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1、一 i六级听力常考同音词同音词同音词Heal治疗- heel 脚跟Band 乐队- banned 禁止的Hour- our Heroin海洛因 heroine 女英雄,女主人公 Break- brake 刹车Passed- past Bread-bred (breed过去式)Peace- piece Ceiling 天花板- sealing 猎捕海豹业Cent- sent Rose- rows Cell- sell Sail- sale Sauce 沙司, 酱油, 调味料- source 来源Check- cheque 支票Steal- steel 钢Compliment 称赞 complem

2、ent 补充物Story- storey 楼层Dying- dyeing 染色Fare- fair Through- threw Vain徒然的- vein 血管Floor- flaw 缺点, 裂纹Weight- wait Hair-hare 野兔Flower- flour 面粉Way- weigh Wood- would -二六级听力常考近音词近音词近音词Appeal- a pill Odd- awed 充满敬畏的Avoid- award pass- path Border- board Presence- presents Bald- bored Pull- pool Council ca

3、ncel Poor- pour Stock- stalk 茎,,追踪Cut- cartFoam泡沫 form Sleep- steep 陡峭的Sympathetic有同情心的 systematic 系统的Full-foolHut- heart Loose宽松的,- lose 三常见的一词多义单词常见意偏僻意例句Check检察1. 帐单2. 支票Buy/bury the bill 买单Installment 安装分期付款Invest a house by installment 分期买房Film 电影胶卷Develop the film 冲洗胶卷Support 支持,支撑养活,赡养Support

4、 the family 养活全家Run 跑经营Run a shop 经营店铺Figure 数字,符号1.身材2.著名人物A nice figure 好身材a famous historical figure.一位著名的历史人物Party 派队党派,派别Party A, Party B 甲方乙方Stand 站摊位Room 房间空间Desert 沙漠抛弃Desert her friend in a time of need.抛弃了需要她的朋友Present 现在,礼物表达,展示Present the latest model 展示最新模型Odd 奇怪的零的 单的,单数的odd job 零工odd

5、dollar 零头美钞odd number 奇数Ticket 入场券阿传票,罚单Give sb a ticket 开罚单Drive 驾车动力,动机Whats the drive for your diligence?你这么努力的动力是什么?I can not figure out what you are driving at?我真搞不懂你在干什么。Move 移动举动,步骤Wise move 明智的举动Bargain 便宜货讨价还价,谈判Bargain with the stand owner 和摊主讨价还价Shoot 射击拍摄Shoot a movie 拍电影Crack 断裂,折断打开Cra

6、ck the shutter 按下快门Crack the safe 打开保险箱Sense 感官,感觉道理Common sense 常识Come back to your senses回到理智中来Credit 信用1. 学分2. 荣誉Full credits 满学分She is a credit to her family.她为家庭增了光Hold up 延迟1. 抢劫2. 制衡,应付Hold up the bank 抢劫银行manage to hold up under the daily stress.想办法应付每天的生活压力Hear from 收到的来信受到批评,收到传票You will b

7、e hearing from me!你会收到我的传票If you dont do your homework, youre going to hear from me.如果你不做家庭作业,我就要批评你Pick up 捡起来1. 接某人2. 偶然习得3. 感染,得病Pick sb up at 5 oclockPick up bad habits Pick up terrible cold Put up 举手,张贴留宿(accommodate)We can put you up for the night. 我们今晚可以留你过夜。Fair公平的1.集市,博览会2. 美丽的a state fair.

8、 国家博览会fair skin 白皙的皮肤Stalk追踪植物的茎Fine 美好的罚款She was fined for speeding. 她因超速而被罚款。Issue 发行,发行物议题,公众关心的事物government issue of new bonds.政府发行的新公债economic issue 经济议题Change 改变零钱Keep the change 不用找零Book 书预定Book a double-room预定一个双人间count数数指望She is counting the days. 他每天都在数日子Count on good weather 指望有个好天气Cover

9、封面读完,完成Cover 50 miles 完成里的路程Cover three chapters 读完三章(书)Paper 纸 论文 试卷 报纸Suit 套装,衣服一套公寓I bought a new suit in the clothing store.我在衣服店买了一套新西装I bought a suit in the central city this year.我今年在市中心买了一套公寓volume音量卷,册I cant find volume Ten.我找不到第十册bill账单钞票Here is a 10 dollar bill,give me two tickets for ton

10、ight show. 这是一张十美元的钞票,我要今晚演出的两张票Work out 找到答案,解决健身,运动Work out the problem 解决问题Do you often work out?你经常健身吗?Turn around转身好转,改善With the new laws in effect, peoples awareness is turning around. 随着新法律的生效,人们的意识也在改善School 学校学派School of thought 思想流派study学习书房Post 邮递职位Resign ones post 辞职Back 背,背面支持(back up)T

11、hanks for backing me up when I am in de dilemma. 谢谢你在我困难得时候支持我。Pupil小学生瞳孔ball球舞会Masked ball/fancy dress ball 化妆舞会三 六级听力中常见表达习惯习惯表达意义例句Skip ones mindGo in one ear and out the otherHave a poor memory Forgetful 健忘It really skip my mind where I have put the book. 我真忘了把书放哪了It is a bargain It is a good de

12、al 便宜货Bargain hunter 喜欢淘便宜货的人The last thing to do 最不想做的事情Orientation program is the last thing I want to do in the world. 新生训练是我最不想参加的一件事TurnintoConvert sth 转换Thats odd.很奇怪Its odd that you wear in tie and suit today.今天你西装革履真是很奇怪Meet each other half way Come to a compromise 相互妥协You two should call a

13、truce and meet each other half way.你俩应该休战,相互退一步Have a temperature Have a fever 发烧Competent Outstanding有能力的,杰出的at ease 安逸,舒适He is at ease in vacation.他在假期中,很舒适ill at ease不舒服Run up against 反对Get millions of things to do Have ones hands full Be packed with Be tied up with 很忙He is packed with the psycho

14、logical assignments.他有很多心理功课要完成,很忙Run into red 赤字Subscribe to 订购Subscribe to a magazine 订阅杂志Pull through Get through 通过及格I can hardly pull through in this exam.我考试差点没过。Sb deserves itServe sb right 某人活该Tom deserves it!/ Serve Tom right! He never stay awake in class, thats why he flunk the test. 汤姆活该!他上课从来都是睡觉,难



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