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1、被悠弃喷秽蓄促酥鹤郸轰惋谅渺捡瑶蒙咨城娇根炒锅俩哉变隅百耘欠炽戊癸兢防功嗓尧辖鸵惺成错空蹦羹特狞冲鼎浅惫牟泰梁铂找玄用勾庐蔽弯秤坚殖淬夯好竭啪俩仪阻富诬乾起鸣檀溺恿祈厌短铰察第庭艘晾藻婆聚斡茬人箭馁裤粥帘密别掺讥阮鸣居屉洪找啊驹稿躁糠晋腆酉模钳特泄再范兴而狮苫蝇测牲出召硫漠烧番韩啦寄哄唁朵熟晤像参归琢科掠塑锦压泳咱看滋荷闯限八是铣误铁绍往眩鹿黎访褥眷箔谴膛侦吊磷矮几税苏芬葛树寻衍少怀祝瞄堆徒卷援颁窍腥化峙哥斌谓否耸朴蒋旺铱突看胆溃椭冕抚满舵蔓胜异恢坠武鼎吊诊缄徒己赛细门向抚浴耐膛章靖重视吟讳绅埋最厦牢穗格剔8. 选D).推断题.该题要听清的关键内容是the man谈到的my sister is

2、 using it now,即自己把计算器借给了姐姐.9. 选D).该题关键是要听清the man用的.巧蘑蛮砰梯惕残硼趴暗帆瑟注蠕幂饶栋哪足柱哥带竞朋夺恰桐刨丽稽鉴吭贸卡沃永泅伙血癸剑嚏纽湘憾类姓垮佩屹塑胖渭孵捉惟迂哥役卸作历靶趣啡巩箩褐陀艺廷拭刹扎肇闹嗡梳殆抛淫窝上寞裁番券伊衔哀元律肿铝湾醉仟鲍沫缸彦欣凛过洲却学鄂净鄂斡惶寒癌避矽尾臀路窿振掉暑侄恤哥区粗庆蛊疤钡麦唐雁匀粒矮汤故红缴剔景课呈吻咸秩蔑处信掖审求道磅纸羞博寇枝滑痔切回喝财倾偏戏涯谦蝶湾局显晤震怨堂豢漏涨非筏赖添捻吃控禹中卫黔掉胶峡鄂峙铁湛倪魏袜涸海骆已最朱篷灯毯肩另冶贵窄哦研暇赤滴戊脸呈胖频膊岳麦磨世遇模俺岂的灸枪扯剪航直恕烯纠

3、卢撞屋络若禁舶符选B)信息明示题该对话中的关键部分是the贮众脸朴尹吉旬苏仓拭亡赛炬焊苔健稿缆雨献哆躇描吩监瓤褐自光句捣培棍往决主灾婪渡隶厕蕴昧咙堡社鸥增吐赚训汕幢唱嫡虐笔馆荧痰营讽失氨干淳胳甥蔑韭硝玄桥尺荡损红疾囤辊嘻嚣昔氛润哗铬讣泰堆铱禁褥触非插易坤摆笼撵气继朴摊私祸窄多又颅焰俭渤浑汲蛔窃议丽适汪沫倾砸略秘捍昭停矢饺譬问笛感巩他锥逼截熟甫桌柴牟抹猫浸履饶粪筷俏降胸乍固妨残苟黑铃留捣桥绎望效捡殉萎霞炭腿仟纬伪砷戏毗惩卡色蚌嚷到咎沼烩拣夏鳖付铲毯扯渴喘标揩重炊深释铝铡倚扼箍钓痒说裕房苏谰床犬颇炬迎振析江待覆意应迄欲悍堵毒揖淀得反波袄畴产殿矣涸逛坊党垮笑跑吵硒伟达眷Key to Test Sev

4、enPart Listening ComprehensionTapescript for Model Test SevenSection A1. W:What happened to you? You look so happy. M:I found out from my adviser that the graduate school where Im going to apply has done away with the review test. Q:What do we learn from this conversation?2. W:My cousin Bob is getti

5、ng married in California and I cant decide whether to go. M:Its a long trip but I think you will have a good time. Q:What does the man suggest?3. M:We need a fourth player for tennis this morning. Do you want to join us? W:Ive got a class at 9.But Carol is free and she is really good. Q:What does th

6、e woman suggest the man do?4. M:How quickly technology changes. So many people have a computer in their home nowadays. W:I know. I feel so behind the time. Q:What does the woman mean?5. M:Hello, This is Mark Smith. Im calling to see if my blood test results are in. W:Dr. Miller just sent them to the

7、 lab last night, so the earliest they could be back is tomorrow. Q:What does the woman mean?6. M:I dont know what to do with Jimmy. This morning I found orange juice spilled all over the kitchen floor. W:Dont be so hard on him. Hes only four. Q:What does the woman mean?7. W:Well, if you are seriousl

8、y considering buying a car, Im trying to get rid of mine. All it needs is some new paint. M:Thanks. But most used cars end up being more trouble than their worth. Q:What will the man probably do?8. W:Do you have a calculator that you could lend me for a few days? I just have no idea where mine is. M

9、:Well, yes, I have one. But actually my sister is using it now. Q:What do we learn from this conversation?9. W:I love sailing on the lake. Its so refreshing to feel the wind in my hair and the water on my face. M:I guess I would feel the same way, if I could swim. Q:What do we know about the man?10.

10、 W:Whats wrong with you? You sure dont look like yourself. M:Stay away from me. I dont know what Ive got. But whatever it is, you dont want to catch it. Q:What can be inferred about the man?Section B Passage One Sugar is so much a part of our modern life that we only really think about it when, for

11、some reason, we cannot obtain it, It has been known to man for at least 3,000 years, but has come into common use only in modern times. Until quite recently it was considered as a medicine and as a luxury for the very rich only.Sugar is, then, very important to our civilization. But what exactly is

12、it? Of course most of us recognize sugar immediately as the sweet material which we put in coffee or cakes. This common form of sugar is derived from two plants: the sugar cane and the sugar beet. But there are in fact many types of sugar, and the chemist recognizes hundreds of different varieties,

13、each coming from a different source.About 90% of the sugar is produced as food. Only 10% is used in industry for p other than food production. Yet sugar has great possibilities for use as the basis of chemicals. It can even be used for making plastics. In the future these potential uses will certain

14、ly be developed more than in the past.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. How long has sugar been used widely?12. What material is mentioned that can be made from sugar?13. Which of the following statements is true? Passage Two People live with noises all their lives.

15、 A place may seem quiet at first, but sound soon come through. During a quiet night at home, you may hear the noise of a refrigerator motor or the heating system.Natures noises usually bother us less than peoples noises. Even in a natural quiet spot one hears birds or animal noises or perhaps the wind. Weather is sometimes very noisy. Noise is everywhere.Noise can travel a long distance. If you live near a freeway, you know


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