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1、Plain English ExpressionsOfficial-sounding termsPlainer alternativesaccedeagree, grant, allowaccordinglysoaccustomed toused toacquaint yourselffind out, readadditionalmore, extraaddress(sense “consider”)tackle, deal with, consideradvicesinformation, instructionsadvise(sense “inform”)inform, tell, le

2、tknowaforementioned, aforesaidomit or be specificaggregate n.totalalleviateease, reduce, lessenappriseinform, tell, letknowas a consequence ofbecauseascertainfind outassist, assistancehelpattainreachattributeearmarkcategorygroupceasestop, endcognizant ofaware of, know aboutcommencestart, begincommen

3、surate withconsistent withcomponentpartconceptideaconcerningaboutconsequentlysoconstitutemake up, formconstrueinterpretcorroborationevidence, proof, supportdeducttake away, take off, subtractdeemtreat as, considerdeferput off, postponedesiststopdispatchsenddespite the fact thatalthough, despitedeter

4、minedecidedetermine(legal sense)end, terminatedisbursepaydischargepay off, settledisconnectcut offdiscontinuestop, enddue to the fact thatas, becausedwelling, domicilehome, propertyelect, electionchoose, choiceemanate fromcome from, stem fromendeavourtry, attemptentitlementrightenvisageexpect, imagi

5、ne, forecast, thinkequitablefairerroneouswrong, mistakenestablishset up, create, formeventuateresult, occur, happenexpeditehasten, speed upexpenditurespendingexpirationendfacilitatehelpfailure toif you do notfor the duration ofduring, whilefor the purpose oftoforward v.send, givefurnishgive, provide

6、henceforthfrom now onheretoforeuntil nowherewithwith thishithertountil nowif this is not the caseif notif this is the caseif soimpartgive, pass on, tell, informimplement v.carry out, doin accordance within line withinasmuch asbecause, in thatincidencerate of occurrence, how oftenin conjunction withw

7、ithincrementstep, increaseindebtednessdebtinitiatebegin, startin lieu ofinstead ofin order totoin receipt ofget, have, receive, receivingin regard toabout, concerning, oninsofar asas far asinstitute v.begin, startinterim n.meantime, for the time beingin the event ofif, whenin the eventuality ofif, w

8、henin view of the fact thatas, becausemannerwaymoniesmoney, amounts of moneynecessitateneed, have to, requireneverthelesseven so, however, yetnonethelesseven so, however, yetnot less thanat leastnot more thanor less, or fewernotwithstandingeven if, despite, still, yet, butobtainget, receiveother tha

9、nexceptparticularsdetailspersonspeopleperuseread or study carefully, examinepolemicalcontroversialprincipal adj.main, chiefprior tobeforeprovenancesource, originprovisions of law, policythe law, the policypurchasebuypurport v.pretend, claim, professpursuant tounderreductioncutregardingaboutreimburse

10、repayremittancepaymentremunerationpay, wages, salaryremunerative employmentpaid workrendersend, make, giverepresentationscommentsresideliveresidencehome, property, addresssaveexceptshallmuststipulatestate, set, lay downsufficientenoughsupplementaryextra, moreterminateend, stopthe law provides thatth

11、e law saysthereafterthen, afterwardstimeouslyin good timetrancheslice, portion, share, chunkutilizeuseverifycheck, provewhensoeverwhen, wheneverwherebyby which, because of whichwhilstwhilewillfullydeliberatelywith reference toabout, concerningwith regard toabout, concerningwith respect toabout, for,

12、 concerningLatin or French phraseMeaning or alternative phrasead hocfor this purpose or occasioncarte blanche F.a free hand, freedomceteris paribusother things being equalcf (conferre)comparecircaaboutde minimistrivialities, small amountseg (exempli gratia)such as, for exampleen bloc F.as a whole, t

13、ogetheretc (et cetera)and so on, and the restibid (ibidem)in same place, book etc; same sourceie (id est)that isloc citpassage cited abovemodus operandiway of working, methodop cit (opus citatum)work citedper annumper year, a year, annuallyper capitaper head, per person, eachper diemper day, a day, dailyper seas such, by or in itself, essentiallypp (per procurationem)on behalf of, by the agency ofQEDproved as requiredqv (quod vide)seeseriatimone at a time, in the same ordersine dieindefinitelyvis-vis F.as regards, regarding, on aboutviznamelyvsversus, againstvs (vide supra)see above


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