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1、51. 考点:关系代词在限定性定语从句中,关系代词做主语,who / that 指人;which / that 指物。在限定性定语从句中,关系代词做宾语,whom 指人;which 指物。关系代词做介词宾语,介词前置时,whom 指人;which 指物。 - I will now introduce the colleague with whom I have working for nearly 10 years- They tried to think of a plan by which they could fulfill their task ahead of time.当先行项为

2、all 或其他指物的不定代词(anything / something / nothing) 时,关系代词通常用that; - All that live must die.当先行词指人,并带有 Only, any, the, 最高级修饰语等表示特指时,关系代词通常用 that。- Any person that wants to succeeds must work hard.- Newton was one of the greatest men that ever lived.52. 考点:祈使句Go and wash your hands at once! (command)Be qu

3、iet, please. (request)Keep off the grass! (prohibition)Sweet dreams! (wish)Lets have a cup of coffee. (suggestion)53. 考点:介词 for 的用法A the purpose of an actionB concessionFor all his money, he is a very lonely man.I love you, for all your shortcoming.C how long an action / situation continues forD whe

4、re a person / vehicle is going54. 考点:附加疑问句对祈使句进行附加疑问时,一般采用 will you / wont you / would you ?Dont move the chair, will you?Be quiet, would you?1) 当陈述句部分的主语是 everybody, everyone, someone, no one, nobody, somebody 等指人的合成词时,附加疑问句部分的主语用 he (正式语体) 或者 they (非正式语体) - Everybody knows what is happening, doesn

5、t he? - Everyone enjoyed the party, didnt they?2) 当陈述句部分的主语是 everything, anything, something, nothing 等指物的合成词时,附加疑问句部分的主语只能用 it - Everything is ready, isnt it?3) 当陈述句部分是 there be- 时,附加疑问句部分的主语用 there - Theres something wrong, isnt there?4) 当陈述句部分带有 seldom, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothin

6、g 等否定词时,附加疑问句部分的动词用肯定形式 - Bob rarely got drunk, did he? - Few people know him, do they? 5) 当陈述句部分是一个带有 that- 分句作宾语的主从结构时,附加疑问句部分一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保持对应关系 - He thinks he is going to become a doctor, doesnt he? - She says I did it, doesnt she? 55. 考点: ing 分词freezing cold: so cold that it is freezing - free

7、zing: 程度副词56. 考点:倍数关系用times 表示三倍或三倍以上的数,表示两倍用twiceThis hall is five times bigger than our classroom.This dictionary is five times as thick as the one you bought yesterday.This river is three times the depth of that one.The length of this road is three times what it was last year.In this workshop the

8、 output of July was three times that of January.(adj.) - The city was enclosed by walls of double thickness.(n.) - They offered me $ 1,000. - I will give you double. (v.) The church has doubled its membership in the last five years.57. 考点:比较结构not so much . as .: one description is less suitable or c

9、orrect than another, 与其说.不如说. - She was not so much tired as impatient for the journey to be over.“The language does not so much make the book difficult to understand as the background (does).”59. 考点:限定词the other: the second of two people / things you have had or mentioned 另一个the other + 复数名词: the r

10、est people /things except the one you have mentioned 其余的,其他的another: one more person / thing of the same type - There is still another $100 to pay.60. 考点:that 引导的名词性从句A adj. + that 分句:主语补足语- He is confident (that) he will pass the test. 61. 考点:would rather 引导的虚拟句型would rather sb. did sth.- Id rather

11、 you didnt interfere with him.62. 考点:反身代词反身代词做同位语,强调作用;如果强调主语,位置比较灵活。The manager himself will interview Lucy.The manager will interview Lucy himself. 根据句子的逻辑意义判断,不能修饰宾语。63. 考点:关系代词 / 副词there is no doubt that . 固定句型There is no doubt that one day a cure will be found.There is little doubt that he was

12、the killer.65. 考点:名词所属格的语法意义表示所属关系- Mr. Browns suitcase has been taken downstairs.表示类别、限定: mens shoes表示时间、度量、价值等关系- an hours work / one dollars worth of meat 表示动宾关系- The criminals punishment will be ten years in prison. 表示主谓关系- Everybody as pleased at Davids quick recovery from illness.66. A alter:

13、change in some particular way, without permanently losing former characteristics 轻微改变,基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。B convert: 1) change the nature, purpose, or function of something; 2)change religious beliefs, 改变以适应新的功能或用途; 指信仰或态度的大的改变。 - The sofa is converted into a bed C transform: change in form, appe

14、arance, outward structure or nature 指人或物在外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。- The magician transformed the frog into a princess. D modify: make less severe or harsh or extreme 指细小的变化,常含“缓和、降调”的意味。- Hell have to modify his rather extreme views if he wants to be elected. 67. A go wild: 固定搭配, to behave in a very excited way B emotional: determined by emotion rather than reason; of or related to emotion C uncontrolled: incapable of being controlled or managedD unrestricted: free of restrictions; accessible to all 68


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