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1、Responsibility 责任 Gratitude 感恩 Compassion 博爱 Endeavor 进取各学科双语教学用语 艺术Art1.你喜欢那种艺术形式? 绘画还是音乐?Which art form do you prefer, painting or music?2.你(们)喜欢这幅画吗?Do you like this picture?3.这是一幅水彩画吗?Is it a watercolour painting?4.这幅画是谁画的?Who painted this picture?5.你们能区分水彩画和中国画吗?Can you distinguish watercolour

2、from traditional Chinese painting?6.这是什么颜色?What colour is this?7.让我们把那棵树画下来。Lets draw a picture of that tree.8.这是多么美丽的一幅油画啊!What a beautiful oil painting this is!9.请准备好下节课要用的颜色和笔。Please get colour and brushes ready for the next lesson.10.儿童艺术很具有表现力。Childrens art can be very expressive.11.请指出你喜欢的颜色和形

3、状。Please indicate your choice of colour and shapes.12.请给我们看看你的图画好吗?Would you show us your picture?13.你画得很好。You paint very well.14.你是个富有想象力和美感的孩子。You are an imaginative and artistic child.15.画一条直线,使它自左向右往上斜。Draw a straight-line and slant it upwards from left to right.16.请把软的粘土捏成圆球。Please mould the so

4、ft clay into balls.17.我讲教你们怎样用粘土塑像。Ill teach you how to mould statues out of clay.18.让剪刀把这张纸一剪为二。Cut the paper into two.19.从中间把纸对折。Fold the paper in the middle.20.你觉得这幅画怎么样?How do you feel about the picture?21.我能用一下你的红色蜡笔吗?May I use your red crayon?22.画的是什么? 怎么样画的?Whats in the picture? How was it dr

5、awn?23.你能表现(画出)被前面物体遮住的物体吗?Can you draw the things behind another object?24.你能画直线、曲线、弧线、折线吗?Can you draw straight lines, curves, pitch arcs or broken lines?25.不要概念化涂色,可以大胆想象创作。Create pictures that are different from how you see them, be creative!数学 Math1.下面请列竖式计算。Now please write down the formula fo

6、r this problem and calculate.2.同学们可以直接写得数。Write down the results directly.3.你能看图编应用题并列式计算吗?Can you compile applied problems and calculate according to the diagram?4.今天我们学习两个数比多少。Today we are going to learn the ratio of the two numbers.5.积是多少?Whats the product?6.个位满十向十位进一。If the units place reaches t

7、en, add ont to the tens place.7.个位不够减,从十位退一,在个位加十再减。If the number of the units place is not enough for subtracting, you can borrow one from the tens place, then do the subtraction.8.被减数等于差加减数。The minuend is equal to the difference plus the subtrahend.9.减数等于被减数减差。The subtrahend is equal to the minuen

8、d minus the difference.10.一个加数等于和减去另一个加数。One addend is equal to the sum minus the other addend.11.这里还相差多少?Whats the difference?12.让我们计算这道题目。Now lets calculate this problem.13.请同学们填空。Boys and girls, now fill in the blanks.14.谁能解答应用题?Who can solve the applied problem?15.你能背乘法口诀吗?Can you recite the tim

9、es table?16.请选择正确的算式。Please select the right formula.17.我教你们如何选条件,选问题。Ill teach you how to select the requirements and how to select questions.18.你知道他们的数量关系吗?Do you know the relationship between the number and the amount?19.让我们来校对答案。Lets check the answer.20.请说说你是怎么想的。Please tell us how you found you

10、r solution.体育 P.E.1.稍息At ease.2.立正Attention 3.向右看齐Dressright4.向前看Eyes forward5.报数Count6.有谁缺席的吗?Is anyone absent?7.王海今天请假。Wang Hai asked for leave today.8.齐步走Quick time, march!9.立停,一,二Halt! One! Two !10.跑步走!Double time, go!11.先来做做热身操!First do warming up exercises.12.臂摆高!Swing your arms high!13.腿抬高!Li

11、ft your leg higher!14.我们来做游戏好吗?Lets play a game,OK?15.1,2,3 站站正!One two three, stand up straight!16.4,5,6 仔细听Four five six, please listen carefully!17.7,8,9认真做Seven eight nine, do it correctly!18.跟我做.Follow me.19.头抬高!Heads up!20.眼睛看前面,队伍对对齐!Eyes front, get in order!21.谁来示范这个动作?Who can demonstrate th

12、is action?22.他动作很标准。His action meets the standard.23.自由结伴!Select your partner!24.加油,加油Come on !25.瞄准目标,射击!Aim at the target, shoot!26.男生站里圈,女生站外圈!Form two circles. Boys on the inside, girls on the outside!27.请你换上球鞋!Please put your sneakers on.28.听到哨声就过来集合!Line up when you hear the whistle.29.听清楚游戏规则

13、。Pay attention to the rules of the game!30.你犯规了!You made a foul!信息技术 Computer1.现在开机。Now turn the computer on.2.马上关机。Switch off immediately.3.把它黏贴上去。Paste it on.4.把这些内容剪切一下。Cut the file.5.把这文件拷贝一下。Copy the file.6.请同学们保存好文件。Please save your file in the computer.7.请重新启动计算机。Restart the computer, please.

14、8.单击右键。Click the right key.9.双击左键。Double click the left key.10.打字时,请注意指法。Please pay attention to your finger placement when typing.11.看看有没有插入磁盘?Check if the magnetic disk is in.12.请在这儿插入图片。Please insert pictures here.13.吧这几个字居中。Adjust these words to the middle.14.请设置字体,字号。Please set the font and the

15、 size.15.请选用快捷方式。Please use simple commands.16.你喜欢这种艺术字体吗?Do you like the artistic script?17.吧鼠标、键盘放整齐。Place the mouse and keyboard in the correct place.18.请关显示器。Switch off the monitor, please.19.谁有什么主意吗?Does anyone have any ideas?20.请寄电子邮件来。Please e-mail me.音乐 Music1.请同学们按照乐曲的节拍进入教室。Students, please enter the classroom according to the beat of the melod


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