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1、祈使句、一般现在、现在进行式本单元诊断范围主要是祈使句、简单现在式、现在进行式。本测验共分两部分,第一部分为单题式测验,测验学生是否了解祈使句、简单现在式、现在进行式在简单句子中的使用;第二部分为整段式填空,以测验学生是否能整合应用于实际情境中。本单元后,均附有说明档试题解析,按相关连结后,即可了解正确用法。若有其它问题,请按每页所附 e-mail 信箱连络。第一部分:单题式测验1. David English on Wednesdays and Fridays.(A) study(B) studies(C) is studying 2. Look! The puppy with a cat.

2、(A) play(B) plays(C) is playing3. Its 18:00 now. Tom TV in the living room. (A) watch(B) watches(C) is watching 4. Tina, your book. (A) close(B) closes(C) is closing5. They to work every day. (A) drive(B) drives(C) are driving6. The puppy in the box. Be careful. Dont let it come out. (A) move(B) mov

3、es(C) is moving7. He usually his homework after school for 30 minutes. (A) write(B) writes(C) is writing8. Please the dishes after dinner. (A) wash(B) washes(C) is washing9. John: Your brothers English is very good, Linda. he practice it every day? Linda: Yes, he practices it every day. (A) Do(B) Do

4、es(C) Is10. Mary, a good student. (A) am(B) are(C) is(D) be第二部分:整段式填空。请依据上、下文意,将空格后的提示动词,改为适当形式,以使全文通顺。早自修时间,王老师一进入教室,发现大鼻正在和阿俯大声聊天,严重影响班上其它同学,此时王老师非常生气地说:Mr. Wang:(1) (Stand) up, Big Nose and A-fu. You both are too noisy! Whatre you doing? A-hua:They (2) (talk) about sports. Mr. Wang:This is time f

5、or studying, not for talking!Yi-ching:They often (3) (talk) like that at this time every morning. Please (4) (give) them some things to do, Mr. Wang, or they will talk again.Mr. Wang: (5) (Take) out your notebooks, and (6) (write) I wont talk again. twenty times. Big Nose: I (7) (not know) any English. Can I write in Chinese? Mr. Wang: No, in English. You (8) (have) to study English every day. Your brother (9) (work) hard, so his English is so good. Why dont you do as he (10) (do)? How about A-fu? A-fu:No problem. I can write English and Ill hand it in later.


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