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1、FORM 1表格一EXHIBITORS COMPANYNAME AND INFORMATION参展公司名称及资料DEADLINE截止日期Juni 30, 2010六月三十日 Fax back to 传真: I. INFORMATION OF EXHIBITOR 参展公司Person-in-charge负责人 Position职 位 Person to contact联络人 Position职 位 Company公司名称 Address地 址 Tel电话 Fax传真 E-mail电子邮箱 II. EXHIBITORS CONTRACTOR/FORWARDER 参展商之承建商运输代理Exhibit

2、ors must submit the name, address of their contractor and forwarding agent to the Organizer for approval before the deadline indicated.参展商须在指定日期之前将其摊位承建商及运输代理之数据交予主办单位核准。Our contractor本公司之承建商Person to contact联络人 Position职 位 Company公司名称Address地 址Tel电话 Fax传真 E-mail电子邮箱 Our forwarder本公司之运输代理Person to c

3、ontact联络人 Position职 位 Company公司名称Address地 址Tel电话 Fax传真 E-mail电子邮箱 III. We apply for arrangements of the following 本公司申请下列的特别安排:(Please put a “” in the appropriate boxes where you want to apply for the special arrangement and supply details of requirement. Quotation of cost will be sent to you later.

4、)(请用 在下列适当空格内选择所需的大会特别安排服务及填写服务详情,大会将尽快列出所需服务的报价。)1. Contractor for designing and decorating our booth设计及装饰摊位的工程公司4. Printing services (catalogs, etc.) 印刷服务 (如产品目录)2. Forwarder for delivering our exhibits货运公司5. Others (Please specify) 其它 (请列明) 3. Travel and accommodation arrangement安排旅游及酒店住宿 EXHIBIT

5、ORS AUTHORIZATION 负责人Name姓名 Position职位 Company公司名称 Booth No.摊位 Tel电话 E-mail 电邮 Fax传真 Signature &Company Chop/Stamp 签署及公司盖章 Date日期 FORM 2表格二EXHIBITION GUIDEADVERTISEMENT场刊广告DEADLINE截止日期Juni 30, 2010六月三十日Fax back to 传真: Apart from publicizing the Exhibition through various media, the Organizer will pu

6、blish an Exhibition Guide which will be distributed to qualified visitors during the Exhibition. Advertisements are accepted.主办单位除利用各种媒介来宣传展览会外,并将出版展览会场刊。参展商可在场刊刊登广告。Mechanical data of the EXHIBITION GUIDE are as follows 展览会场刊资料如下:1. Size: 21 cm (W) x 28.5 cm (H)1. 场刊尺码:21厘米(阔) x 28.5厘米(高)2. Adverti

7、sement Sizei.Full page: 18.5 cm (W) x 26 cm (H)2. 广告尺码:(i) 全页:18.5 厘米(阔) x 26 厘米(高)ii.Bleed page: 21.5 cm (W) x 29 cm (H)(ii) 出血全页:21.5 厘米(阔) x 29 厘米(高)3. Method of Printing: Offset3. 印刷方式:柯式4. Advertising Materials 广告资料: Send camera ready artwork or positive films for black and white advertisement,

8、 positive or colour separation films with complete set of progressive proofs for colour advertisement. 黑白广告请提供正稿及底片,四色广告则需要分色片(正片)连同打稿一套。5. Deadline for submitting advertising materials: July 25, 2006. 广告数据截止日期:二六年七月二十五日6. Advertising Rates 广告价目4C 四色B/W 黑白Back cover封底US$-Inside front cover封面里US$-Ins

9、ide back cover封底里US$-Inside full page (R.O.P.)全页US$US$* Fixed position for Full Page: rate + 10%. 指定位置按定价附加百分之十。(Charge for finished artwork and colour separation is not included.) (造稿及分色费用另计。)ADVERTISING ORDER 所需场刊广告We apply for booking the following advertising page(s) in the EXHIBITION GUIDE: 本公司拟预订: 4C四色B/W黑白QUANTITY所需页数Back cover封底 -1Inside front cover封面里 -1Inside back cover封底里 -1Inside full page (R.O.P.)全页 TOTAL ADVERTISING FEE 广告费用合共: Enclosed is a cheque amounted for the advance payment of the advertising fee. * A remittance of 100% of t



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