吴耀武 考研英语全攻略(new)

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1、1I will not give you a fish but tell you how to fish考研英语全攻略主讲: 吴耀武共 同 探 讨 英 语 人 生量 身 定 做 学 习 计 划紧 紧 把 握 考 试 脉 搏传 授 英 语 应 试 策 略奠 定 良 好 心 理 基 础培 养 进 取 人 生 态 度2013 年 9 月2目 录考研英语如何复习? .4考研英语应试技巧 .4第一部分 考研英语词汇全攻略 .5第一章 基础词汇引申能力的培养 .5第二章 考研英语核心词汇(版权所有:吴耀武) .14第三章 英语构词法(版权所有:吴耀武) .452012 年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一

2、)试题 .63吴耀武老师解析 2012 年考研英语真题 .723吴耀武:著名英语教学与测试专家;西安外国语大学国际学院院长;英语副教授;硕士研究生导师。多次参加国家、省、市命题和阅卷工作。先后在西安外国语大学(XISU) 、香港岭南大学(HKLU) 、上海外国语大学( SHISU) 、美国洪堡州立大学(HSU) 、美国北亚历桑那大学(NAU)学习、工作和访问过,先后出访美国、英国、法国、西班牙、比利时、韩国、泰国、香港等国家地区 20余所国外合作院校。现已出版英语考研考试专家系列丛书(西工大出版社) 、21 世纪考研英语系列丛书(人民日报出版社) 、大学英语四六级考试专家、 全攻略系列丛书(西

3、工大出版社) 、英语专业四八级TEM-4/8 考试指南系列丛书(世界图书出版社)和 高考英语考试专家系列丛书(西安外语音像出版社)等 30 余部,逾 1000 万字。于 2000 年起在全国高校和各地中学作关于考研英语、雅思(IELTS) 、高考英语等巡回讲座,在各地均引起巨大轰动,讲座场场爆满。并受到新浪、搜狐、中国考试网、都市快报、西安零距离、华商报、西安晚报、三秦都市报等多家媒体的关注和专访。他在英语培训领域提出了自己独特的教学理念努力改进学习方法、量身定做学习计划;紧紧把握考试脉搏,传授英语应试策略;奠定良好心理基础,培养进取人生态度。这一理念在课堂上得以贯彻并为广大学员所认可。现在吴

4、老师每年在北京、上海、西安、武汉、南京、成都、重庆、沈阳、石家庄、天津、乌鲁木齐等 20多所中心城市主讲考研英语、大学英语四六级和高考英语,经他直接培训的学员已逾 200 万人,听众更是不计其数。学员对他的评价是:感情真挚,敬业专注;才思敏捷,经典幽默;传授知识如春风化雨,润物无声;谈应试技巧如数家珍,挥洒自如;他的语言总是富有人生哲理,他的课堂永远充满着欢笑从容;他传播的不仅仅是英语知识,更是一种人生感悟!新浪微博“吴耀武老师”及 WWW.515ENGLISH.NET 英语教学网欢迎大家交流学习!4考研英语如何复习?Today I believeThis wonderful lecture

5、will completely change my life!Today I believeThat all my efforts will produce generous returns!Today I believeCGRE English will be conquered this time!第一阶段(2013 年 9 月至 2013 年 2 月)预备阶段(新概念 3-4 册学习)第二阶段(2014 年 3 月至 2014 年 6 月)基础阶段(词汇和阅读能力培养)第三阶段(2014 年 7 月至 2014 年 10 月)强化阶段(研究和训练真题)第四阶段(2014 年 11 月至

6、2014 年 12 月)冲刺阶段(作文强化和套题训练)考研英语应试技巧词 汇:三个层面,五个考点,黑白灰,分实虚,多复习,巧记忆阅 读:把握主题,纵观全局,回归原文,信息定位,合情推理,水到成渠新 题 型:四种题型,四种思路;步步为营找关联,反客为主抢先机翻 译:把握词义,调整语序;纸面风平浪静,心中万箭齐发写 作:应 用 文强化格式,明确目的,要点全面,合情推理;漫画作文全新思路,经典任务,记住“一二三四五” ,你比考官都清楚5第一部分 考研英语词汇全攻略第一章 基础词汇引申能力的培养1将下列句子译成汉语,注意划线部分。基础词汇引申能力的培养取决于在日常的阅读训练中要不断通过动手翻译进行积累

7、,说到底是一种语感的培养。1Philips father was a surgeon in good practice and his hospital appointments suggested an established position.2At the other extreme, American policy had also failed either to develop a strong conservative political base or maintain the ability to prevent the Nationalists from pursuing

8、a suicidal civil war. 3They were unarmed and unprotected, knowing perfectly well the danger ahead. Still, they went, plugging gamely along.4The most economical age to capture an elephant for training is between fifteen and twenty years, for it is then almost ready to undertake heavy work and can beg

9、in to earn its keep straight away.5He did not oppose labor organization nor balk at the strike as a weapon of labor; rather, he took his heroes and heroines from the labor movement and wove his plots within their struggles.6Does job enlargement pay? The proponents say yes, and back up their conclusi

10、on with enthusiastic anecdotal reports.7Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction.8When one weighs the opposing forces, the elements of space and time, and the sea-land transfer problem, one sees that Churchi

11、lls foot-dragging made sense.9And then we realized that until now our attitude had been: let the patient come to us. Now we knew that we must go to the patient.10First the electroencephalograph shows that while there I a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, there is no evidence that the t

12、otal amount of activity is any less.11What the Chinese people are altogether unprepared for, however, is the death of Mao without the comforting presence of Chou En-Lai as chief mourner. If Mao has been Chinas spiritual guide these many years, Chou has been its security blanket. The second may well

13、turn out to be the more sorely missed.12The United Nations has forged a framework guaranteeing the flourishing of man and respect for his values.613The other side of the mind is now exposedthe dark side that comes uppermost in solitude, not the light side that shows in company.14All a man had to do

14、was to keep his head, and he was all right. Any man who was a man could travel alone.15The draft resolution urges the United Nations to send its peacekeeping troops to the region in accordance with the resolution adopted at a special meeting last May.参考答案1菲利浦的父亲是个外科医生,由于找他看病的人很多,各医院请他会诊也多,因此他在医务界已占得一席之地。2在另一个极端,美国的政策既未能发展一个强大的保守的政治基地,又没有保持足以制止国民党发动一场自杀性内战的力量。3他们没有武器,赤手空拳,也没有飞机舰队保护。他们深知前面的危险,然而仍然毫不畏惧地奋力向前驶去。4捕获十五岁至二十岁之间的象来进行训练,



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