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1、1. value valuable valueless一、单词拼写。 1. A new report says the _ (非法) killing of rhinos for their horns is increasing in Africa and Asia.2. Next time Im going to talk about how these 27 _ (多种多样) documents were included in his new book.3. He used to be a really responsible guy, a family man, very _ (可靠的

2、), very trustworthy.4. The goal is to track small objects with great _ (精确).5. One of the birds they can see is Americas national _ (象征), the bald eagle.6. I am here to _ (取钱) some money so I can pay my taxes to Uncle Sam.7. I have _ (咨询) a number of law books in our school library.8. The subjects w

3、ill be _ under three topics.9.When the president _ (对发表演讲) the nation, he often chooses his words very carefully.10. The _ (政府) should give more money for science education.11. As a general rule, check the source of the _ (信息) you find. 12. Being _ (相关) and correct, though, does not equal being up t

4、o date.一、单词拼写。1. illegal 2. diverse 3. reliable 4. accuracy 5. symbol 6. withdraw 7. consulted 8. classified 9.addresses 10. government 11. information 12. relevant Different people have different _.A. valueB. worthyC. worthD. valuableCoconut tree is _ in Hainan.A. ordinaryB. commonC. normalD. gener

5、alIf you take 3 from 10, 7 _.A. keepsB. staysC. remainsD. leavesIt is said that the traffic accident _ on Sunday.A. occurringB. occurredC. having occurredD. had occurredWhenever she is in trouble, she has nobody she can _.A. turn outB. turn upC. turn toD. turn down这双靴子价值超过1000元The pair of boots is w

6、orth more than 1000 yuan.Lily是个值得交的朋友Lily is worth making friends with. Lily是个值得交的朋友。=Lily is worthy to be made friends with.=Lily is worthy of being made friends with.和许多美国人一样,约翰喜欢篮球而不喜欢足球。In common with many Americans, Chris prefers basketball to football.迈克尔舒马赫退役后,F1是否受欢迎仍不得而知It remains to be see

7、n whether F1 is popular after Michael Schumachers retirement.我忽然有了主意.An idea has occurred to me.美式英语和英式英语的差异是如何产生的How did the difference between American English and British English come about?2008年中国成功地举办了29届奥林匹克运动会。China had success in holding the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.=China was successful i

8、n holding the Olympic Games in 2008. 达芬奇的密码是畅销书。The Da Vinci Code turned out to be the bestseller.毫无疑问,简会拒绝他的求婚Theres no doubt that Jane would turn down his proposal.U3 重点词汇讲解1. value名词value强调“事物的使用价值和经济价值”。如: A diet lacking in nutritional value wont keep a person energetic. 食物中缺少营养价值不能维持人的活力。【拓展】短语

9、be of value相当于be valuable. 如:The diamond necklace is of great value. 这根钻石项链很贵重。= The diamond necklace is valuable.与之易混淆的名词是worth,它强调“事物的道德、文化、精神方面的内在价值”。如:The pair of boot is worth more than 1000 yuan. 这双靴子价值超过1000元。作“值得”解时,worth的结构通常为:be worth doing;而worthy的结构通常为be worthy to be done,或be worthy of b

10、eing done。如:Lily is worth making friends with. Lily是个值得交的朋友。=Lily is worthy to be made friends with.=Lily is worthy of being made friends with.【练习】Different people have different _.A. valueB. worthyC. worthD. valuable【答案】A2. common1)短语in common表示“共同”的意思。如:Twins always have a lot in common and get on

11、 well. 双胞胎总是有很多共同之处,相处得很好。2)短语in common with表示“与有共同之处”的意思。如:In common with many Americans, Chris prefers basketball to football. 和许多美国人一样,约翰喜欢篮球而不喜欢足球。【拓展】 与之易混淆的形容词是ordinary,normal,general。它们均可指“一般的,普通的”。作“一般的,普通的”解时,common强调“随处可见,故显得普通”;ordinary强调“无特殊才华,而显得平庸、普通”;normal强调“正常的,标准的”;general强调“全面的,整体

12、的”。如:(1) My aim is to make my ordinary students good, my good students better, my better students the best. 我的目标是让普通的学生变成好学生,好学生变成更好的学生,更好的学生变成最好的学生。(2) Everything is in the normal state. 一切正常。(3) Lily has worked out a general plan. Lily已制定出一个总体计划。与这四个表示“一般的,普通的”的词常放在一起比较的还有usual。usual 强调“惯例的”。如: Th

13、is is Lilys usual stop. 这是Lily常等车的汽车站。【练习】Coconut tree is _ in Hainan.A. ordinaryB. commonC. normalD. general【答案】B3. remainremain作“留下、保持”解时,强调“某人或某物已不在原地,而另外的某人或某物仍在”,或以物做主语表“剩下或余留”,通常不用于进行时态。如: A few apples remained on the tree. 树上还有些苹果。【拓展】与之易混淆的动词是stay,leave,keep。1)stay强调“某人在某处逗留一段时间”。如:Im stayin

14、g at my aunts for a week. 我在姑姑家暂住了一星期。2)leave作“把留下”解时,是及物动词。如:Im afraid Ive left my homework at home. 我恐怕把家庭作业留在家里了。3)keep表示“保持某种状态”解时,既可以作及物动词也可以作系动词。如:Ann kept me waiting for many hours. 安让我等了好几个小时。How long does Wall-mart keep open? 沃尔玛开门时间多长?4)remain是不及物动词,无被动。如:The only remaining problem is how

15、to make more money. 唯一剩下来的问题是如何赚更多的钱。remain作连系动词时,可接形容词、分词、名词、介词短语等,意为“(继续)保持,仍然处于(某种状态)”。如:How to get the elephant into the fridge remains a problem. 如何把大象放进冰箱依然是个问题。It remains to be seen + subject clause表示“仍不得而知”。如:It remains to be seen whether F1 is popular after Michael Schumachers retirement. 迈克尔舒马赫退役后,F1是否受欢迎仍不得而知。【练习


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