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1、优马思教育 新编剑桥商务英语初级(1)听众朋友,大家好,欢迎您收听优马思初级商务英语节目,我是欧德喻。这套英语节目是专门为刚刚接触商务英语的听众编写制作的。在这套节目中,您会接触到大量和商务环境有关的语言场景;我们将会对这些场景进行详细的讲解,为您的商务英语学习和使用英语进行商业活动打下坚实的基础。现在我们就开始第一课的学习,job duties. 工作职责。在这一课中,我们会听到几个商业人士在商会中谈论他们的工作。商会就是商业人士的组织,The chamber of commerce is an organization for business people.在听他们的对话前,我们先来看

2、这几个人的名片。第一张名片是Katy Williams,她是一家信息技术服务公司的顾问。She is a consultant with an information technology services PLC. with 最基本的意思是“和在一起”,我们也常常用with来表示在什么公司上班,比如:She is a manager with a consultancy company 她是一家咨询公司的经理。 PLC是public limited company的缩写,意思是“公开招股有限公司”。另外,在这张名片中,information technology 常常简称为IT.还有,名片中

3、的地址94 the square 广场94号,square 也常常简写成SQ.KATY WILLIAMSC O N S U L T A N TINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PLC94 THE SQUAREBRIGHTONSUSSEXBN1 6DJTEL:01273 656 872FAX: 01273 656 818第二张名片是Helen Marsden. Helen Marsden是在制药行业工作的,She is in the pharmaceutical industry. 她是市场营销经理,She is a marketing manager. 在行业,我

4、们常常用介词in来表示,例如:in the food industry 在食品行业。LSPLister SteetleyPharmaceuticalsHelen MarsdenMarketing ManagerBecton HouseBecton CourtTumbridge WellsTw:01892 340 170Fax: 01892 326 462第三张名片是Thomas Kingsley,从名片可以看出,他是在金融行业工作,He works for a financial company. 而且是一个销售经理,sales executive。在商务英语中,executive可以理解为“

5、主管”或“经理”的意思。另外,在Thomas Kingsley的名片中,有一个邮件地址,地址里边类似a的那个字母读at,mfp后边那个读成dot.MeridianFinancialProductsThomas KingsleySales ExecutiveMeridian HouseCole StreetLondon Ec4 2AFTel:027 236 4925Fax: 0207 236 119E-mail: T第四张名片是Beth Lambert,Beth Lambert在咨询公司工作,他所在公司的名称是RTLP CONSULTANTS, 他是一个会计师,He is an accounta

6、nt.RTLPCONSULTANTSBETH LAMBERTAccountantMETRO HOUSE95 THE COMMONREADING RG2 9LHTEL: 01734 318 222FAX: 01734 318 419下面第五张名片是Richard Saunders,Richard Saunders是一家食品公司的生产经理。He is a production manager.REGAL FROZEN PRODUCT 105-109 Valley Road, Staines Middlesex,ST12 4JW Tele:01784 933 6525 Fax: 01784 933

7、6522RICHARD SAUNDERS Production Manager第六张名片是:Robin Seaton 她是一个人力资源部经理。She is a human resources manager. human resources 也简称为HR.在她的名片中,有一个单词我们要特别注意的,park在这里并不是“公园”的意思。它表示的是“园区”的意思,比如在广州就有很多软件园,这些软件园是一些IT公司的集聚地,就像美国的硅谷或是北京中关村,我们称这些软件园为software parks.Robin SeatonHuman Resources ManagerVacupackUnits 5-

8、10Hayes Business ParkWatfordWA6 3AGTele:01784 933 6525Fax:01923 465 710e-mail: rs vacupack.co.uk Fax: 01784 933 6522下面我们就来听Richard Saunders和Katy Williams的对话Conversation 1RICHARD SAUNDERS: So, are you from London then or just here for the meeting?KATY WILLIAMS: No, Im not from London, but my company

9、has offices here.RICHARD SAUNDERS: What kind of company is it?KATY WILLIAMS: I work for an IT company. Im a consultant.在这段对话中,Richard Saunders问Katy Williams:So, are you from London then?您是伦敦人吗?还是只来这里参加会议,or just here for the meeting. Katy William说她不是伦敦人,不过她们公司在这里有办事处。No, Im not from London, but my c

10、ompany has offices here.Richard Saunders继续问:What kind of company is it? 是什么类型的公司。Katy Williams说:她在一家IT公司工作,是一名顾问。I work for an IT company. Im a consultant.接下来是Robin Seaton和Helen Marsden的对话Conversation 2ROBIN SEATON: Where do you work?HELEN MARSDEN: I work for a large pharmaceutical company.ROBIN SEA

11、TON: And what do you do?HELEN MARSDEN: Im the head of the Marketing Department.在前面我们讲过Helen Marsden是一家制药公司的营销经理She is a marketing manager in a pharmaceutical company. 所以当Robin Seaton问她在那里工作,做什么事情Where do you work? And what do you do? Helen Marsden就说:I work for a large pharmaceutical company.我在一家大制药公

12、司上班。Im the head of the Marketing Department.我是营销部的经理。第三个是Katy Williams和Thomas Kingsley的对话Conversation 3KATY WILLIAMS: So, what kind of products do you sell?Thomas Kingsley: Anything that helps people make money.KATY WILLIAMS: How do you mean?Thomas Kingsley :Financial services. I sell investment pro

13、ducts. 在这个对话中,Katy Williams问Thomas Kingsley是卖什么产品的So, what kind of products do you sell? Thomas Kingsley回答说:Anything that helps people make money.所有能帮助人们挣钱的东西。因为Katy Williams不大明白Thomas Kingsley这句话的确切意思,所以她继续问:How do you mean? 您是什么意思呢?How do you mean 在这里相当于what do you mean? Thomas Kingsley告诉她:Financi

14、al services. I sell investment products. 金融服务,我卖的是投资产品。我们继续来听第四个对话,Conversation 4THOMAS KINGSLEY: Tell me, does your consultancy work with big companies?BETH LAMBERT: No, we do the accounts for small and medium-sized companies.THOMAS KINGSLEY: Ah, I see. Do you have clients in London?BETH LAMBERT: Some but not many. Most of our clients are in Reading.Thomas Kingsley问,你们的顾问公司和大公司一起工作吗?Does your consultancy work with big companies? consultancy在这里可以理解为“顾问公司”。Beth Lambert说,不是的,我们是给一些中小公司做一些会计工作。We do the accounts for small and medium-sized companies. accounts是会计工作的


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