part A Lets talk Look ,ask and answer 1Pa

5、rt A Lets spell 1Part B Lets learn Look ,ask and answer Lets check 1Part B Lets talk Lets play 1Part B Read and write Part C Story time 1第 一 单元第 1 课时 课 题: Unit1 My school 教学目标1. 学生能够听、说、认读单词及词组:library,teachers office,first floor,second floor.2.能熟练运用句型:Where is the library?Its on the first floor.询问、

6、描述学校教室和场馆的位置。3.能适当描述学校及教室。比如:Look,this is my school.Its clean and big.4.会唱歌曲“My school”。教学重点1.学生能够听、说、认读单词及词组:library,teachers office,first floor,second floor.2.能熟练运用句型:Where is the library?Its on the first floor.询问、描述学校教室和场馆的位置。教学难点能适当描述教室及学校。教学准备录音机,磁带,词卡和图片等。教 学 过 程修改意见Step1 Warm up/Revision1. Ma

7、ke greetings with each other.2. Lets do :Go to the living room.Watch TV. Go to the study .Read some books.2. Step2 Presentation1.Teach new words:librarya.T:In our school,we can read some books in this room.Where is it?(show a photo of the library) (T helps )S:library.b.Read the word :library.c.Lets

8、do:Go to the library.Read a book.2. Teach the new word:teachers officea. T:Where is it?(presents a photo of my office) (helps )S:teachers office.b.Read the word.c.Lets do :Go to the teachers office.Say hello. d.Pair work:Where is the teachers office?Its next to the library.3. Teach the new word:play

9、grounda. (T presents a picture of playground) Where is it? (helps )S:playground (play+ground)b.Read the word:playgroundc.Lets do:Go to the playground.Play football.4.Teach the new sentence :Its on the floor.a. T:Where is our classroom?(T helps) S:Its on the floor. T:Its on the second floor.(Board wr

10、ite) (first floor/third floor)b.T: Where is Class One Grade one? S:Its on the first floor.Step3 Practice1Liaten and read 2. Read and match.3. Lets do.Step4 Consolidation1. Do workbook.2. Learn the song:Our school.Step5 Homework1. Listen to the tape and read the new words or phrases for 3 times.2. De

11、scribe your school or classroom to your parents.课后反思:第 一 单元第 2 课时 课 题: Unit1 My school 教学目标1. 能理解对话大意,能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文。2. 能够在情景中运用句型:Where is the ?Its on the first/second floor.询问或回答,运用Is this the ?Yes,it is ./No,it isnt.确认近处是否有某个场馆并回答。教学重点本课时的重点句型并能在实际生活中运用。教学难点能够在情景中运用句型:Where is the ?Its on the fir

12、st/second floor.询问或回答,运用Is this the ?Yes,it is ./No,it isnt.确认近处是否有某个场馆并回答。教学准备录音机、磁带、词卡和图片。教 学 过 程修改意见Step1 Warm up/Revision1. Sing the song: Our school 2.Lets do:Go to the study.Read some books. Go to the playground.Play football.Step2 Presentation1. Present the sentences:Where is the?Its on thefl

13、oor.a. Look and say(lets learn) T:Where is the library?S:Its on the first floor.b.Pair work:(Look,ask and answer)A:Where is the teachers office?B:Its next to the Classroom 2.2. Teach the sentences:Is this the teachers office?Yes,it is ./No,it isnt.a. (T presents a picture of a school) asks:Is this t

14、he teachers office? S:No,it isnt.b.Let S ask and answer.Step3 Practice1. Listen and answer: Where is Mikes teachers office? S:Its on the second floor.Its next to the library.2. Read in different ways.(the whole, boys and girls, in groups) 3. Role play.4. Look ,ask and answer :Where is the library?It

15、s on the second floor.Step4 Consolidation1. Guess and ask: Where is the ?Is this the ?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Step5 HomeworkListen and read for 5 times.课后反思:第 一 单元第 3 课时 课 题: Unit1 My school 教学目标1. 学生能感知并归纳er在单词中的发音规则并能读出符合er发音规则的单词。2. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合er发音规则的单词,补全短语、句子。教学重点.学生能感知并归纳er在单词中的发音规则并能读出符合er发音规则的单词。教学难点学生进行发现式的学习方法,观


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