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1、否定:全部否定和部分否定:eg. All the birds can not fly. Not all the birds can fly. 不是所有的鸟都会飞。1. 部分否定eg. All the birds can not fly. 并非所有的鸟都会飞。None of the birds can fly. 所有的鸟都不会飞。代词或副词如all, both,every,everybody, every day, everyone, everything, everywhere等与not搭配使用时,表示部分否定,意思为“并非都是等。eg. All is not gold that glitte

2、rs. 发光的并非都是金子。= Not all is gold that glitters.2. 全部否定英语中常用not, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, neither, never等表示全部否定的概念。eg. Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。eg. W: Daddy, I ve decided to give up science and go to business school.M: Well, it is your choic

3、e as long as pay your own way, but I should warn youthat not everyone with a business degree will make a successful manager.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?A. The man doesnt have money for his daughters graduate studies.B. The man doesnt think his daughter will get a business degree.C. The

4、 man insists that his daughter should pursue her studies in science.D. The man advises his daughter to think carefully before making her decision.实例练习:1M: Wow, thats a big assignment weve got for the psychology class. W: Well , its not as bad as it looks. It isnt due until Thursday morning. Q: What

5、does the women mean?。A. The assignment looks easy but actually its quite difficult.B. The assighment is too difficult for them to complete on time. C. They cannot finish the assighment until Thursday. D.They have plenty of time to work on the assighment.2M: I ran into our friend Mark yesterday on th

6、e street and he said he hadnt heard from you for two months.W: Yes, I know. But Ive been too busy to phone him.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?A. The man saw Mark on the street two months ago. B. The woman had forgotten Marks phone number. C. The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterd

7、ay. D.Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.阅读当中: eg. Researchers documented claims of environmental friendliness made by about 2,000 products and found many too wague or too misleading to meet ISO standards.(0506阅读) 调查者将约2,000种产品上所标有的环保声明记录了下来,发现许多声明要么过于模糊,要么误导性太强,都不符合ISO 标准。eg. Hu

8、mans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise. said Dr.Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body.(0512阅读) 人们不应该躲避压力就像他们不应该躲避食物、爱情或锻炼身体一样, no more . than.= not.any more than.eg. But those captured were anything but terrori

9、sts, most of them illegal immigrants from Central or South America.(0606阅读) 这些被捕获的人绝对不是恐怖分子,他们之中大多数人只是中南美洲的非法移民。eg. Sticking to the low end of government estimates, the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coasta

10、l plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease Americas energy problems.(0506阅读) 国家资源防御委员会坚信政府勘探预测中数据的下限,认为在ANWR的沿岸平原地带可以经济性开采的石油只有32亿桶。这个数量对于缓解美国的能源问题实际上起不到什么作用,简直是沧海一粟。1.So many students get failed in the final examination. It is strange that such a thing _1_in your

11、school. It is important that the results of an experiment_2_.1. ahappens happenedcshould happen dhad happened2.acheck and recheck checking and recheckingcbe checked and rechecked dchecked and rechecked2.The people who knew him very well said that he was too nave sometimes. Had he been older,he_1_les

12、s sympathetic. But what he had done proved that he was the person, loving life, also a hero who can help others out of trouble._2_his timely arrival, the boy would have been drowned. That gained respects for him.3.amight have been would becmight be dhad been4.aBut for Even forcExcept for dIf not1. 选

13、c该题考察表示惊奇、高兴、遗憾、担心等感情色彩的形容词引起的主语从句中的虚拟语气的表达。在 anxious, sorry, concerned, happy, delighted等表示感情色彩的形容词后接的that 从句中,用should来修饰谓语动词。该句中有strange一次,意为“奇怪”,表示对事物的惊讶或不满,it为形式主语,that从句为主语从句,要求从句中用虚拟语气的表达形式should+动词原形表示2. 选c该题考察its+adj.+that主语从句的虚拟形式。观察句子结构可以看出这里为Its+形容词(important)+that从句结构,形容词important做表语,主语从

14、句需要虚拟形式should+动词原形,should可以省略3. 选a该题考察非真实条件的虚拟。在表示过去情况的虚拟条件句中,条件从句用了过去完成时形式,主句可用should(would/could/might)+have+过去分词的形式4. 选a该题考察含蓄条件的虚拟。But for含义为“要不是”,用于此处可以表达假设条件,but for his timely arrival=If it had not been for his timely arrival或If he had not arrived on time.四六级考试中的完形填空不仅测试应试者在词汇和句子水平上运用语言的能力,还测

15、试应试者在语篇上综合运用语言结构的能力。完形填空中所填的词是与文章的上下文紧密联系的。因此,要做好完形填空,必须要在通读全文、把握结构与大意的前提下,根据所提供的选项及句子的结构、语法、语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比等手段最后确定答案。根据如上特点,结合样题来说明一下解答完型填空的步骤与技巧。 1、通读原文,了解大意 这项考试首先是测试考生对篇章的理解能力。虽然所给出的文章被抽去了20个词,但是整篇文章的内容仍是可以理解的。样题文章的开头写道:Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further.这就

16、是文章的主题句。它说明了本文所叙述的内容,一定是与wise buying有关的。我们在通读文章时,对于文章的第一句一定要加以注意,因为完型填空的第一句一般是不命题的,其目的就是要我们比较容易地掌握文章的主旨。 2、细读文章、初选答案 完型填空综合了词汇、结构以及阅读理解部分的测试内容,一般包括动词、介词搭配,词汇辨析(包括形近词和意近词)、固定搭配以及语法结构等等。 (1)词汇辨析 选项与选项之间构成形近词、意近词的关系。有时出题者也借助选项,考察考生对某些单词词义的精确理解。这类题在完型填空题中居多,基本都是四大类实义词(名词、动词、形容词和副词)的辨析。例如68题save, preserve, raise以及retain的辨析



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