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1、 Mba,mpa,mpacc联考英语词汇介词【mba加油站】一、介词的定义和分类介词又叫前置词,一般置于名词之前,只表示其后的名词或相当于名词的词与其他句子成分的关系。介词按构成可以分为简单介词、复合介词和短语介词:介词按意义可以分为表示地点的介词、表示时间的介词、表示方式的介词、表示原因的介词等。1.简单介词简单介词是由一个单词构成的介词。如about, above, across, against, along, among,around, at, before, behind, below, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, down,

2、 during,except,for, from, in, inside, like, of, off, on, over, near, past, round, since,through, till,to,towards, under,until, up, with, per,plus, via, despite, inc1uding, considering, regarding,concerning 等。2. 复合介词复合介词是由两个介词构成的。如throughout, within, without, into,upon 等。3. 短语介词短语介词是由两个或两个以上的单词构成的介词。

3、如: according to, along with, apart from, as for, as to, because of, by means of, due to, except fo民far from. for the sake of. inspite of, instead of, out of, previous to, with regard to 等。二、介词短语的语法功能介词不能单独使用,但可以和其他词类或成分构成介词短语。介词短语在句中可以作定语、状语、表语、宾语补足语、宾语,有时也可以作主语或同位语。1.介词短语作定语A friend in need is a fr

4、iend indeed.She seems to know the solution to the problem.2. 介词短语作状语In all probability, he will decline your invitation.I arrived at the concert hall in good time.He lives somewhere in this neighborhood.3. 介词短语作表语His absence is due to the rain.The decision is of great importance to us.4. 介词短语作宾语补足语W

5、hen he came to, he found himself in the hospital.Please sit down and make yourself at home.5. 介词短语作介词的宾语A cat appeared from under the table.He didnt come back until after midnight.6. 介词短语作主语From infancy to manhood is an impontant period.From here to there is a short distance.7. 介词短语作同位语He works all

6、day, that is to say,from 8 am to 8 pm. 三、常见(短语)介词的用法辨析1. at, in, on 表示时间的区别at 表示点时刻可以和小时、时刻、节日名称等连用in 表示段时刻可以和年、月、季节、上午、下午等连用on 表示特定的时间,可以和周、日、节日、上午、下午、晚上等连用。at seven oclockl2:25am/midnight/dawn/noon/breakfast/Christmas/Easterin 2010/March/spring/the moming/the late afternoonon Monday/ April 5/New Y

7、ears Day/Christmas Eve/a cold night/Friday moming2. till, until, to(1)在结构中, to可以和till, until 互换使用。He stayed from Monday to/till/until Friday.The street is full of traffic from morning to/till/until night.(2) 在表示离某一事情还有多少时间,把.推迟到某一时间时,可以用to或till。It is only half an hour to/till supper.He postp

8、oned the visit to/till next week.(3) until 为正式用语,可用于句首; till 是口语用法,一般不能用于句首;与瞬间动词连用时, till, until 要用于否定结构。I waited until/till l0 oclock, but he didnt come.Until last month, I knew nothing about it.He didnt come back until/till midnight.Id like to stay here (up) until/till Christmas.3. in, at, on 表示地

9、点和位置的区别( 1 ) at 表示空间的一点; in 表示在某一范围、空间内。I met her at the bus stop.They arrived at the village at noon.She is still living in New York.There are 1,000 seats in the theater.He will be at the theater at 8:30.(2) 把某个机构看作一个机关或组织时用at ,看作一个具体的地方时用in。She is at Oxford. (她在牛津大学读书。)She is in Oxford. (她在牛津居住。)(

10、3)门牌号码前用at; road 前用on; street 前用in 或on。Alice lives at 103 Wall Street.The accident happened in/on this street, not on that road. 4. under与below, beneath, underneath, over,above, on(1) on 和undemeath 互为反义词,表示某物紧贴在另一物之上(下) ,即两者相接触。There is a magazine on the desk.There is a piece of paper underneath the

11、 dictionary.(2) over 和under 互为反义词,表示物在另一物正上(下)方表示的是一种垂直概念,一般没有接触的含义。Lets have a rest under the tree.The water flows under the bridge.There is a bridge over the river.The lamp hung over the table.(3) above 和below 互为反义词,表示物在另一物之上(下) ,既不表示两者相接触,也不表示垂直概念。The plane is flying above us.The sun has sunk bel

12、ow the horizon.(4) beneath 表示某物在另一物之下既可以指垂直和不垂直的概念,也可以表示上下相接触,可以和under , below, undemeath 互换使用。She was standing beneath/under a tree.Beneath/below the mountain was a sea of forest.The mans body was buried beneath/underneath a pile of leaves.5. except, but, besides, except for, apart from( 1 ) except

13、, but 可以互换使用,表示除去,不包含强调不包括在内一般表示同类之间的关系。They all passed the exam except/but Tom.She saw nothing except/but snow.(2) besides 表示除了还有飞强调包含在内。Besides Mary, there are maoy others atteodiog the meeting.Besides John, there will be five of us for dinner.【注意】当besides 和否定词连用时,可以和except 互换使用。She has no relativ

14、es besides/but/except ao old aunt.No one writes to me besides/but/except you.(3) except for 也表示除. .之外指对某种基本情况进行部分细节的修正,表示不同类之间的关系。Your composition is good except for several spelling mistakes.The room is empty except for a few chairs.The road was empty except for a few cars.( 4) apart from 可以和except, but, besides, except for 互换使用。Apart from/Except for his nose, he is quite good-looking.He had to one to take care of him apart from/besides/but/except his uncle.Apart from/besides injuries to


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