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1、2018年小学教师考编培训阅读理解应考技巧阅读理解是中考英语的必考题型之一,要求考生根据所提供的不同体载和题材的阅读材料,从中选择最佳答案。从题材看,对阅读理解的考查涉及到故事、科普、广告、新闻、风俗、文化等。从体载上看,有记述文、说明文、应用文和议论文等,从考查方向来看,有细节理解题、推理判断题、词义猜测题、主旨大意题。阅读技巧和方法:1. 养成良好的阅读心理。 去除杂念,形成平和心态,调节好情绪,整体理解。2. 问题先行,划出关键词。一看到一篇阅读,首先将题干看一遍。看问题时。要关注题干的关键词,以便有针对性去阅读,一般需要划出的关键词有:时间、年份,大写的单词,表示逻辑关系的词,否定含义

2、的词。例:According to the study in 1896, dreams are mainly controlled by _?If you want to book a table in the Season Restaurant, you can call up the number_.(大写的单词可帮助我们在文章中快速定位)What is a child more possible to do without a dad ?3. 细读首段,了解大意。读完题干后,应快速定位首段,细读,了解文中大意,若首段很短,只有一句,就要看看第二段;若首段很长,就要重读第一句和最后一句,以

3、了解文章的大意。4. 逐题找答案。首段读完,结合刚刚扫视过的题目,逐题从文章中查找答案。5. 做细节理解题,一般方法是先找出题干或选项中的关键词,一般为数词,大写人名或地名,再快速确定该细节在文章中的出处,仔细对照题干要求,排除或选择。要注意命题人有无“偷梁换柱、张冠李戴”,即对原句在细微处做改动,因果倒置,把A的观点说成B的观点等。6. 主题大意关注首尾两段。 主题句在段首的情况或篇首的情况相当普遍。一般新闻报道、说明文、议论文大都是采用先总述,后分述的叙述方法,则其主旨句多在段首或篇首。Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year an

4、d the beginning of another in some way. Different cultures celebrate the beginning of a new year in different ways, and at different times on the calendar.( )1.The reading is mainly about _.A. the meaning of “Happy New Year” B. several different New Year traditionsC. what to eat on New Years Day用归纳法

5、写文章时,往往表达细节的句子在前,概括性的句子在后,并以此结尾。成为主旨句。At first, the family tried keeping curtains(窗帘)across the windows, but this made the room dark. Then they bought some strong black paper and cut out the shape of hawk. They made six hours -one for each window. They stuck the hawks to the windows. They look prett

6、y and did not keep out much light, when the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away. After that, there were no more dead birds, the family were much happier.The story is mainly about _.A.Why the birds died in the garden B. the family were much happierC. how the family saved the birds in the garden7

7、. 词义猜测题。做题时要结合上下文。The underline word “hawk”means _.A. 鹰 B. 丛林 C. 燕子8.推理判断题。推理判断题主要以We can infer/ learn from this passage that.等进行提问。解决此类问题要注意:一是与原文相同的细节不能选,二是文中没有出现的细节不能跳出文章做推断。Miss Bailey taught me English in Junior school. She cycled school, and then when entering school gate, she would give her b

8、icycle to anyone of us to park it for her. It was a privilege(特别恩典) when Miss Bailey gave her bicycle to you. One day Shankar stood at the gate; Shankar was hunchback(驼背的人)。 We laughed and said, “Move out of the way, Shankar! Miss Bailey is going to enter!”Miss Bailey drove in and we all rushed to o

9、ffer our hands to her. But Miss Bailey looked pass us all.“Will you park it for me?” she asked . we looked back to see who it was and were surprised to see it was towards Shankar. “I dont think so, Miss Bailey!” stammered(结结巴巴地说)Shankar.“Why? You lazy fellow!”said Miss Bailey playfully. “You dont wa

10、nt to help your teacher, do you?”“ Of course I want to, Miss Bailey!” whispered Shankar. “But I might drop your cycle!”“If you drop it, you pick it up!”said the teacher with a smile. With that she gave her cycle to Shankar and didnt look to see how hed manage. Pretending she had confidences in his a

11、bilities. Mis Bailey turned and walked to class. We watched Shankar as he held her bike. We held our breath as we thought it was going to fall. Dinesh rushed to help .“Leave it!”Shankar said, and we all stopped. It seemed that his hump(驼背) disappeared as he drew himself up to his full height, and th

12、en with growing confidence, he pushed Miss Baileys cycle to the parking lot. The school bell rang, and we rushed to class. Shankar was the last to enter. Miss Bailey didnt even look at him as he walked to her and handed her the keys. From that day on, Shankar was ready to answer the questions in cla

13、ss, his grades went up and a smile appeared on his face.( )1. What does the underline word “it” in the first paragraph probably refer to?A. Miss Baileys bike B. Parking the bike for Miss Bailey C.Going to school by bike ( )2. From Paragrph2 , we learn that_.A.Miss Baileys students disliked to help h

14、er B. Miss Bailey didnt like ShankarC. Shankar didnt believe in his ability at first.( )3.when Shankar entered the classroom after parking the bike, _.A. He was full of confidence B. his classmates cheered C. his dump disappeared( )4. From the passage, we know _.A.Shankar never stood at the school g

15、ate B. Miss Bailey pretended not to see Shankar and walked to class C. Parking the bike for Miss Bailey made Shankar change himself( )5. It can be inferred from the passage that Bailey _. A. Lived a comfortable life B. had no pity on Shankar C. treated every students fairly一、 解题思路1. 顺序法。先快速阅读短文,了解文章和主要情节,然后,细读题干和选项,接着再细读一遍短文,此方法特别适合于推理判断和推测作者的观点、态度、意图题。2. 倒序法。为了节省答题时间,先看问题再读文章,边阅读边判断答案。此题型适合表格题、广告等信息材料题。特别是科技类说明与话题谈论类的议论文。二、回答问题型阅读理解。1. 一般疑问句回答用:Yes 或 No 来回答。( Is/Am/ Are / Do/ Does/Was/ Were/Did/ W


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