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1、原版英语口语情景对话第0179集:讨论律师的用处Alex即将成为一名律师,我们听听他心中对律师的定义吧。Todd: So, Alexandra, youre going to be a lawyer.Alex: Yes, I am.Todd: Now laywers, unfortunately, often have a bad reputation. Why dont you talk about how lawyers are good for society: Why we need lawyers?Alex: Well, first we need lawyers because m

2、ost of the time a lawyer will try to settle disputes between parties before it gets to a courtroom. Usually you have one side that has a problem and the other side is also aurgueing another point. So usually a lawyer will try to bring the two sides into their offices and to mediate a dispute before

3、it gets to a courtroom. Another way a lawyer can help a society is usually lawyers can be very expensive, but there are programs out there that help people with less money, not necessarily to get free advice, but they can do it on a sliding scale, or a lawyer can do pro bono work which is free, and

4、can help someone just, sometimes all they need is a letter written to resolve a problem or they just need somebody to go with them to court to explain what is going on, or just explain a lease or some other document for them that doesnt take much time and makes the client feel a lot better and a lot

5、 of times lawyers will take up the cause of children. If there is a custody dispute or some sort of bad thing thats happening to a child that needs a visit to a courtroom, the lawyer is there to be the lawyer for the child and no one else can influence the decisions that can be made for the child. Its almost like a protection and many other communitites or other sections of society that dont have a voice can get a voice through a lawyer.Todd: OK, great and what kind of lawyer are you going to be?Alex: An aviation lawyer.2


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