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1、Success belong to the persevering 名词性从句(Noun Clauses) 主讲人 西安市第三中学 雷孝民 2007. 10 修订。. 概念:( Definition ) 凡具备名词作用的句子叫名词性从句。. 分类:(Classification )名词性从句根据其作用可分为:. 主语从句;. 宾语从句;. 介词宾语从句;. 表语从句和 . 同位语从句。. 引导词:(Introducing Words.)1. That. 引导名词性从句表达陈述语气,that is, 肯定句和否定句。引导名词性从句其无任何实在意义,不做任何句子成分,只起连接作用。当动词后跟一个t

2、hat 引导的宾语从句时that可以省略掉,其余情况均不得省略。2. Whether/if 引导名词性从句表达一般疑问句语气。其意义为是否,但在从句中也不做任何句子成分。动宾从句中既可用whether, 又可用if, 其余从句仅用whether.3. What, when, where, why, which, how等所有特殊疑问词和as if , as though, because.这些引导词在从句中都有实在意义,且作一定的句子成分,因而不可省略,它们都表达了一种特殊的疑问情况。. 各论:(Discussions and Examples for each Noun Clause ) 主

3、语从句:(Subject Clause)专用于做主语。. That they won the football match made us very excited. That Charlie Chaplin is considered as one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of cinema is well known. Whether she will come or not is still a question. Whether you can make your stay in a foreign coun

4、try easy and comfortable or not depends on your knowledge about the country and the use of your body languages. Who will go there is not important. Whoever breaks the law is to be punished. What we need most is more money. Whatever you will do can not satisfy her desire. Why Disneys later films are

5、not popular is not clear to anyone. Which one you want to choose must be decided before your start. When and where they will trade stamps with each other has not been decided yet. 主语从句与不定式做主语一样,常采用it 做形式主语,将真正的主语从句放在句以保持句子平衡。. It is said that it wont be long before China sends manned spaceship to th

6、e moon. It is reported that a trade agreement has been made between China and the U.S.A. It is known to all that Taiwan belongs to China from far ancient times. It so happened that I got enough money on me at the time. He used to live in London for three years. It is no wonder that he speaks quite f

7、luent and standard British English. It has not been decided whether China will build a Disney land or not. It doesnt matter to us when and where the conference will be held. It makes no difference to us all how you will treat the guests. It is suggested that he should experiment with animals before

8、the medicine is used on human beings. It is important and necessary that the government be concerned about the housing problems of the low-income families. It comes as no surprise that it rains quite a lot, just as in England and Wales. 象类似主语从句还有很多,例如: It is clear that. It is necessary that. It is p

9、ossible thatIt is impossible that It is strange that. It is a pity that.It is my duty that It is a good idea that It is hoped that.It is ordered that. It is asked that. It is advised that.It is demanded that. It is insisted that It is certain that.It occurred to me that. It strikes me that It is see

10、ms that.It is likely that. It appears that. It is has been proved that. 2. 动词宾语从句。(The Object Clause After Verbs.). Many smokers know that smoking tobacco causes illnesses. Marry said that she didnt have any difficulty with her pronunciation and intonation. . I dont quite understand why more and mor

11、e women smoke in Britain. . We cant remember how many times he has tried to make up his mind to study hard. He asked me whether it is a good idea for us to go rafting on that river. The journalist asked the editor when and where they hold the face to face interview. I asked the policeman whom he had

12、 caught stealing on the bus that afternoon. Mary suggested that all be done before the mid-term examinations. The captain demanded that all seamen take action to save the ship. At the beginning of this term our teacher said that every student shall obey the school rules, that every one shall be devo

13、ted to their studies and that he would try his best to help us make progress in all fields. 学习时应注意问题:1. 凡表情请求,命令,建议,要求的动词后所跟的宾语从句要用should 加动词原形式 虚拟语气。这类此有:advise; suggest; ask; order; instruct; insist; desire; recommend; request等。. His excited voice suggested that he was terribly angry and I suggest

14、ed that he not think about the matter and keep calm to avoid conflict. The judge insisted that the woman was innocent and that she be set free at once. Jack desired that everything not go against his will. 2. 在可跟宾语补足语的句型中还可用it 做形式宾语而真正宾语从句后置。. They made it clear to the public that they did an import

15、ant and necessary job. He considered it his duty that the students parents must be well informed of their childrens behavior regularly. We all find it important and necessary that strong measures should be taken to protect the environment. Many pupils takes it for granted that parents should get everything prepared for themselves including their future. They seem to take it for granted that they can show up any time they like.3



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