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1、毕业论文任务书(文理科使用)题 目:Cultural Differences in English-Chinese Communication学 院: 外国语学院 系: 英语语言文学 专 业: 英 语 班 级: 2002级 4班 学 号: 02043148 姓 名: 黄 文 婷 起讫日期: 2006.2.232006.6.6 指导教师: 蒋 平 职称: 教 授 系分管主任: 蒋 平 审核日期: 2006年 3 月 12 日 一、毕业论文的要求和内容1. Requirements a) The paper should have sufficient academic significance

2、to fit its title and should be written by you in person rather than a copy from somewhere.b) The paper should be no less than 5000 words in English (not including the references), and your contribution should be no less than 3000 words.c) Quotations (direct or indirect) should be italicized or other

3、wise indicated, and should not exceed 2000 words altogether. References should be no less than 4 items. (Consulting Reading & Writing Across Curriculum , Chapter 15 for the way to indicate quotations and references.)d) Please strictly abide by the format prescribed by the department.2. The underline

4、d section is the focus for developing your topic1. 应用语言学专题研究2. 语言学专题研究3. 东西方语言、文化、教育、哲学、思想、社会研究4. 东、西方价值对比研究(人生、工作、爱情、死亡、未来、伦理、道德、家庭观念、自立意识、宗教、亲情、认知、知行统一、科学/实践精神、社会意识、敬业精神等)5. 西方文学/历史/文化名人与作品研究6. 国际问题或国别专题研究8. 语言应用问题研究9. 热门社会问题探讨10. 教育理念和思想研究 初选题目:Cultural Differences in English-Chinese Communicatio

5、n二、研究方案、目标1. Progress Schedule1) Complete literature research(文献调查) and selection of theme (At least 5 reference sources arerequired, and the theme must be of academic significance.)2) Write The Proposal for your paper, try to specify your theme, main argument, approach, and the general organization

6、 of your paper. 3) Begin to write the first draft and hand in for first inspection.4) Revise the paper according to the feedback from the tutor and hand in the second draft. Complete the final version. 5) Write an abstract of about 200 words, fill in paper form, type and print the paper ( in 3 copie

7、s), and hand in them, and prepare for oral presentation. 6) Oral presentation2. Suggestion for writing Step A Introduce a topic which deserves discussing academically. Step B Try to define the issue, that is, try to say what is to be included in your discussion and to what extent. Step C Try to revi

8、ew what other people say about the issue, summarize, classify and analyze their statement.Step D Try to state your own opinion or viewpoint on that issue ideally with a well formulated argument.Step E Develop your argument and lead to a conclusion.It is strongly recommended that you read page 296367

9、 of A Handbook of Writing and the first 5 chapters of Reading and Writing Cross the Curriculum. (Every one has a copy!) 三、阅读书目清单1 Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter & Lisa A. Stefani. Communication between Cultures. 外语教学与研究出版社,2000年。2 Osland, J. S. & Bird. A beyond sophisticated stereotyping:Cultur

10、al sense making in context. Academy of Management Executive Vol. 14. No. 1.3 Clair, Robert N. ST., Giles, Howard. 1980. The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language M New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.4胡文仲,文化与交际,外语教学与研究出版社,1994年。5 胡文仲,跨文化交际面面观,外语教学与研究出版社,1999年。6 贾玉新,跨文化交际学, 上海外语教育出版社

11、,1997年。7 罗选民主编,英汉文化对比与跨文化交际,辽宁人民出版社,2000年。8 高一虹,2000,语言文化差异的认识与超越,外语教学与研究出版社。9 Many other relevant papers published in the Journals:1)外语教学与研究2)外国语(These are very important journals for your writing. All of them can be found in the university library or in the library of this school) 四、毕业论文进度计划序号各阶段工

12、作内容起讫日期备注1下达任务书,收集资料2月25日至3月9日红色字体部分已经作了修改,请统一。2完成开题报告3月10日至3月23日3完成翻译3月24日至 4月6日4完成论文大纲和文献综述4月7日至4月13日5开始论文写作4 月 14日6完成初稿4月30日7完成二稿5月18日8定 稿5月 25日9完成中、英文摘要; 论文打印;准备答辩5月31日10答辩;完成表格6月7日五、主要参考资料1 贾玉新,跨文化交际学M, 上海外语教育出版社,1997;2胡文仲,文化与交际C,外语教学与研究出版社,1994;3 Larry A. Samovar, Richard E. Porter & Lisa A. S

13、tefani. Communication between CulturesM. 外语教学与研究出版社,2000;4 Clair, Robert N. ST., Giles, Howard. 1980. The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language M New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.5王远,有关汉外语法对比的三个问题:英汉对比研究论文C,上海教育出版社;6李瑞华,语用的最高原则 得体J,外语与外语教学,1994(3):14。六、毕业论文进度表(本表每周由学生填写一次,交指导教师签署审查意见)第一、二周(2月23日至3月12日)学生主要工作:收集资料,撰写开题报告。指导教师审查意见:


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