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1、 a big shot 大人物,大亨,要人,具有影响力的人a case in point 一个恰当的例子access to 途径, 使用。的机会account for 占有,解释acquaint with 熟悉,了解a discount 享受。折优惠be admitted to 被承认或录取a fraction of 一小部分air crash/ plane crash 空难drug abuse 吸毒上瘾alienate from 隔离,疏离all ears 全神贯注地听allergic to 对。过敏a matter of concern 关注的事情或问题amazing/ incredibl

2、e/ miraculous 棒极了,了不起a melting pot 熔炉(象征美国多民族文化)appeal to 吸引apartment for rent 公寓出租as a consequence 因此as fit as a fiddle 健康sore foot(throat) 脚疼,嗓子疼a speck of dirt 一丝灰尘,一粒污点associated with 与。有关at a loss 不知所措 at ease 放松,轻松at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候be attached to 喜爱at the interval 在中间休息时at the scene

3、在现场a variety of 各种各样的aware of 意识到back issue 过刊back up 支持beat about (around) the bush 绕圈子说话behind schedule 耽搁,晚点be no exception 。不例外bent on/ upon 下决心beside the point 与。无关,离题board (train flight ship) 上火车,登机,上船bosom friend 知心朋友be bound to肯定会broaden ones mind 开阔眼界by and large 大体上by no means 一点也不,决不car d

4、ealer 汽车代理商castles in the air/ sky 空中楼阁catch ones breath 喘口气be categorized into 分类,分成。部分chair a meeting 主持会议chances are that 很有可能chase rainbows 做白日梦check in 还书,登记check out 办手续借出,chilled to the bone全身都冻僵了commit a crime 犯罪conform to 符合concerned with 关心,与。有关concentrate on 专心confuse with 区别不出contribute

5、to 帮助,有助于correspondence course 函授课程count on 依赖cross that bridge when one comes to it 船到桥头自然直cry over spilt milk 为不可挽回的失误难过cup of tea 爱好,兴趣current issue 现刊cut in line 插队,加塞declare 申报携带物品be descended from 是。的后代,遗传deserve a raise 应该涨工资(加薪)down payment 首期付款eat ones words 承认说错了话,收回前言 essential to 极为重要的ex

6、ceed the speed limit 超速expose to 暴露,接触,使遭受face value 外表faculty members 全体教师fair and square 公平,光明正大fall flat 解体,分裂far from being desired 远远不够,远不能令人满意fed up with 厌倦figure out 弄清楚/ 明白,算出find a bargain 买便宜货be fined, pay a fine 罚款,交罚金flat tyre 轮胎没气了flock into 涌进flip a coin 掷硬币决定free with money 花钱大手大脚gene

7、ral public 公众,大众get ones promotion 晋升,提升give sb. a lift 让某人搭车go Dutch 各自负担自己费用,AA制go on a diet 节食have an alternative 有别的方法have an impact on 对。产生影响,震撼了have intention of doing sth. 有某种目的或打算hit the ceiling 勃然大怒hold out for 坚持要hold up 耽搁host a program 主持一次节目house-warming party 庆祝迁居的聚会I dont imagine/ gue

8、ss/ suppose/ expect 我不认为if I were you, Id. 如果我是你,我就。if only 要是。就好了ill at ease 不自在,手足无措in a good mood 心情好in a nutshell 一句话,简而言之in bad taste 品味不高in flames (on fire) 起火,燃烧in harmony with 与。和谐相处in honor of 为庆祝(纪念)in moderation 适当地in ones favor 对。有利inrespect 在。方面in the stacks 在(图书馆)书库里in tune 轮流,依次intens

9、ive care unit 特殊护理室(医院里)interfere with 干预,影响be involved in 参与,参加it is advisable to 明智的做法是it is ones treat 是某人请客its generally accepted/ acknowledged that 一个人们普遍接受的事实/ 公理是Ive never seen a better (worse) one than that 我还从没见过job opening (offer) 工作机会jump to a conclusion 过早地下结论justify in doing 有理由keep an

10、eye on 照顾keep track of 注意动向kill time 消磨时光keen on 喜欢lay off 解雇left-luggage office 行李寄存处look on the bright side 看到光明的一面make a claim against 向。索赔make a comeback 重新流行,再次受欢迎make a fuss 大惊小怪make a reservation 预定房间make ends meet 收支相抵,勉强维持生活matters of concern 关注的事情,问题meet ones needs 满足某人的需要missby (time)差。没赶

11、上(飞机,火车)never fail to do 从未做不到(双重否定表示强调)off the top of ones head 毫无准备office hours 办公时间,营业时间on a two-week trial 试用期为两星期on and off 断断续续地on account of 由于on behalf of 代表on display 正在公开展出one in a million 百里挑一on impulse 凭一时冲动on reserve 给某人保留,不外借(只限馆内阅读)on the average 平均起来on vacation 度假,optional course 选修课

12、originate from 起源于out of breath 累得喘不过气out of stock 没货out of the question 不可能participate in 参加pose for the camera 为了拍照摆姿势prior to 在。之前rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁range from to 范围从。到。read between the lines 明白其言外之意remind sb. of 使某人想起resign ones post 辞职resort to 凭借,求助于respond to 有反应,有效果responsible for 对。负责revo

13、lve around (话题,讨论)围绕着ring a bell 听起来耳熟room and board 食宿round the clock 24小时不停room to let 出租房屋round the corner 快到了,将要来临rule out 排除rush hour 高峰时间safe and sound 安然无恙scare/ frighten out of ones wits 吓呆了senior citizens 老年人sense of humor/ responsibility/ honor/ superiority/ humility 幽默感,责任感,荣誉感,优越感,自卑感ser

14、ve sb. right 活该,罪有应得my watch is 8:00 sharp. 我的表现在8点整show ones cards 表明态度sign a lease 签租约sign up for 登记报名slip ones mind 忘记smooth going 令人满意,顺利specialize in 专门从事stand a chance 很有可能stand on ones own feet 自食其力stay up late熬夜stick to 坚持,按。做strike the hour 敲钟,报时take a leave 休假take hours 选。学时的课take my word 相信我的话terminal building 机场大楼the reverse is also true/ vice versa 反之亦然undercircumstances在。情况下under obligation to do sth. 有责任,有任务做某事vary fromto 从。到。Now many people move to developing suburbs to escape from urban congestion. walk of life 行业walls have ears 隔墙有耳want ad 招聘广告well-balanced meal 搭配均衡的饭



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