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1、General embryology (I),1. Langmans Medical Embryology with Simbryo CD-ROM, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers 9th Edition 2.高英茂主编,组织胚胎学,全国八年制教材,人民卫生出版社,2006 3.邹仲之,李继承主编,组织学与胚胎学,人民卫生出版社,2008 4.组胚精品课程网站:http:/ 2.试述胚胎植入的定义、过程、部位以及植入后的子宫蜕膜分部。 3.试述两胚层胚盘的形成过程和组成。 4.三胚层胚盘的形成和初步分化。 5.胎膜、蜕膜及胎盘的结构与功能。,a

2、 science which study the processes and regulations of development of human fetus.(from 1 cell (zygote合子) to (5-7) x1012 cells) total 38 weeks: preembryonic period(胚前期): before 2 weeks,embryonic period(胚期): 3-8 weeks,fetal period(胎儿期): after 9 weeks,Fertilization(受精),Definition: the process by which

3、the male and female gametes(sperm and ovum) unite to give rise to zygote site: in the ampullary region(壶腹部) of the oviduct,conditions: 1) maturation of oocyte 2) maturation of spermatozoa,3) capacitation (获能)and acrosome reaction(顶体反应) of spermatozoa capacitation factor: secreted by epi. cells of ov

4、iduct, capacity of releasing acrosome enzymes 4) quality and quantity of spermatozoa: 2-6 ml, 100,000,000/ml, 30%; or capacity for mobile 70% 5) meeting of sperm and ovum within 24 hrs,Processes of fertilization: Phase I Penetration of the corona radiata(放射冠), acrosomal release Phase II Penetration

5、of the zona pellucide(透明带) ZP with receptors zona pellucida spongy the release of local enzymes Phase III Entrance, formation of zygote,Entry response Cortical or zona reactions -Compaction - impermeable to more sperm Oocyte finishes 2nd meiotic division Metabolic activation of the egg Results of fe

6、rtilization Diploid Genetic sex Cleavage,Cleavage (卵裂) Mitosis Two cell stage (30h) Morula(桑椹胚) (72h) inner cell mass embryoblast outer cell rim trophoblasts Blastocyst (胚泡)(5d) Blastocoele The cells of morula secrete fluid Zona pellucide disappears,Blastocyst (胚泡),inner cell mass,blastocoele,tropho

7、blasts,(滋养层),(胚泡腔),(内细胞群),Puberty menstruation (28 days) Hormonal regulation GnRH FSH LH Granulosa/theca cells Estrogens Progesterones The endometrium of the uterus is in the secretory phase,Uterus at Time of Implantation,Implantation(植入) -Passage through the uterine tube Day 5 Day 11 Uterus Orienta

8、tion of implantation Location - ant or post, fundus Trophoblasts overlying the embryoblast pole attach to the endometrium and begin to invade.,Processes zona pellucide disappear polar trophoblast touch the endometriumsecrete enzymes dissolve the endometrium embedded into endometrium coagulation plug

9、 seal the space,Implantation site Normal:ant or post wall of the uterus, fundus Abnormal: Internal os of the cervix (placenta previa) Ovarian Abdominal Tubal,Ectopic pregnancy,endometrium decidua: -decidua basalis (底蜕膜) -decidua capsularis(包蜕膜) -decidua parietalis(壁蜕膜) conditions: -endometrium is in

10、 secretory phase -morula reach the cavity of uterus on time -zona pellucide disappears in time,In vitro fertilisation,体外受精联合胚胎移植技术(IVF):又称试管婴儿,是指分别将卵子与精子取出后,置于试管内使其受精,再将胚胎前体-受精卵移植回母体子宫内发育成胎儿的过程。 生育年龄不孕妇女,具备下列任何一项时: 1经碘油造影、腹腔镜术或手术证实,各种原因引起的盆腔粘连或输卵管阻塞。 2双侧输卵管切除术后或结扎术后复通失败或不愿接受复通手术。 3盆腔子宫内膜异位症,反复促排卵治疗失

11、败。 4顽固性多囊卵巢综合征,经反复促排卵治疗失败。 5不明原因不孕,反复促排卵治疗失败。,Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis,植入前遗传学诊断(PGD) 从发育到4-8细胞的胚胎中,取出一个细胞进行细胞遗传学 或分子遗传学检查,再将检查结果正常的胚胎放入子宫内, 以达到优生优育目的。 目前主要用于已知患有遗传性疾患夫妇或高风 险遗传疾患携带者(如高龄妇女)。,Implantation - sinks deeper The outer cell layer Trophoblasts Cytotrophoblasts 细胞滋养层 Syncytiotrophobla

12、sts 合体滋养层 Inner cell mass (embryoblast) Fluid collection amnion Epiblasts & hypoblasts,Bilaminar Germ Disc (二胚层胚盘) (Second week of development),Week two Day 9-12,Implantation Covered the endometrium- fibrin plug Complete slight bulge Trophoblasts Vacuoles within syncytiotrophoblasts- fuse and form l

13、acunar networks Uteroplacental circ Extra-Embryonic Mesoderm Btwn troph & cavity Somatic/splanchnic,Week 2 Day 13-14,Trophoblasts Primary villi Yolk sac Primary to secondary Chorionic plate Connecting stalk,The Bilaminar Embryo,Disc btwn Amnion(羊膜腔) Yolk sac(卵黄囊) Bilaminar disc Epiblasts(上胚层) Hypoblasts(下胚层),End of the Week of Twos,2 major cell masses Trophoblasts Inner cell mass Trophoblasts Cytotrophoblasts Syncytiotrophoblasts Embryonic Cavities Amniotic cavity Yolk sac Germ Disc Epiblasts Hypoblasts,THE END!,


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