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1、20182018 英语专四答案(仅供参考)英语专四答案(仅供参考) PARTPART I I DICTATIONDICTATION Emotional Reaction to Music No matter who you are, where you live, / or what your cultural background is, / people get some pleasure from listening to their favorite music. / However, some people are simply not capable of enjoying mus

2、ic. / This is not because they cant experience pleasure at all. / They dont have trouble hearing music properly, either. / Instead, theyre just indifferent to music. / Researchers have conducted studies to find out / why some people have no emotional reaction to music. / However, despite their effor

3、ts, the mystery remains. PARTPART IIII LISTENINGLISTENING COMPREHENSIONCOMPREHENSION SECTIONSECTION A A TALKTALK 1. seven 2. sounds 3. cognitive 4. a sound changes 5. six-month-old 6. discriminate the 7. their first birthda 8. totally equivalen 9. incredible differe 10. taking statistics SECTIONSECT

4、ION B B CONVERSATIONSCONVERSATIONS ConversationConversation OneOne 1. According to the man, what is a British characteristic? 答案:C. The British are unable to speak a foreign language. 2. What is the second most-spoken language in the UK? 答案:B. Polish. 3. Why was the 1,000 Words Campaign launched? 答案

5、:A. To help improve international trade. 4.According to the man, which is not considered an advantage of learning a foreign language? 答案:D. It makes you work hard. 5. Whats the most probable relationship between the man and the woman? 答案:B. Schoolmates. ConversationConversation TwoTwo 6. According t

6、o Alice, what is a phobia? 答案:A. An unreasonable fear. 7. What are the chances of getting knocked off ones bicycle and killed in a one-mile journey? 答案:C. One in fourteen million. 8. What kind of event do people tend to worry about? 答案:B. Catastrophic events. 9. Which may involve a chronic risk? 答案:

7、D. Smoking cigarettes. 10. Why do some people enjoy risks? 答案:A. They get pleasure from risks. PARTPART IIIIII LANGUAGELANGUAGE USAGEUSAGE 11. C. is believed to have been 12. D. has been maintaining 13. B. otherwise 14. C. hazy blue Virginia 15. A. the evil 16. D. are of war 17. A. its most basic 18

8、. C. to reveal an undesirable consequence 19. B. Jim turned to speak to the person standing behind him. 20. A. a hypothesis 21. C. trial 22. B. Arguably 23. C. offset 24. D. recollection 25. B. constitutes 26. D. extra 27. A. filed 28. D. wreck 29. C. countless 30. D. maritime PARTPART IVIV CLOZECLO

9、ZE 31. M. unknown 32. B. automatically 33. F. kind 34. I. one 35. C. couple 36. N. virtue 37. E. indebtedness 38. D. goes 39. O. widespread 40. L. subscribe PARTPART V V READINGREADING COMPREHENSIONCOMPREHENSION SECTIONSECTION A A MULTIPLEMULTIPLE CHOICECHOICE QUESTIONSQUESTIONS 41. D. successful co

10、mpetition is essential in American society 42. B. Cause and effect. 43. C. Sarcastic. 44. A. They would enjoy a much larger readership. 45. D. Awards ceremonies are held for all sorts of reasons. 46. C. source of funding 47. B. promote market rather than achievements 48. C. Her sister Josephine told

11、 her. 49. B. sat in an armchair all the time 50. A. She was indifferent now. SECTIONSECTION B B SHORTSHORT ANSWERANSWER QUESTIONSQUESTIONS 51. Individual freedom. 52. Some awards arent rewards for real achievements. 53. Some awards for sports fail to achieve positive social effects. 54. Her mood changed from distress to excitement and joy. 55. The real cause was her extreme disappointment. PARTPART VIVI WRITINGWRITING (略)



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